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Jason Spradlin of Lawrence County


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Talking to Jason Spradlin today, and he plans to try out for Union in the near future. I am glad to see Spradlin going to play on the next level because he has all the talent to be a great WR. Gerad Parker and Jason Spradlin are the best two WR's LC has had. :ylsuper:

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Were is Jason I haven't heard any thing on him sence he got out of school I have thought about him a few times and was hopeing he was ok . But as far as saying he was in the top two WR's that LC has had I don't know . My top two would go to Parker and then maybe Spencer Harris this kid didn't even play his senior year in stead he went all out for baseball and went on to VT and had a great career. But this kid was something to watch he was a real player. Jason could have been as good as he wanted but it didn't seem like he really ever had his hole heart into it and would never really make the full commitment he would show sign's of greatness then turn aroung and look like he wasn't suppose to be there. I think if he would make that commitment then he could play at that level but I also have to remember that he just quit his senior year in the middle of the season but we all make mistakes and shouldn't be punished for them are hole life as long as we have made amends. Good luck to Mr.Spradlin just work hard and then the sky is the limit.

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Were is Jason I haven't heard any thing on him sence he got out of school I have thought about him a few times and was hopeing he was ok . But as far as saying he was in the top two WR's that LC has had I don't know . My top two would go to Parker and then maybe Spencer Harris this kid didn't even play his senior year in stead he went all out for baseball and went on to VT and had a great career. But this kid was something to watch he was a real player. Jason could have been as good as he wanted but it didn't seem like he really ever had his hole heart into it and would never really make the full commitment he would show sign's of greatness then turn aroung and look like he wasn't suppose to be there. I think if he would make that commitment then he could play at that level but I also have to remember that he just quit his senior year in the middle of the season but we all make mistakes and shouldn't be punished for them are hole life as long as we have made amends. Good luck to Mr.Spradlin just work hard and then the sky is the limit.


Jason lives in Louisa and regrets a lot of decisions he made in school. You can put Spencer in there with Jason, but Spencer had a great qb to throw him the ball. Basically when Luke transferred to Boyd Co, Jason lost interest because LC had become a running team with no actual pass threat. I have talked to him numerous times about it. He just regrets giving up on the team and making bad decisions his senior year. He was a kid and hopefully he can learn from his mistakes. But he still has some priorities to straighten up before he can be successful.

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