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Pendleton County 62 Nicholas County 45

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Wow Pendleton County must really be playing well... I saw Nicholas County play a lot of games early and they looked really good... I figured the outcome, but never thought by this many!

Nicholas didn't score till 1:36 left in the 1st quarter. Was down by as much as 18-5 in the 2nd quarter. Foul trouble sent a bunch of Ladycats to the bench and Nicholas stormed back to a 20-18 deficit. Two freshmen, Brooke Meadows and Gab Kirsch, for the Laydcats scored their last 5 points of the half from the FT line for a 25-20 1/2time lead.


The Ladycats post play was in foul trouble for most of the 1st half. Natalie Kelsch and her 18 ppg went to the bench with 5:18 left in the 2nd quarter. Rachael King was waiting for her.


They stayed out of foul trouble in the 2nd half and scored 21 combined points.


Nicholas on this night was a horrible ball handling team as the Ladycats pressure really bothered them. Which surprised me since they seem to be so guard-oriented.


They almost never wanted to use the left side of the floor. It was pound the ball with their right hand, pound it with their right hand. Makes a team easy to defend when they only play on one side of the floor and you don't have to guard the other side.

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Surprised here too. Like U REACH, not by the outcome but by how much the pressure bothered the guards. The twins, as well as Bretz, at Nicholas are normally pretty poised. Kelsch hit the weights in the off season and has just been a monster for the Lady Cats this year. Headed to Deming tonight to check out Pendleton and Deming. Will definetly take note of the Lady Cat pressure.

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You are correct LBBC! Also, could you give me a break down of the individual scoring for both teams...


Who did play well for Nicholas County?

I do not know the individual scoring for Nicholas. Pendleton's was King 10, Kelsch 14, Scaggs 6, Pugh 4, Lorenz9, Godman 10, Johnson 4, Meadows 4, Kirsch 1.


One could look at this game and say the younger players won this game. In key stretches when Nicholas was making runs, Godman soph, Lorenz soph, Johnson soph, Meadows fresh, Kirsch fresh, made key, key plays or baskets.

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You are correct LBBC! Also, could you give me a break down of the individual scoring for both teams...


Who did play well for Nicholas County?

Not really anyone consistently. They showed some spurts but couldn't maintain any consistent good play. Pendleton really pressured the right side of the floor and Nicholas wouldn't go left.


As an old and increasingly growing decripid coach, I noticed that Nicholas started their offense TWICE in the first half on the left side of the floor. (I might have missed one or two other times but don't believe I did) Both times it resulted in a turnover.


Their press offense was all on the right side. Anytime they went left, it was usually two dribbles at most and then looking to go back to the left.


The press did hurt the Ladycats when the younger players were in but didn't really hurt the jr/sr's.

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