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Paris Vs. Bracken County Predictions/Updates (10th Region All A)

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WOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOO. It's good to be back amongst the living boys. I had the covid, and then I caught it again. I missed almost ALL of Polar Bear football, but I told my landlord, I said "Mom, don't tell me I can't go to any basketball games this year, I'm almost a full grown man!" And I am ready for my first game of the Polar Bear season!

I know my Polar Bears are off to an 0-2 to start, but I ain't worried, and I will tell you one reason why: we call him Professor X, The genius with the Expo Marker. Dr. Defense, The Wizard of Weaves, The Guard Genius, The Oracle of Offense, The Reverend of Rebounding, The Shaman of Shooting, The Pope of the Post, The Brainiest of the Ball. Coach Adam Reed. This man is a man amongst boys. A God amongst mortals, and he has been getting his team ready for this weekends All A clash with the Paris Greyhounds. He is so advanced that he is playing NBA style games, resting Blake Reed against Holmes the other night so he is fresh for this first round clash. It's like he's playing 3D battle Chess and the rest of the 10th region is playing chutes and ladders. This man eats sleeps and breathes basketball, and no one can match the Power of the Polo (tm pending). 

Coach Reed has our guys fit and ready and hungry. I expect the Polar Bears will do what a Polar Bear would do if it met a Greyhound in the wild. It would just maul the bus from bow to stern. Eat every single passenger and piece of luggage, and then use the windshield wiper for a toothpick. That's how good of a coach we have!

George Baker already got a good introduction to 10th Region hoops for our friends at GRC, but now he's about to find out the TRUTH about 10th Region A Ball baby!!

Polar Bears 99. Greyhound 30.

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