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What shift do you work?


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No set shift. I am generally on the road by 5:30 or 6 to be at my desk by 7 or 7:30. I leave anywhere from 4-6, getting back home anywhere from 5:30-7:30. Usually work an hour or two more, then bedtime for Bonzo by 9. Every day is a mystery to start, though. :lol2:

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8:00 Take Dog Out

8:10 Feed Dog

10:00 Listen to KSR

12:00 Take Dog Out

1:00 Play Fetch with Dog

3:00 Take Dog Out

4-5:00 pick daughter up from various activities after school

7:00 Take Dog Out

10:00 Take Dog Out



Note to self: Dog taking up too much of my time

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I work from home unless I'm meeting with clients or traveling. Get up around around 6:30, head down to the my office around 8:30. I break for lunch around 11:30 for an hour or so. Then work until somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30. I do travel out of town 4-5 days each month.

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I have a flexible schedule now and work from home 3 days a week / office 2 days.


But my favorite shift was about 15 years ago. I worked 7 straight 12 hour days (6-6) and then off for 7 straight days. It was like 26 weeks vacation. The last couple of days of working were a real drag though.

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I dont really have a set schedule, but usually get to work around 6:30am and leave around 4. I sometimes go out for lunch with my boss, and we take an hour then but usually eat at work and just take a half hour.

I do get calls during the evening etc and grab my computer and take care of most the problems from my recliner.

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