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Bush Sisters Pen Letter to Obama Sisters

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I'm putting this in here although there's really nothing political about it.


Just thought it was a very nice, classy gesture and worth sharing...

Bush Sisters Pen Letter to Obama Sisters


In eight years, you have done so much. Seen so much. You stood at the gates of the Robben Island cell where South Africa’s Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for decades, your arms around your father. You traveled to Liberia and Morocco with your mom to talk with girls about the importance of education—girls who saw themselves in you, saw themselves in your parents, saw who they could become if they continued to study and learn. You attended state dinners, hiked in national parks, met international leaders and managed to laugh at your dad’s jokes during the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon, all while being kids, attending school and making friends. We have watched you grow from girls to impressive young women with grace and ease.

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I just realized the other day that Jenna Bush Hager is George W. Bush's daughter. This letter was an extremely nice gesture and one I hope is maintained and paid forward. President Bush should be very proud of his daughters and I am certain that he is.




I think it's apparent (at least to me) that both President Bush and President Obama are good dudes, and their families are ones that can and should be used as role models for the younger generation. I doubt that will happen because too many let politics get in the way though.


President Clinton & PE Trump on the other hand, while I think they'd be a blast to hang out with, probably not the best persons for people to look up to. :lol2:

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