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George Rogers Clark @ Bryan Station (Predictions)


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GRC's starting LB (#32) is still out with an injury. Paul Columbia suspended starting SS (#15) for next weeks game as an expample to all the players that complained about the coaching and not kicking the field goal. During the Tates Creek game, #15 was the only player at halftime that tried to get everyone motivated, and he's a valuable part of the team because he plays both ways. So this game against Bryan Station is going to be very interesting. I'm rooting for GRC, but I have no faith in the coaches.



GRC 16

Bryan Station 24

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GRC's starting LB (#32) is still out with an injury. Paul Columbia suspended starting SS (#15) for next weeks game as an expample to all the players that complained about the coaching and not kicking the field goal. During the Tates Creek game, #15 was the only player at halftime that tried to get everyone motivated, and he's a valuable part of the team because he plays both ways. So this game against Bryan Station is going to be very interesting. I'm rooting for GRC, but I have no faith in the coaches.



GRC 16

Bryan Station 24



Hope Brandon McCaffery recovers soon from his injury.

You have your facts wrong. He has been suspended, but not for the reason you are saying. This board is not the place for in-house discipline....we will leave it at that.

After one loss and some people want to blame the coach. GRC will be fine...we need to support our team, and let the coaches do their jobs. Do I agree with every call...no, but they know their personnel better than we "bleacher" coaches do.


Practice hard boys, and take care of business, as I know you can.

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Taking shots at coaches is easy on here. You are going to have a hard time trying to sell that a coach is suspending a player because he tried to get his team fired up for the game?

As for the game, GRC has had a nice run until last week. They have a couple of nice skill guys. Brayn Station is on the up and up. I said it before the year started that this is a team to really watch if not the team to watch.

I look for GRC to bounce back and win but I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if BS wins it. It would be a HUGE momentum boost to the Defenders! Where is the game? That would be a good one to catch!

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Taking shots at coaches is easy on here. You are going to have a hard time trying to sell that a coach is suspending a player because he tried to get his team fired up for the game?

As for the game, GRC has had a nice run until last week. They have a couple of nice skill guys. Brayn Station is on the up and up. I said it before the year started that this is a team to really watch if not the team to watch.

I look for GRC to bounce back and win but I wouldn't be the least bit suprised if BS wins it. It would be a HUGE momentum boost to the Defenders! Where is the game? That would be a good one to catch!


It is at Bryan Station...GRC dosn't have a home game until Sept. 15th.

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It is hard to really get a feel for how good each team is right now. Station beat a Madison Southern team that graduated almost everybody. GRC got beat by a Tates Creek team that won 2 games last year but had a lot of returning players. I am still not sold on GRC and think they may have a little too much hype. The new coach at BS seems to have a renewed attitude in the team. I'll go with Station on the legs of Terrell Combs by a score of 28-14.

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Thanks for the bulletin board material guys....our guys need it. I feel that was part of our problem against Tates Creek...some of the kids bought into too much of the hype and didn't practice hard and didn't take care of business. If the kids will do as the coaches advise...they can go far this year.:thumb:

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Well I don't know about the suspesnsion so I'm not going to comment on that but I do know that the coaching staff is starting to lose the confidence of some of its players. Columbia needs to put his best eleven on the field in stead of trying to play eleven on offense and a different eleven on defense.

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The biggest things ours boys and the FANS need to do is SUPPORT them and the staff. :thumb: .Kids read this board and they need to remain focused and take care of business. Not worry how much PT each player is getting , but make the most of it when they are in there. Support and encourage each other, and come together as a team...If we can't do that....that will be our down fall this year.

Hope they have a great practice this week and kick some butt on Friday night and let everyone else know that GRC is for real this year. :ylsuper:

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