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Everything posted by BirdieCat

  1. If I understood it correctly, Proposal 2 would have created a feeder system for both Private and Public Schools. The intent was to stop kids from other Counties/States from being able to attend the High School of their choice unless they went to one of the feeder schools in their eighth grade year. IMHO, that is not freedom of choice. Sure you can send your kid to the feeder school for their eighth grade year, but how good for the kid is it to be forced to pull them away from their friends after seven to eight years together? It's tough enough for them to make the transition when going to Hgh School from Jr. High. Now you're forcing them to live through it twice in back to back years. And then how long is it until a new proposal 2 comes along that says it has to happen prior to their seventh grade year and then sixth and so on and so on? Before long you'll have to decide were you are going to send little Johnnie and Suzie to High School before they ever enter Kindergarden. I know that sounds crazy but it could happen.
  2. IMHO, here is what I see as the flaw in this argument. This is not an attack just my opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know of any Private School that gives 100% financial aid to any student, unless 100% of their student body gets 100% financial aid. Every family/student has to pay SOMETHING to attend that private school, plus pay whatever their school taxes are for the public school system in the county in which they live. Every family/student who attends a Public School has to pay NOTHING to attend that public school, except for paying whatever the school taxes there are for the public school system in the county in which they live. Every family who chooses to send their child to a private school makes a conscious financial decision to send their child to that private school. They pay twice for that decision. (Tuition plus Taxes) If that parent/family is willing to pay the price why should they be limited on where they can choose to send their child? If it’s half way across town, or half way across the state, then they're paying yet a third time, for transportation. Because most private schools don’t offer bus service anymore. The State stopped paying for that service as well, many many years ago. Now, if someone can convince our State Legislators to give School Vouchers or Tax Credits to those of us who make this conscious financial decision to send our kids to Private Schools, so we don't have to pay the school taxes and only have pay tuition, then there MIGHT be a legitimate argument. But, until then every family who makes the decision to send their kids to a Private School, pays taxes just like everyone else does. And until then, every family who makes the decision to send their kids to a Private School deserves the right to have a say so in where they can an can not send their children for their education. Again JMHO, but this argument just doesn’t hold much water with me.
  3. This is so true.....It's always tougher to look in the mirror at that person that stares back at you every morning and ask, "What have I done to make my sports program at School XYZ a better sports program". Public or Private makes no difference here. Do they have a good AD? Does that AD and his staff always stay on top of every athletic issue? Do they hire the best Head Coach? Does that head coach hire the best assistant coaches? The system isn't broke folks. The correction starts at your home school. Fix the problems in your own camp first and the kids will come. Look at Coach Redman at Male, Coach Nichols at Manual, they are obviously doing something right.
  4. ^ I'll second that.....It should be evaluated on ability; not physical age.
  5. BuddyBW, Great Pix. Thanks. Do you have to have an engineering degree to run that score board or what? That thing looked scary! :scared:
  6. This guy has to have another agenda. Did he get kicked out of a Private school once upon a time? Were his kids denied access to a Private school somewhere along the line? What is his obcession with the Private Schools? And I use to think Administrators didn't care about SPORTS; only about Academics. Boy am I ever wrong.
  7. One would expect this to be an easy prediction. Unfortunatly, IMHO, I don't think so. By all rights, Manual should and probably will come away with the "W". But what little I have seen, and what I've heard a lot about this Central team, is that they play with heart and commitment. That can prove to be a deadly combination if Manual takes them to lightly. I don't expect that; but I have seen it in them on occasion in the last five years as a casual observer from their stands. Final Score Prediction = Crimsons by a TD. :thumb: GO RAMS! :thumb:
  8. St. X by as much as they choose before calling off the dawgs! As usual, the Tigers haven't shown even a tenth of their play calling arsenal. They probably won't in this game either because they won't need to. Final score prediction = Tigers by two TD's. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  9. Somebody help me out here: Isn't this a St. X / Henry Clay Scrimmage Thread? Yeah, that's what I thought too! :thumb:
  10. :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa 7 DAYS! WOW! 1 WEEK! :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa :dancingpa
  11. JMHO - But, I think it is suspect that a school has to charge for a scrimmage game. Why all of a sudden has this become necessary? Is it Utilities? Typically the games are held early enough not to be forced to turn on the lights. Is it the Refs? Usually they are in pre-season learning/training mode themselves and don't get paid, except for what they can drink in Gatorade or Water. So what are the expenses that need to be covered? Do the schools charge the football team Rent? This one I don't know about. If all this is true, let everyone in for free, open a full concession stand and you'll make three times the amount of money as you would for just charging admission. Especially on a day like today when it’s 103 degrees outside. That said, if you are going to charge admission just tell it like it is and make it reasonable. $1 or $2 is plenty for a "RESEMBLANCE" of a real football game. $5 is just ridiculous and then you can’t even get a cold drink of water. Again, JMHO.
  12. Tigers Vs. Bruins ..... At the newly constructed Tiger Stadium ..... Man, that Sounds WEIRD! :dancingpa GO TIGERS! :dancingpa
  13. X did manage to score one more late in the game to make the final score 31 to 6. Both the touchdown and the extra point were scored by #15 Brad Wilkerson. You don't see that happen very often. Defense looked very good. Heuser and Hilt in the Defensive Line backers position are going to be a deadly duo to be dealt with for their opponents all year. The O-line needs some work. Creeks defense spent to much time in the back field. Overall it was a good start to the year. I think both coaches learned a lot.
  14. Man UKBLUE, Where were you 242 days ago.
  15. Does anyone know the KHSAA Heat Index Limit? I've heard two numbers in recent days, 105 and 110 degrees. What's the official number?
  16. :dancingpa 21 Days! :dancingpa Hit'em High! Hit'em High! Hit'em High! Hit'em High! ..... Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! ..... Hit'em High! Hit'em High! Hit'em High! Hit'em High! ..... Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! Hit'em Low! .....
  17. Me either! I get "cold chills" every time I think about how close it really is.......
  18. We've known that for some time STRIKE! :lol: Great Avatar by the way!
  19. JR. How'bout Seth Harvey, Oliver Ray and Josh Gahm on the O-line.
  20. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: 25 DAYS :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: AND COUNTING! :banana: :banana: :banana:
  21. :dancingpa UNDER 30 DAYS! :dancingpa :dancingpa 29 TO BE EXACT!:dancingpa
  22. Jimmyref, It's Zack Slayton; not Will.
  23. He will be a Senior this year, transfered between his Sophmore and Junior year sat out his Junior year because he did see some Varsity PT as a Sophmore. I question him being used very much by Trinity. He will be going up against kids who he played with for several years at St. Patrick and St. X. They know how to expose his weaknesses. He was on the OL at St. Pat's and X. Last I heard he was promised he would be moved to tightend. I took that with a grain of salt or maybe his own personal justification for leaving St. X. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
  24. I thought the KHSAA official start date for practice wasn't until July 23? If they're out there right now, doesn't this violate this no-practice rule or is this one of those KHSAA rules that doesn't get inforced until someone gets hacked off?
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