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Everything posted by BirdieCat

  1. Earlier the better. I antisipate it will be pretty crowded. Especially since it's an X vs. Manual Game. Have one for me, our group is doing Flabbies this week! Notastrovia! ^(Phonetic - Not sure spelling is correct.)^
  2. I completely forgot about them, which is odd, since I remember watching Chris Burke nearly hit one out of Wrigley the day of the Oldham County Game.
  3. It will be interesting how this little scat back performs against his Freshman year team mates. On one hand he knows somewhat what defense X will throw at him, since he played for the Tigers his freshman year, or will he? On the other hand the X Defense knows what he's capable of since most of them played with him three years ago. Raven is very fast. It'll be interesting to see how he handles this situation. Good Luck RAMS. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  4. Park, You owe it to yourself to check out Check's. When the ordinence went in to affect, they shut down for two weeks, cleaned and renovated the place, through away everything that stank and added new lighting. It looks great. But the food is still the same. With the BEST darn Bean Soup in town and a cold one for a buck fifty, it's hard to beat.
  5. I can't speak to any Manual players by name. St. X's announcer asked for a JV roster and I have to assume he never got it since he never called any one by name. Their QB seemed very poised. He connected on a lot of his passes, which speaks to both him and his receivers. In the first series it looked like Manual was going to march right down the field and score. They gained 9 on a pass play, 6 on a run. Followed by a 4 yard run and 19 on a dump pass over the middle. After 6-7 plays they were inside the Tigers 35 yard line and turned it over on downs on 4th and short. QB Brian Buenher for St. X ochestrated an impressive drive to put the Tigers up 7-0. Jermiah Neil (Wootus as he's called) and Demetrius Conley are a powerful 1-2 punch at the running back position for the Tigers. The very next series Manual went 3 and out and X blocked the punt. Two or three plays later X is up 14-0. At which point you could see the wind come out of Manuals sails. The only memorable play after that, for me at least, was the blocked extra point that kept X from going up 21-0 just before the half. When it quickly went to 27-0 in the second half I left. On X's Defense I was impressed with Nick Sears at DB and James Dattilo and Jason Barito at the LB position. Also, Wyatt Gray has a leg the likes X hasen't seen for a number of years. During half time he was placing the ball on the 40 yard line and nailed 4 of 12 shots right down the middle with room to spare. As for the other 8, all but one had the same distance, they were just slightly wide left or right. This kids going to be good.
  6. DITTO for the Catholic Grade Schools! All of these issues are the same issues faced by the CSAA in it's fledgling days years ago, as well as today. I'm sorry, I'm not drinking this cool-aid, GR8, but if they want to make it happen, they can make it happen! All it takes is someones commitment to make it happen.
  7. Back to the thread topic. I think this will be a battle by both teams. Both St. X and Manual come in to this game at 4-0 and are playing very good ball right now. This is Manual's opportunity to prove there should be a Top Four in Jefferson County. St. X realizes, as I'm sure Manual does also, this is for the district Championship. Based on strength of schedule, I believe it will be St. X by 7 to 10. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  8. GR8BigBull, First Bold: I don't now nor didn't then have an axe to grind. At the time I was an impartial observer sitting on the sideline. I distinctly remember hearing direct quotes on post game interviews and reading direct quotes in the newspaper on Saturday mornings after big games, that were less than complimentory to the team. Second Bold: Wrong assumption on your part - SHE never played football!
  9. I would certainly agree with this statement. The reason for it, at least in the Catholic private schools, is that they start playing football in the second grade. Granted it's only flag at that point, but the principles of the game start there and keep getting re-inforced every year. My question is, and has been for years, "Why don't the Public Grade Schools and Middle Schools start playing football to develop more kids for the Public High Schools? They do it in Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball and whole host of other sports. Why not football? Some one once answered my question with, "You don't understand, we just don't get that kind of support and volenteers to do that." I'm sorry, but I'm not drinking that cool-aid. What do you think happens at the Catholic grade schools? Our parents pay tuition to send their kids to school, then turn around an pay for their kid to play football and then many of them donate their time to help coach the team. It has to be developed. Do these people think it just happened overnight? I have always been of the opinion that the Public Schools could be better than the Private Schools if they really wanted. JMHO, but I think there just isn't anyone willing to make the commitment to the importance of starting the Public School kids out at an early age to learn the game of football, like the Catholic Schools Athletic Association (CSAA) did 30 plus years ago. Again, JMHO, it's easier to sit back and wine about it than to make the commitment to do something about it. Okay, I'll get of my soapbox now. :thumb: Great Job JV Tigers! :thumb: You guys have gotten hot. Keep it Roll'in!
  10. Riverside157, Been there; Done that; Didn't get and don't want the T-Shirt. Not in football but in the greatest sport of them all! (I’ll leave you wondering about that one.) No, it isn’t soccer. I agree with one-hundred percent of what you said, but when a coach is that quick to call out his kids, said coach looses a lot of respect in my book. That coach is as much a part of that team as anyone of those kids. That coach should be protecting their kids, not throwing them under the bus to ingratiate them selves to their fans via a reporter.
  11. Here's your first chime Park, I distinctly remember five years ago, when one of my beloved offspring was a freshman at Manual, St. X was down by three touchdowns at the end of the third quarter. All of a sudden Coach Nichols decides the Rams are a passing team. They had successfully run the ball for three quarters, built a three touchdown lead and now, all of a sudden, they are a passing team. They through 3 interceptions and X came back to win by a field goal in the waning minutes of the game. I can understand one, maybe even two, but three! Why wouldn't you quit after the second if you saw it wasn't working. That is not execution. That's play calling. As well, go back and read some of the Nichols quotes that appeared on television and in the newspaper in his time at the helm of the Crimsons. All to often you will find him refusing to look in the mirror and blaming the kids for his losses. Come on, "Man-up" and admit it was you. Sure the kids have to execute, but I don't know of to many programs at this level that allow the kids to do the play calling. Is that the kids fault? IMHO, I don't think so.
  12. The Eagles have a lot of returning talent this year. Nineteen of twenty-two starters. Trinity should not overlook this team and I trust their coaching staff won't let that happen. IMHO, The best Eastern player returning for action is Isaiah Thomas. He is possibly one of the fastest kids to ever come out of Eastern. At the very least, the fastest in the last ten years. When Isaiah played baseball he practically covered the entire outfield by himself. Add to that the fact that he is a good athlete, can spell threat. If this game was at Eastern this year I would say it would be a close game that could give the Rocks an upset. But, since it isn't, I still think Eastern will give Trinity a game, but Trinity still comes away with the "W". Rocks by 21.
  13. Unfortunatly srimmages don't count. I'll give you 3rd best, but not 2nd. JMHO Great Win TIGERS!
  14. XT69, I think this applies to ALL levels, not just the Freshman. X as a whole, dosen't spend nearly enough time with the jugs machine forcing repetition and teaching proper technique. JMHO
  15. Just as I stated last week with Lexington Catholic, I don't see how this group of Male Seniors could improve so dramatically to win against this group of St. X Seniors. Three years ago as Freshman St. X handed them a shut out on Male's home field. Two years ago as Sophomores playing JV they beat them handly at St. X. Although Male did score in that game. I won't predict a blow out by any means, but I say St. X wins this one by 7 to 13. :thumb: GO TIGERS! :thumb:
  16. No! :madman: That would be Thread-Jacking! You'll get your chance come Saturday when we start the X versus Manual thread. :lol:
  17. That makes us even RM, cause we don't count the ten minute game from last year either.
  18. I predict this will be a close game. While I'm not 100% certain Trinity can pull this off, I do hope they can for the sake of Kentucky High School Football. Even keeping it competitive is a plus when going up against a team ranked this high in the national polls. I make no bones about being a Louisville St. X fan. I think everyone on BGP knows that, but I do wish Trinity the best in this game. Especially since they are not playing my beloved Tigers. Two weeks from now; different story. Go Rocks! Get a "W" for the great State of Kentucky!
  19. This really seems like a moot question to me. One I'm not sure of the implications in the asking. I really don't know of any High School Varsity football team that doesn't play juniors to some degree. Some, more or less than others, but some. IMHO, a coach who chooses not to play juniors, is choosing to be very bad every other year. Trinity has definitely proven that that is not the case in their camp.
  20. As is always the case with Sir Diogenes. Eloquence is his middle name!
  21. TKE, Welcome to BGP. I'm certain you'll find hours of entertainment enjoyment here. I am really curious, just exactly when, where and how did you get Coach Glaser to make this kind of statement? For those of us who are pretty close to the program, he usually keeps a tight lip on this kind of thing. Getting him to say anything that would lead you in any realistic direction about one of his teams is hard. I just want to know how you did it?
  22. I completely agree LA-X. He is a stud, with great leaps. On many of their pass plays he looked like he ws going up for a dunk instead of to catch a football. I wish him well down the road. He'll be a force to be dealt with by other 5A teams.
  23. The Herald-Leader did a great job recapping this game: http://www.kentucky.com/292/story/170719.html Congrats to Duece Finch on a new St X record, I see more in this kids future. :thumb: Way to go Tigers! :thumb:
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