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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. When your employees own the company, they have more incentive for the company to do well. They are also less demanding of the company since their pension plans would depend on the profitability of the company.
  2. This doesn't sound like Andy Kennedy at all. I think there's more to the story.
  3. The economy is bad and how long it will take to recover is an unknown. Most people haven't felt the pain personally, but its coming. The US government has obligations that are very close to the value of the net worth of the US population. Cities and states are looking at huge shortfalls. How do you think they're going to pay for things?
  4. Here's an idea. Why doesn't the UAW buy out Cerebus and put it in their pension plan. I bet it would suddenly become profitable.
  5. The Russians have also signed onto OPEC's plan of reducing the oil supply dramatically to help increase the price of oil back up to the $80-$100 range.
  6. I have absolutely no sympathy for the Cerberus Capital Management investors. Cerebus bought Chrysler a mere 19 months ago. If they didn't know what they were buying, shame on them. Cerebus also owns a large stake in GMAC. Plus they own Bushmaster Firearms and Remington Arms. Cerebus was the mythical 3-headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades. I guess that name came back to bite them in the butt.
  7. Let me put it this way son. If you don't have the time to make the trip to ask him face to face for his daughter's hand in marriage, then he's probably not going to think you have time for his daughter. There are no do-overs in this situation. Marriage is a huge commitment. Show him you're the man for such a commitment. Tell him you need to come up and talk to him and you don't want your girlfriend to know about it. He'll figure it out, sure, but that doesn't lessen the occassion, and he will only appreciate it more.
  8. Nothing I enjoy more than a ticked off Arab or Venezuelan oil sheik.
  9. Been there, done that. Didn't play much, but it was pretty cool being on your school's first state championship team and its only football state championship. BTW, my ring was stolen about 30 years ago.
  10. That rules out a lot of pitchers. :lol:
  11. Depends on which one it is. Bestbuy has Seagate 500gb external drives from $90-$230.
  12. I like to post in P&R just to let people know when they're wrong. I'm very non-partisan when it comes to fault-finding.
  13. Sanders, Brown and Peyton would be in my top three.
  14. The Illinois legislature is looking at impeaching Blago if he doesn't resign.
  15. If you'll actually read the Bible, you'll be surprised at how little things have changed over the years.
  16. Kenton County in Covington.
  17. No opinion was asked on this. Its a requirement. Have you been through a Bible-based finance class? If not, then how are you qualified to say that the Bible is a bad guide?
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