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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. While the Senate constructed the $787 billion stimulus last month, Dodd unexpectedly added an executive-compensation restriction to the bill. That amendment provides an “exception for contractually obligated bonuses agreed on before Feb. 11, 2009,” which exempts the very AIG bonuses Dodd and others are seeking to tax. The amendment is in the final version and is law.
  2. Yeah, it looks like its screwed up again.
  3. I really hope Jim doesn't run again. I can't in good conscience vote for him again.
  4. I've been saying that for years. Why do companies pay their top executives small fortunes? I think the answer is that these CEOs and execs sit on each other's boards.
  5. How do you define "blowhard?" Someone you disagree with? I find Hannity, Franken and Savage to be very annoying. I happen to like both Rush and Beck.
  6. For what its worth, it would have probably cost AIG more if they hadn't paid the bonuses for two reasons. First, they would have had their pants sued off by the people they were obligated to pay bonuses to. Second, those people who really drive the profitable portions of AIG would abandon ship.
  7. updated 34 minutes ago IOWA CITY, Iowa - Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29733519 How do these clowns get elected? Maybe this should be Congress' motto.
  8. I've already commited bracketcide by picking a #15 over a #2.
  9. Any time is fine with me if its a Sunday. They all have equal chances of being vetoed by HHSMom. A week day would work best for me, but I'm onboard with whatever you guys pick.
  10. I will keep: Hanley Ramirez Ian Kinsler Mark Teixeira Matt Kemp Choosing between Kemp and Guerrero was a toughie, so I went with the base runner over the slugger.
  11. I'm just glad to know its not just me.
  12. Better get those New Orleans residents on the buses. I'm not sure if 92 years is enough time to get them all out.
  13. I think 55 on 11. I don't remember how fast on 32.
  14. Add The New Orleans Saints. The Houston Texans. The Jacksonville Jaguars. to that list.
  15. And his Democrat Congress is ready to put up a fight with him over earmarks.
  16. Baby powder in the blow dryer is great.
  17. Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle Ralph?
  18. Correct. It would be equivalent to the Secretary of HHS not disclosing that he is on the board of a pharmaceutical, hospital or insurance company.
  19. The first link I saw compared earmarks in previous years. Specter is definitely a RINO. Can't stand the man. He voted for the stiumlous. :madman: But I'm really not trying to defend the R's. They blew it when they had the opportunity to be fiscally responsible. I just find it hard to believe that of the almost 9000 earmarks in this "stimulous" bill, 40% were Republican earmarks.
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