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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. Yeah, Hoyer's a real good source. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Tuesday became the second leading congressional Democrat in a week to push back against President Obama's drive to curb member-directed earmarks on spending bills. Saying he was open to the president's "suggestions" about how to reform the spending process, the Maryland Democrat told reporters, "I don't think the White House has the ability to tell us what to. I hope you all got that down." http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/mar/03/hoyer-pushes-back-earmarks/
  2. The Phantom of the Cell Phone Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber Ringtones Based on the French Novel Le Téléphone du Diable by de Bavure Étrange
  3. If I had to arm myself to get my child back, I wouldn't be staying.
  4. When you have as many worshipers as Obama has (especially the media), you don't need to keep promises. Obama has the Midas Touch. Everything he touches is golden.
  5. The way the courts favor the mother in child custody proceedings, I don't find it unusual for a father to arm himself to get his daughter back.
  6. The state should in no way interfere with practicing religions that otherwise, break no laws of this country. Exceptions should be considered when they do not follow the letter of the law, but no one is harmed. Public officials should have a right to their religous beliefs and the practice thereof. You cannot separate one from their beliefs. No, we should not have a theocratic state. Which theocracy would it be?
  7. HHSDad


    I'm giving up video games. :ohbrother:
  8. Next you'll be wanting to take away their basketballs, tvs and internet.
  9. Under Mosaic law, it could happen. Sharia law would allow it too. US law would never allow it.
  10. My understanding is that the Church encouraging Catholics to study the Bible is a relatively new thing. I didn't know any Catholics in the 60's and 70's who had read the Bible. What they knew of the Bible came out of the liturgy or the prayer book.
  11. And this makes two bills that have been forced into action like this; one by Bush, one by Obama. Both of them terrible.
  12. Yes, along with any other extracurricular activities that don't support themselves.
  13. I'd say we have the wrong man for attorney general.
  14. This is exactly why I've left the party. As long as I'm registered R, the GOP thinks they have my vote and can do what they want. Too many R voters think that the GOP has all the answers. Well I for one, find them to be the lesser of two evils. I want better than that.
  15. I've left the Republican party. I think its high time we all take our names off of the Democrat and Republican registers and send them a message. I harped on Rmom because she's registered Independent and doesn't get to vote in the primaries. Well primaries suck anyway. They're a waste of time and money, especially when you end up with nominees like John Kerry and John McCain. So now I'm registered Libertarian. I would encourage others to leave their mainstream party and tell these blood-sucking politicians that the free ride is over. Besides, you can still vote for whoever you want in the general election.
  16. The only reason it had to be passed right away is so nobody would have time to read it.
  17. Decent kickers are a dime a dozen. Instead, we pay $2.5 million for one.
  18. This article makes no sense. If you see it for 30 seconds, its probably an object in orbit reflecting light. Irridium satellites would be a good example. But space debris falling through the atmosphere would look similar to a meteor shower. Larger objects would make sonic booms and large flashes.
  19. One of the things that bugs me the most about these bailouts and stimulous plans is that no one is doing triage before the money is handed out. If you don't know what triage is, you take your injured and sick (companies in this case) and divide them into three categories: 1) Those who are likely to live, regardless of what care they receive; 2) Those who are likely to die, regardless of what care they receive; 3) Those for whom immediate care might make a positive difference in outcome.
  20. We as a nation were living far beyond our means believing that the growth in our economy would continue unabated. That kind of growth is unsustainable, unless you have a much needed commodity such as oil. Face it, we were living like kings on imaginary wealth. In my opinion, nothing should be done by the government. This correction was unpreventable and much needed. We need to learn to live within our means again. Instead, the government is throwing ridiculous amounts of money at the problem, hoping to bring us back to the 1990's.
  21. You two totally misunderstand what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about everyone who voted for Obama. I'm speaking of those who for no reason and without a bit of skepticism, believe that Obama is their savior. He will cure all ills and heal all wounds. Under his guidance we will all live like King Midas. I'm speaking of those who have unreasonable expectations of Obama, and there are millions of them. Comparatively, Bush had very few Kool-Aid drinkers. His highest ground swell came after 9/11 when many people thought he was the perfect man for that job. I believe most of those who defended Bush did so because the attacks on him were so frequent and vehement. I work with one Bush fanatic, and the rest of us conservatives feel that she's a pain in the butt.
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