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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. If he was Russian and Irish, would his name be Erin Barackovich?
  2. Definitely ashamed. He's gone way past being humble. Then there's "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change" from his better half. Definitely ashamed.
  3. I don't think Clyde is talking about covering news. More like making news.
  4. I keep hearing comments Obama is making while away. He really sounds like he's ashamed to be an American.
  5. Abstinence definitely works. You can't get an STD or pregnant if you abstain. Teaching abstinence isn't perfect, but it may save a few kids from hard times. Sex has become a recreational activity for our adolescents. Something needs to be done and teaching them only about birth control sends the wrong message and expectations.
  6. God forbid we teach abstinence. It might interfere with their sexting.
  7. Never agreed with Iraq invasion. It was a stupid Bush/Rumsfeld blunder.
  8. Americans don't want to steer "the" ship. We want to steer "our" ship. That's not ignorance, that's fulfilling your own destiny. This one world order is crap. Toss the UN and all the rest of the agreements with the world. Form a hegemony with your closest friends and nations that want to be your friend. Be neutral to the rest and let them take care of their own problems.
  9. I strongly disagree. Most Democrats don't listen to Glenn Beck.
  10. An apologist is a person who makes a defense in speech or writing of a belief, idea, etc. The Apology of Socrates was a record of Socrates' speech in his own defense at trial. Thomas Aquinas and C.S. Lewis are Christian apologists. Richard Dawkins was an apologist for Darwinism. And so on.
  11. We need a strong apologist for this country. Not someone to apologize for the United States.
  12. President Obama's job approval is the most polarized for any new President in forty years. Obama's current approval ratings: Democrats: 88% Republicans: 27%
  13. We are a nation brought up on Judeo-Christian beliefs. We are a nation mainly made up of Christians. But we are not a Christian nation. What were the wonderful things that Obama said Muslims have done for our country?
  14. They were just launching a communications satellite. Kim Jong Il said so.
  15. If you want to find out what arrogant is, spend some time in Western Europe.
  16. Obama has really been ticking me off at the G20. Why is he making the US out to be the whipping boy? We are not to blame for all the world's ills. In fact, we're one of the few countries that aids others.
  17. I've been in favor of ending the embargo for quite a while. Free markets aren't conducive to dictatorships.
  18. Yom Shabbat is the 7th day of the Hebrew week and translates literally "Day of the Sabbath." It falls on Saturday. We also know that Jesus was hung Erev Pesach on Shabbat. And what difference does it make what day he died on? Do you believe that Jesus was born on December 25th?
  19. Without a doubt. They needed him dead before Sabbath.
  20. Marshmellow Peeps that you can put in the microwave.
  21. Yeah. You basically need to be able to create a new company by purchasing the assets of the old company from the bankruptcy court trustee. That way, you leave all the liabilities behind.
  22. That is not how it is defined under KRS. 3rd degree rape is consensual intercourse by a person 21 or older with a person under age 16.
  23. She was convicted of third degree rape. That means someone age 21 or older engaging in sexual intercourse with a person less than 16 years of age.
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