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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. Was there no video from the cruiser cam?
  2. Maybe Michael Phelps and Lance Armstrong have more in common than we thought.
  3. Throughout the ages, Jews have often taken on the role of lawyers and bankers. I don't know why this is, but it has been both a boon and a bane to Jews. While these fields are both lucrative and profitable, it also makes targets of all Jews when times are bad. The ease of which the Nazis turned the population against the Jews is a prime example, but its not the only one. Time and again over the centuries, the Jewish people have been the scapegoats of nations.
  4. This is more of a oxymoron than a hypocrisy. Sen. Feinstein - Chairperson, Senate Intelligence Committee
  5. Did you all read the same article that I read? First off, the man was $1000 in arrears. That's two to three months behind on his electric bill. Second, the man had $600,000!!!! Why didn't he pay his bill? Third, virtually every power company will work with their customers to help them keep their power on. Finally, Michigan has a HEAP program that would have helped him. Sounds to me like this was the man's fault, but go ahead and blame the power company if you like.
  6. Obama's Secretary of Labor candidate appears to have House Ethics issues. She failed to disclose that she was the treasurer of a pro-union lobby group.
  7. Are you talking about the executives or the politicians?
  8. I agree. If they were getting the money from a bank, they would probably see similar loan covenants. So, if you want our bailout money, then you have to play by our rules.
  9. My vote goes with Palin. Ashley Judd's been looking pretty old and tired for quite a while.
  10. I'm thinking that you need a "John Daly". That's a glass of anything with alcohol in it.
  11. Face it. Bush was stupid. But Pelosi is even stupider.
  12. She probably did mean thousand, but it seems to happen to her and Joe Biden an awful lot. I really don't think she is very bright at all.
  13. I have the Nirvana Unplugged CD. Great CD!
  14. Nancy Pelosi must be the stupidest woman alive. The Speaker of the house stating that 500 million Americans will lose their jobs if we do not buy their pork package. Somebody tell her that the population is only 300 million and the entire workforce less than 150 million. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2aa_1233697453
  15. I'll take exception to that. I thought the song was very good. I also like Chris de Burgh's The Lady in Red. Wind Beneath My Wings that the article mentioned isn't a love song. It's a song about friends. I always thought that Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight was cheesy. So was David Soul's Don't Give Up On Us Baby.
  16. This is a photo of the crypt of Rosalia Lombardo, a beautiful Sicilian 2 year old who died of pnemonia. She looks like she fell asleep after playing outside. The thing is, she died in 1920. This photo was taken last month. In the February 2009 edition of National Geographic, the reader opens to this sad full page picture of this little girl who died so long ago. If you haven't seen or read the article, I encourage you to find a copy of this months National Geographic. It is absolutely amazing. In case you don't know what I'm referring to by 1984, that's the year that the picture below appeared on the cover of National Geographic.
  17. I am very, very disappointed in Obama speaking out of one side of his mouth and selecting his administration out of the other side. He now has 17 lobbyists in his administration, not to mention two tax EVADERS in his cabinet, one of who will head the IRS.
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