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Everything posted by HHSDad

  1. The Swampgas coaching staff has been working extra hard to find ways to lose a game these past few weeks. And its not easy to lose with the talent they're forced to work with.
  2. I never understood the midfield logo madness that keeps coming up. They do understand that its just paint on the field don't they? And its not even the most important paint. That would be the paint marking the goalines.
  3. My son works the cannon at Ohio U. The cannon is crewed by the ROTC and they take their duties very seriously. I think they usually have a loader, swabber, rammer, battery captain and several others whose job is simply to make sure that no one is in the line of fire. The cannon doesn't fire until everyone gives a thumbs up.
  4. Why doesn't government mind their own friggin business and stay out of sports???
  5. How does a coach inactivate Carney as PK??? :madman:
  6. I'm against what the Patriot Act has become. The talk show hosts are worried about the Fairness Act of 2009. I think we should all worry about the Sedition Act of 2011 should the Democrats secure their majority in the Senate in 2010.
  7. Good to see a win from the young men of Lexington.
  8. How about the ones that my son works with every day? They're grateful for his presence.
  9. What's more important is keeping integrity in the voting system. At this point, I'm sure that most of America has lost much of their faith in our current voting system. For the BGP record, I would have no problem with your wife being able to vote absentee. But sometimes that choice isn't available and we have to choose.
  10. I will pay your BGP dues if you can provide me with ONE documented case of a mother who was at the hospital to deliver her full-term baby that had to have an abortion to save her life. Just 1 case.
  11. The abortion itself can cause additional PTSD along with the rape. Abortion is a short term fix for rape. Its also a long term millstone.
  12. We're not talking accidents, even though some of those deaths in Iraq are accidents. We're talking about young men and women volunteering to go to another country as soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen. This is what you and others are condemning. My question is why are you more concerned about these than the ones that are gunned down in our major cities every day? I can't recall a single thread about the thousands of senseless murders in our country everyday, but there are plenty of opinions about what our young people choose to do.
  13. Why is it an infantile arguement? Why is 480 murders acceptable? The death count in Iraq has gone down. The murder rate in Chicago is soaring. You make it sound ok for Americans to die every day in senseless violence, but its wrong when they are killed trying to keep the peace in Iraq.
  14. You're proposing an abortion on a full-term pregnancy over an emergency C-section??? How do you think that abortion would work? Wave a wand over her belly and the baby disappears? Methinks you should do a little research.
  15. Americans killed in Iraq during 2008: 290 Americans killed in Chicago during 2008: 446
  16. I can't answer your question since your hypothetical situation is all but impossible. In such a situation, the baby would NEVER be aborted. The doctor would perform an emergency Cesarean in order to save the life of the mother.
  17. I think Hillary would be ok as SOS. And expotentially better than Kerry.
  18. No Newt. He has no chance of being elected.
  19. I think that the team should have to beat the worst lineup that the team not submitting could have submitted. In other words, the lowest possible score that the non-submitting team could have got when filling all positions.
  20. We need to bring this back up, since its rearing its ugly head again. This may be one of the most pro-union acts ever put together. If this passes, it will be a slam dunk for unionization of many work places. They should call this the Union Intimidation Bill. Can you imagine voting against a union when there's no secret ballot?
  21. Holy cow! AverageJoe has 46 points between Cutler and Winslow.
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