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Everything posted by HouseofPain

  1. This is so sad, I will say many prayers for this young mans family. "Dear Lord please be with the family of this young man in this sad time and please comfort them in this time of tradgedy but most of all lift their spirits by reassuring them that their son is now yours, I ask these things in your sons name, Amen!"
  2. Sounds like "The Rock" has everything under control papagrit. I wish you all agreat season and luck in every game but one! Talk to you later old buddy!
  3. I agree 100%. There are actually studies that have been done that proves this statement correct!
  4. Just to let you know that all sport trips were called off due to weather. Girls B-ball and wrestling was called off. The wrestling team was scheduled to leave Friday right after school and their rooms were paid for as well. The superintendant and the director of the bus garage made the right call in canceling these trips as the weather here was very bad and with the sfety of the children in mind the correct call was made. This basketball game can always be played at a different time and I am sure it will be.
  5. After all of your pre-game posts this is all you could come up with? No "good job" or "well done" or "the Raiders will be a tough out come region time"? All you have to offer is "Big Win" come on DL I know you like to rag the raiders but you need to learn a little humility and give up some praise every now and then. Good job Raiders keep up the hard work and keep working together through the good and the bad and in the end you will be in a position to earn your spot in the sweet 16. Everyone in McCreary County is pulling for you guys and we support you 100% so go get'em!:thumb:
  6. Turnovers are a part of football the last time I checked. I am trying to recall a season that I have never seen a turnover..............nope can't remember one! I honestly thought that the jumpers were going to lose 7-0 because of the intercepted screen atempt that went for the TD. I agree that there were to many turnovers in this game but I also though it was a fun game to watch. As a fan it was more intertaining than the Highlands game. JMO!
  7. May God be with this young man and his family during their time of need. The football family at McCreary Central will be praying!
  8. I don't usually post on the basketball forums but I just wanted to send this out. I support the Raiders 100% and I know exactly how talented these guys are and they have the ability to go as far as they want. You have the entire school and community behind you guys so don't listen to the hype just focus on working hard as a team and that will help you come together and play domminant basketball. You guys have a tough schedule and you won't win them all but if you work hard together and play as a family your schedule will prepare you for the real season and that is what counts. So, work hard, work together, play hard, play together and I am sure you will make McCreary County PROUD! Go Raiders!
  9. There is not a truer statement than this one. I was at the Boyle/Bell game and every time #2 touched the ball every Rebel fan held their breath because they thought he would go to the house. I heard small kid after small kid keep yelling "give it to Rees MacShara he will score" or "come on Rees get us a TD". It was definately obvious that every Boyle Co fan has all the confidence in the world that good ole' #2 will get the job done and from what I have heard through the season and from what I have witnessed first hand I think they are right. Rees MacShara is beast of a running back with the determination of a champion. Good Luck to both teams but I will be pulling for the Rebels in this one!
  10. OK, I can live with that explanation. I am not an official and will be the first person to say that I don't know all the in's and out's of the officials responsibilities and duties. With that being said, I may have spoken out of line and for that I apologize. I guess it just frustrates me as a coach when one ref so far away (who is not the primary for that area) throws a flag for a play that happened right in front of another ref who should be the one making the call. Again, I don't know what the refs conversation was on the field but if the primary ref (the on right on top of the play) says it was clean then the other ref should go along with him and wave off the flag. Again, I am not sure of the conversation and the primary ref may have said something like I don't know I wasn't looking at it; or something to that affect. So again, I was going by my judgement as a fan and a coach and maybe spoke out-of-line. Either way the call was made and like I said there is no way of telling if it would have changed anything and in my opinion it probably wouldn't have. Both of these teams have great programs year in and year out and my guess is we will have a similar discussion next year! Congats to Bell on another great season and good luck to Boyle next week!
  11. I was at this game and was a neutral bystander. Actually I was talking to a member of Boyle Co's staff who coaches another sport and we were both a little confused by the pass interference call because it looked like the receiver went up for the ball and the defender hit him and it was definately not after the play and to us didn't look like it was viscious. I think what made it a little more unusual was the line judge threw the flag from 20+ yards away and there was no flag from the official 8 yards from the play. I am not saying it was a wright or wrong call and no one can say what the outcome of the game would have been with if the call would not have been made (same with the other pass interference call but I was clear across the field and didn't see that one to make a judgement) because it was made. I do know that one of the assistant coaches was in that refs ear hard up until that call was made. As a coach I do the samething as do all coaches and the only thing that frustrates me a little with this call is the line judge should have been watching the line for holding and when the ball was thrown he should have been watching the line for extra activity (such as head-butting) he had no business looking at the play if he wanted to watch the game he should have bought a ticket. That was the coach in me with that opinion. Personally it was definately the best game I have seen all year I think they were both evenly matched and Boyle was the best on that night. Rees MacShara(thanks PP92) is a beast and IMO was the difference in the game he took over in the second half but especiaslly on the last drive. Calls are a part of the game and refs are always 50% right and 50% wrong but human error is what makes the difference in these types of games; such as fumbles, iterceptions, penalties and even questionable call from the officials. That is what makes high school football great. Look at this way, officials and the calls they make always give you a reason to say we could have won IF, but we will get them next year. Good luck to Boyle Co I hope you bring home the title!
  12. I am sorry to here that. My prayers go out to his family and to all the Bell family as well. May God comfort all of you during this time!
  13. This was the best game I have watched all year. Man it was good from start to finish. I predicted that Bell would edge this one out but Boyle's depth seemed to wear on Bell in the 2nd half and on the last drive Rees just took over the game. I think he ran the ball like 7 or 8 straight times to set up the last second field goal which was the game winner. It was a great war between two great programs and I am definately glad that I didn't miss this one. Congrats to Bell and good luck to Boyle next week!
  14. Stick you are a class act and one of the positives I got from our game with LC is a new found friendship with you. I wish your seniors all the best in the next stage of their lives and hope you have a very productive off-season and keep that train on the rails. Take care and God Bless!
  15. I predict it will be Bell and Marion in the finals! Bell with a win for back to back championships! JMO!
  16. I want to send out a big congradulations to my good friend Jeff Robbins. Good luck next week brother!
  17. I think JC will give Highlands a run for their money just like last year. One fumble recovery for a TD last year really turned the game in Highlands favor. If JC gets the ball to bounce their way they could very well get the upset win! Hey, did any of the Harlow's kill a deer yet? Johnny killed a 10 pointer this morning and I didn't even go.....again!
  18. In my opinion Lawrence will play tough for a while but Bell is like a is like Chineese water touture, they just keep thumping your head until it becomes unbareable and in the end Bell will win this one by 3 or 4 TD's ( it may only be 2 or 3 TD's) it will all depend on how LC responds to the atmosphere on Log Mountain. Good luck to both teams and I agree with mcpapa, no matter what happens in this game LC has had a remarkable turn around and no one will be able to take that away from this program, team and most of all the seniors!
  19. They started on the 23 I think and got just inside their own 20 so it was around 80 yards on that 1st drive. I would also say tyhat KC had more than 58 yards the rest of the game because there were a few series that they picked up 2 or 3 1st downs, mostly on short passes. Other than the first 2 series this was a very good and very tight game! Fun game to watch!
  20. Very classy as most Lawrence Co fans seem to be!:thumb:
  21. My students applauded me today as I walked into the classroom. It sent cold chills down my spine! Remember, If you can read this thank a teacher! If you can read this in English thank a soldier! Happy Veterans Day!:dancingpa
  22. I disagree, Rock is playing Bell! On a serious note I think this game will be decided by 7 points or less and that's just my opinion but KC has been here many times and I truely don't think the trip to LC will shock them. This is definately my pick for game of the week and should be a slobber-knocker and very fun for the fans to watch!
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