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Everything posted by HouseofPain

  1. Yeah and bell scored twice in the last 2 minutes. Before that it was 28-7 which was the exact spread I predicted. However, take away a great catch by a Bell receiver, an interception 20 yards out and bell with an extremely short field and the fumble by a Knox receiver as they were on route to score, all of this in the first half and all were key plays. Everything else in the 1st half was played equally IMO as an unbiased obserever. The 2nd half Bell's 1st offensive series was a dominant one as they marched right down the field and scored but after that Knoxes "D" held their own. Knox's "O" moved the ball in spurts all night but Bells "D" held and never broke. But again, this is not the definition of dominate, sorry, it's just not. It is however proof that Bell is a great championship caliber football team. Please use terms that properly describe what happened. Man, I can't believe that I even care!
  2. That's why you should actually go to a game instead of just reading about it and look at the score because it was not a totally dominated game. Again, as I say that I am not saying that Bell County didn't out play Knox but there was just a few key plays that gave Bell the edge and that is not domination. Domination is what Bell did to everyone else on their schedule!
  3. I'm sorry, I didn't see anywhere in your first post where you mentioned the defense or the phrase IMO, not even the second time that I read it. But Knox did score once in the first half and they moved the ball ok (not great) the entire game and I would definately call it a stellar performance by Bells defense but not total domination. I promise I am not trying to argue but sometimes fans can give the wrong impression of a game because they have tunnel vision (I am guilty of this as well) I was just trying to give an un-biased opinion for those who did not attend because your accounts of it were not actually what happened. Also, I constantly have conversations on here with people who post things that are insulting to the opponents of the team they support just to have them reply and say I wasn't meaning it to be insulting. I would say 90% of them don't mean any insult and I would say you fit into that 90% Bellbobcat but sometimes you just have to read your post back to yourself and ask yourself if it would be offensive to you, the players and coaches of your team if someone was writing that about your team. Anyway, I agree that Bell had a dominate performance it just wasn't total domination and I hope they keep having dominate performances all the way to through the championship game and brings the title to Log Mountain!
  4. Easy Commander, you need to take in the whole post before you get all wadded up! As I covered the if's and but's and gave Bell the props they so deserved as I quote "However, with all that said, turnover's are the name of the game and Bell took advatage of Knox's mistakes and that is what good teams do. Bell was my pick from the first of the season to win it this year and it was no surprise they won tonight as I even picked them to win the first time they met by 3 or 4 TD's." My post was a response to a post that said and I quote "Total domination from the start of the game by the CATS" and that just isn't true and you also know that. I never once said Bell didn't control the game and I never said the didn't exploit Knox's weaknesses because the did, but it was nowhere near total domination. As I said, I have no dog in the hunt but I would have taken that statement as a great insult "IF" I was a Knox fan, player or coach..............................................I'm just saying!
  5. Sorry, I disagree. I was at the game and have no dog in the hunt. The first half was Bell 21 and Knox 7 but I think they played very close to each other. If you take a way the interception and the fumble it would have been 14-14 or maybe even 14-7 Knox's favor. Bells first drive of the second half was their best drive of the night I thought and in that drive they showed us all what a great team they are. Take away the last 2 TD's where it was obvious that knox had thrown in the towel because of disapointment and it's Bell 28 Knox 7 but again looking at could-of's, would-of's and should-of's from the first quarter and the score might have been 21-14 Bell or even 14-14 going into overtime. However, with all that said, turnover's are the name of the game and Bell took advatage of Knox's mistakes and that is what good teams do. Bell was my pick from the first of the season to win it this year and it was no surprise they won tonight as I even picked them to win the first time they met by 3 or 4 TD's. As always the atmosphere was great and the Bell Co folks made me feel right at home. I even thought I saw a familiar face on the Knox side and went to say hello but it wasn't who I thought it was, so I just said hello anyway and went on about my business. I love Friday nights and high school football. Good luck Bell Co go and win it all.
  6. I was at this game as I thought it would be a battle but Coach black had his team ready to play. However the game started sloppy for both as there were 4 turnovers in the 1st quarter 2 by each team. But after that Whitley County got focused and SW never seemed to get in the groove. Anyway, Whitley County looked impressive and if they play like that again next week Harlan County better be prepared for battle. Good luck to Whitley County the rest of the way!
  7. I am not predicting any upsets in the top 10 games. They all go on to round two! Good luck to everyone and I hope they have hard hitting injury free football games!
  8. As always Daddy Cat you are a class act. Good luck to Lynn Camp in the playoffs!
  9. This will probably be the last thread about the 2010 Raiders and it has amazed me all year that not one thread has went from start to finish where last season wasn't brought up in comparison with this season. As I was reading threw the posts on this thread I was wondering to myself............will everyone make comparisons next season to this years team or will they continue to compare to the 2009 season and team. All I can honestly say is this; I hope everyone will just focus on what will help the program as a whole be successful and I think the 2009 season and winning the last game of the season in 2010 both fits that catagory and trying to compare on season or group of players to another is really pointless, so just figure out what you have to do to get the players that will be playing in 2011 ready to play. How'd that be?
  10. McCreary gets a win to end the season and gives them a positive going into the off-season. I am proud of our seniors for all their hardwork over the last 4 years and it is because of their dedication and hardwork I say Thank You!
  11. papagrit good luck Friday. My brother-in-law coaches for Whitley now he is the big guy that coached at McCReary last year. Anyway, I wish you all luck and hope your boys have a great game!
  12. If anyone is coaching high school football for fame or fortune get out of the business now, seriously, go resign today and look for something else to do because you will not make any money and you can only please some of the people some of the time and at the very best you are only as good as the last game you coach. With that being said, I think the Highlands have an outstanding program with great history and Coach Mueller is a huge part of that. Great job Coach Mueller and good luck to the Highlands the rest of the season!
  13. Coach Smith is a very good person and friend. This year has been nothing but a speed bump for a young coach and season's like this happens to everyone sometime or another. With experiece comes knowledge and I know Derrick will take what he has learned this year and apply it to next year. Derrick will make the adjustments necessary in the offseason and get the Raiders ready to go for next season. Good luck to the Raiders this Friday against Lynn Camp and then get in the weight room and get bigger faster and stronger as that is the key to becoming successfull! Go Get'em men!
  14. Sounds like they played a very good game but just came up a little short papagrit. I wish you guys all the luck in the worl in the playoffs! Tell them boys of yours to keep knocking some heads around!
  15. Congrats to Bell Co they are an excellent team with some great football players. They are definately my #1 pick for the 4 A state championship. Bell Co as always were a class act, the players were very respectful and gracefull in victory and the fans were very curtious as well. It was nice to see old friends as I hope to see you later this year when I return to Log Mountain to watch a playoff game. Maybe I will even get to meet some new friends from BGP. Keep working hard Raiders. Remember, the dictionary is the only place you will ever find that success comes before work! Go Get'em Men!
  16. I will be making the trip to Log Mountain this Friday. I haven't missed a Raider football game since I don't know when so I guess I won't break the streak this Friday. These boys are my boys and I will support them through thick and thin. Know matter what these kids put it on the line everyday for our school and our community. They are not out running around after school getting into things they shouldn't, they are giving up their personal time to be at practice working their butts off and I appreciate and respect them for that. The least I can do (as should everyone) is support them and show them that giving their time to honor our school and community has been and is appreciated. Just keep working hard and fighting boys, know matter what, because that is what we call character and that is what turns boys into strong up-standing young men and that is what you have become and I, for one, am very proud of all you have accomplished this year. Thank you for you hard work. Go Get'em Men!
  17. Not that I am hearing but In my opinion the current staff is more than capable of getting things straightened out and I would say next year will be a good year for McCreary. Go Get'em Raiders!
  18. There was an unsportsmanlike penalty called because of bad language but it was on a player who was mad at himself because he messed up and let some inapproprite languge come out of his mouth but it was directed at himself and I guess he said it a little to loud for the official to overlook! I am not saying officials should overlook foul language but we all know they do. Anyway, there wasn't any player that cursed at a coach, I wasn't 100% sure so I made some inquiries to be positive. I was just finding that hard to believe because the kids respect Coach Smith and the coaching staff and I have always observed nothing but total control of the football team by Coach Smith and his staff. I hope this answers any questions anyone has.
  19. I agree with some of what you say but not all. Watts was a natural God given athlete and someone like him comes around once in a lifetime. Roark had athletic ability but he worked his but off in the off season or he would have not been nearly as effective as he was. McCreary has 2 great athlets that run the ball right now 1 is a senior and 1 is a sophmore and neither of them has put 1/10th of the time in the weight-room combined as Roark did or they would be as good if not better than Roark. As far as everyone saying that I said we are as good without Watts and Roark as we were with them you all need to read a little better. What my posts refer to is McCreary can be just as good if not better and saying that they can't win without those two is just crazy. I know the kids that play at every level of the McCreary program and I know that the program can be successfull year in and year out. So, I guess 10 years from now if McCreary goes 0-10 everyone should all hold hands and say "I wish we still had Watts and Roark". The kids that want to play football in McCreary County need to get in the weight-room in the off season and work their butts off to get bigger, faster and stronger and if they don't want to be dedicated then they need to go home and play video games because that is the key to having success year in and year out. So you see Banker we do have the athletes to replace them they just need to get in the weight-room and be dedicated. I heard a story the other day of 6th graders in Bell county getting up early in the morning to run and stuff and said they were doing it because that is the dedication it takes to play high school football for Bell County (and they were doing this on their own they were not being made to do it). I would venture to say if Mccreary County football players had that kind of dedication over the last 20 years we would not be having a conversation today about Watts and Roark and that my friends is my whole and entire point. I have come to the conclusion that people are just so narrow minded that they can't bring themselves to have a vision of how things could and should be so I am going to stop trying to show them the big picture because they will never see it. By all intent this will be my last post for atleast this season however I will PM a few people on here that has shown atleast some intellegence and that I have become good friends with. May God bless you all! Now, for any of the McCreary players that read this, I have all the confidence in the world that you all are in control of your own destiny and that with hard work and dedication you can succeed beyond all the nay sayers predictions. I am very proud of you for all your work and dedication so just keep on keeping on! Go Get'em Guys!
  20. McCreary has some very good athletes on this team and as I have said in earlier posts McCreary doesn't miss what they lost to graduation any more that any other team misses what they lose to graduation. Goins #1 who is the tailback will probably end the year with 750 to 1000 yards this season because he is running behind a very experience line. The defense is struggling but that has been a weak point for McCreary for as long as I can remember and is something that they will just have to keep working on. This team has the players and ability to win football games but sometimes it just doesn't workout and these kind of seasons are frustrating for coaches and even more devestating for they players. And for you to get on here and talk about how bad they play, are not good athletes, and can't win because of this or that is just plain disrespectful and un-called for. If you want to down the McCcreary County program and their kids then do through a PM not on open forum and that is what someone who cares about the kids would do. People like you always say that you are just trying to start dialouge and that is what this forum is for or some crap like that but the crap spilling on here from you and others like you is not dialouge it is all nothing more that hurtfull and disrespectfull to the schools community, coaches and most of all the kids. So, I have no intensions of ever defending my posts or my team to you over anything you put on here or having any kind of conversation with someone like you unless it is in person! Have a nice day and may God bless you.
  21. First off, the only thing I found disrespectful was the way you asked what game I was watching because I told it exactly the way it happened and even mentioned the turnovers and the reason you turned McCraery over on downs was because they had driven the ball far enough into Madison's side of the field that they didn't have to punt and that was my point. I wasn't taking anything away from Madison Southern but was backing up my earlier prediction that who ever played the best defense ie.. caused more turnovers and had more stops would win the game. Nothing else that you said was a big deal and you probably didn't even think that what you said was disrespectful and that is a problem on here, a lot of people don't think about what they are saying before they say it. I have no ill feelings toward you Big_Ballin as you seem to be a true fan of the game and always respect the players from other teams not like a few of the others. As for the kid in the endzone, it was his shin-bone and it will be sore for a few days but he will be ok, thanks for asking and good luck to Madison Southern the rest of the year!
  22. Blah, Blah, Blah..................that is all I here when you talk! Your profile says you are from coal country I hope that doesn't mean you are from Bell Co cause the people I know from there are really great people and I am sure they wouldn't want you representing them! Good luck to you and the team you support!
  23. I watched the one where Madison Southern couldn't stop either one of mcCreary's running backs from picking up 4-6 yards almost everytime they carried the ball. My post was very respectfull and I always try to keep it that way but yours had a very disrespectful tone to it and that makes it hard not to fire back the same way. So, instead I will re-state what I said earlier "congradulation to Madison Southern on a good win and to my McCreary Raiders I will say keep your heads up, keep playing as a team, and keep working hard everyday. I am very proud of you all and I am sure everyone else is to. Football is a man's sport and you all prove yourselves everyday by your dedication and hard work. Go Get'em Guys!"
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