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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. IMO Something might happen. Or it may not. It may involve RP or it may not. Tom Jurich may be involved or he may not. Somthing may happen tomorrow, or maybe not. It could involve RP character or lack ther of, or it might not. I have also heard from some solid sources that there may be a presser, or maybe not. I know that guy at the McDonalds on campus to. He thinks that RP is going through some pretty stressful stuff.....seen him ordering Big Macs!
  2. The whole Legacy thing is stale and boring and predictible. I HATE this story line with Ortons menacing group and the Mc's. It is the most predictible story that I can remember. Legacy will never fight one on one and will win the belt and terrorize the WWE each week. Wooo Hooo!
  3. Didn't realize the Rush had a TV show? Are you in the wrong forum???? Maybe you were looking for Politics & Religion. OOOHHH I'll do away with any channel showing Obismal speaking. Hows that? :ylsuper::banana:
  4. It is all about winning! Nothing more nothing less. This is not a slam to UK as these things and worse are overlooked at EVERY major university. Nothing like looking like a caring and dutiful human being than by giving second chances. We certainly give more to athletes than non-athletes, but a second chance is deserved none the less. Why would anyone want to waste this talent in jail? or Junior College. He could bring someone a National Title. :deadhorse:
  5. Cut off the Ears and tail, turn it over and put it on my plate!
  6. While he was rude, the reporters question was stupid. That storyline was worn out and made NO difference in the condition of the race. How long were the Dubai horses on their airplane? Who Cares. Ask about the race! This is like a reporter interviewing someone that has just experienced a tragedy, and they ask what they are feeling! Give me a break! This reporter blew that interview IMO. :laugh::thumb::taz:
  7. It takes a whole lot more than this to have Coach Cal give up on you! The only baggage coming with Wall will be the title he will bring.
  8. In Tenessee's long history....Where they more or less relivant than they are right now? When I see someone taking the time to comprise factual stats to prove that their favorite team is more relivant than one that people are talking about, just says to me that they are jealous that someone other than their favorite team is being talked about. I do not remember ANY comparisons to othere schools or coaches being made when thi thread started, so why does anyone feel like they need to defend their school or coach? GO BRUCE, YOU ARE GREAT!
  9. The more I hear about him....the more I like him.
  10. 8 innings? The Dragons pushed you that hard?
  11. I wish I was in the know enough to let people know that I am in the know! Get off your back? Because I disagree with questioning his salary? I am sorry, I will try to see things in the future just as you do. It is just like the "reporter" that questioned Calhouns salary, where is the outrage over professional athletes? Where is the outrage over Bill Gates. So some people HAVE found a way to make mega bucks while most of us HAVE NOT. Classic tale.
  12. So you must be on his payroll to know what he does, how many hours he puts in and how much work he does right? I mean with all of the certainty in which you delivered this line, you must be one the guys in the "know". Let he, The Program), that is without sin, cast the first stone! :banana::sssh:
  13. They still do not control Every single media outloet in the free world. If there were something to this, then it would have been reported somewhere. What is the appetite for speculation that seems to drive everyone? He may have done something or he may not have..... That is all I can say right now. No speculation any further for any reason. RP went to the FBI because the crime was Extortion. The FBI could not find enough truth in her story to make it a part of any documents. So really, do RP & TJ carry that much power in the free world? If so I better get the Nikes and Kool-aid ready!
  14. :thumb: :thumb: Some decsions do not require religous beliefs. Gun Ownership is one. I think that some people are also mixing the "one Issue" voter in with this discussion. I do not see how if religion has shaped who I am, how I act, and what I believe, then how can it NOT be a part of my political beliefs as well. Seperation of church and state falls more with the govt. than individuals.
  15. How is this any different than 90% of the threads here on BGP? This place is full of people telling us all what to think, how to act and what to say.....
  16. :puke::puke::puke::puke::puke: Oh, I don't know, how about waiting for the TRUTH!? I did not realize that RP and TJ not only control all local and national media, they also have power over local Police and the FBI. Man we do not want to lose to gentlemen that have so much power that the FBI will not even say good things about Karen. I mean that must be the ONLY reason that more of the story has not been printed or aired, right? I mean people on here with Lawyer friends and nameless supporters and girlfriends, brothers, uncle, aunts Housekeepers says. What other wild, unsupported allegations can be thrown out????? :ohbrother::ohbrother::ohbrother::ohbrother:
  17. :thumb: If it was not started as hatred, it was started because people were questioning Cal's salary before he has coached his first game as a cat. It was started as jealousy of Denny for being able to make that kind of money when no one on here does. It was started to create an uproar and hopefully get some sports jounalist to make what is already public, More public. YOU GO D.C.!!!!:dancingpa
  18. He is responsible for fundraising WELL more than that for the univeristy. What are you trying to start with this. Denny Crum Bashing?
  19. Integrity and media do not typically go hand in hand. Now, whoever called UL fans naive, you really think that this is possible when UL needs them more than they need UL? Do you really think that he could pull this off without the impending lawsuit destroying him and UL? The media has the feeling that they are entitled to report whatever they feel they can with most of the facts. If they think that this lady and her family are lacking in character and cannot fully prove their claims, then don't report it. If you find credibility, then at least Cutler will chase Slick and Tommy Boy down a hall for the truth, without consequences. Naive, no common sense. :idunno:
  20. One person brought up the Jonas Bros. So it happens with entertainers everyday. (see Disney Channel and Nickleloeon. I'ts OK for golfers, tennis players, swimmers and such to turn pro before they ever get out of high school. So the real problem is our selfish beliefs that these kids need to play for our favorite college at least one year and maybe two so that our favorite team can be successful. If he can go over seas, without a high school or college education, make more than most of us that talk about his decision, then.....how can I argue he decision? If we are going to complain about a "basketball" player, lets make sure that we get on the teenagers from other sports that turn pro.
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