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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. I am sitting here laughing my tail off. I am not upset!
  2. While he was his own worst enemy, I think his inconsistancey kept him from a lot of national talk. Yes he was talked about as a Lottery pick around here, and by tricky rick. But when it came to National players of the year, All American honors and so forth, was he not left out of those discussions? This is the only reason that I call him underated. I could argue just as much that at the same time, he is Over-rated! :confused:
  3. How is that different than me? I'm with Shue! :thumb::thumb:
  4. What about Dunlap from Oldham County or Kraemer from South Oldham?
  5. I guess this means that the Pitino boz are gone. Rock Solid!
  6. :thumb::thumb::thumb: Sam Young Suton Earl Clark (Not alot said about him nationally until the tournament.) Austin Daye
  7. As I said, all I did was turn the tables on them. They did not handle it as well as I did. So by enjoying the giving them the same medicine that they were giving me is wrong because it upsets them more than what they say upsets me? I am an antagonist. I enjoy a good pot stirring argument. When I walk away it is over. Most of my IK friends will come back to me even 3 or 4 days later to continue or try to dispell and I could have cared less during that same period. I am wrong alot, so? I fail to understand how you reconcile your statement of no one caring with your subsequent statements of EVERYONE in your family caring, but fine. I said when I was a kid, not one went to games, watched games, owned shirts or hats. No one in my family cheered for anyone in particular. Over time they all grew into UL fans. All I was saying that during my formative years, there were no family influences in who I would choose to root for. Over my lifetime I have been told that I should be a UK fan because of this or that. I have been force fed information on the superiority of UK and the failures that are UL. On this board you can write stuff that is designed to antagonize an opposing fan base, but folks get upset when some one does not cowl down to their superiority. You can feel sorry for me all you want. But I sleep at night and give no thoughts to this once I leave work and go home for the night. I did not give a seconds thought to anything that I said or anyone said to me all week-end when I did not live to check my BGP account. However, if what I say or do causes someone to talk about with others or makes them stew until they can confront me again, I think that is kind of fun. Just like most of the folks here do not agree with my opinion, I don't agree with theirs. SO? What makes your opinion more right than mine? Nothing. What makes my opinion more right than yours? Nothing. Keep on Smiling!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  8. I did not say my father was a huge UL fan when I was a kid. I said that my family had no thoughts one way or the other. By the time my dad died, well after I became a UL fan, he was a huge UL fan.
  9. I heard that they Beat St. mary's of Paducah They were beating Rossview from Clarksville TN and ended up losing due to an inning that they gave up 5 unearned runs. Then they beat Reidland of Paducah and then beat a team from Mauldin Missouri. Sounds like a good week-end.
  10. As a kid, I really did not care one way or the other. Honestly, I could take or leave either one. I was at a UL football game that a neighbor took me to, I met Denny Crum and he was very nice to me as a little 10 year old kid that had no idea who he was. I started paying more attention after that day. Also, when I told several of my friends that I met the UL coach, they laughed and made comments about UL not being any good and how many Championships UK had won and how UL would never be as good as UK. I knew right then that I would be a fan of UL because it upset people for me to do so, and it was really fun to stir it up with them and walk away. I have since learned that even as adults, there are people that I can argue with and they go home and fume about what I've said and I go home not even remembering what I said. No one in my family ever cared growing up. Before my dad died, he was a huge UL fan, So is mom and my brothers and sisters. No family member influences caused any of these folks to be UL fans. It just happened over time. :popcorn:
  11. That means what? I could care less who starts what. If you don't want stuff written, then don't start it. I get told on here all the time if I don't like it don't respond. Whether I like something or not is imaterial. The fun part is stirring. :taz:
  12. You are bringing a part in that is way to much a stretch. It is like comparing Pro football players then and now. Baseball players then and now. Here again, not everyone was allowed to participate, so not a good guage. Ball parks were smaller, players were more out of shape. Players in the day played more positions than todays. Some leagues played 10 or 15 games compared to todays 40. I would love to sit down and talk to Rupp & Wooden. If I were going to be blinded by an athletic past, UCLA's run would certainly be more impressive in my mind. But here again, only limited schools really participated in athletics. Not like todays. Louisville has a pretty rich history for an inner city school, as I understand it. So what? I was not around to see those games, those guys, thoses championships. Folks from another age had that enjoyment. I am enjoying now. If you feel the need to push me down and stomp because you choose to bleed blue and I don't. You choose to whorship the past and I don't. You choose to laugh and clap and cheer when U of L, experience a failure, and I don't. Then keep on keepin on. I sleep very well each night knowing the the team I cheer for is a team I chose to cheer for, not one that I inherited.
  13. Appreciating history is one thing. I would like to have been a part of true historical events. Athletics would not be what I would call historical events that I would choose to be a part of over say, the discovery of electricity. The history that you speak of was a time when there were a limited number of athletic teams and not everyone was allowed to participate. This is not the type of history that I would choose to be a part of.
  14. Serves the same purpose as the thread itself. Pointless diatribe. If someone is willing to start a thread like this, then I am more than happy to post equally pointless stuff in it.
  15. Thank you for your insight. I was told the they went 3 - 1. Anyone have particulars?
  16. Just want to make sure that I properly "envy the past and fear the future"!
  17. But beat up your girlfriend and you stay on the team?
  18. OOOHHH woe is me. I am a Cardinal fan and we cannot beat the U of K in anything. I am scared of them. They frighten me. The Cardinals will alway be second place forever and ever and ever! Why can't Tom J. get off his tail and get the Cards some quality coaches and try to turn the program around. Mitch Barnhart must have Tom's number and Tom always finishes second to MB. Just like the Cards will inb all sports forever, and ever, and ever. OOOHHHHH Woe is me!
  19. I envy NOTHING Blue, and certainly fear NOTHING! Trying to figure out why I should on either count? I find no redeeming values in being a fan of little blue, and to fear, fear what? I do not play the game so I should not fear the players. I do not coach the game, so I cannot fear the Cal. I do not was the jocks or dirty socks, so I cannot fear any other part of the program. I don't use the term "we" or "us" when talking about any team that I never palyed for or coached. Sorry about your luck, but I have no fear. Please help me understand what I should fear so that I can start shakin and quakin in my boots. :taz:
  20. Regardless of Rank or Conference, it also takes a little luck. Peaking at the right time. More goes into winning this tournament than a #1 Ranking or being a part of the best conference. Just see what the Lady Cards have done the last 3 games! I still thing that the BEAST was the best conference, top to bottom, but other conferences have good teams as well. Anybody can beat anybody else on any given day!
  21. He did not say anything to you or me until the presser. So he did not want us to know anything until he was ready! Did he call you early on in the process? He did exactly what I will do. If I find a suitable change, I will sit down with my current employer to discuss vs emailing a 2 week notice. He handled it correctly with his employer, and with all of the sources.
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