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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. On the smoker, wow! They are truely awsome. :taz:
  2. My family and I try to go every Sunday. Not always so good at it.
  3. But there, there hangs Gods son in the balance........
  4. Then why do you keep posting? This has been asked of me in the past. If was not a bow, then he tripped and caught himself on the kings robe. While it may be of no significance to some in the US, in the arab countries, he bowed to the king and showed that the US was inferior to Saudi. My opinion and I am OUT!
  5. I am glad that the Capt is alive and well and safe from harm. The fact that Obama green-lighted the force is shocking, I am glad but shocked. Now if he would authorized service men and women aboard these ships and start sinking all pirate ships and their crew, IT WILL STOP! Don't go and talk to the Somolian govt, and sit down with Pirate leaders to work out a reasonable offer, kill them and sink their boats now!
  6. I would have to think that if he were that abusive, it would have been picked up by the media. They are relentless in their pursuit of a story, so I have to believe that most of this is a little exagerated. If true physical abuse was involved then it would have been picked up by the Lexington Police. In todays lawsuit lottery world, NO parent would allow their child to be abused, physically without retribution. Telling them that the UConn's womens team could beat them, well....... They would beat a LOT of male teams. They were just that good! Again, if he were winning, he would have been known as a hard nose coach, nothing wrong with that.
  7. On top of all of the above, I believe that your behavior and willingness to cooperate goes a long way! Just as I have told my newly driving son, If you don't want to get get jerked through the window when pulled over, be polite courteous and do what you are asked with a Yes Sir and Thank You Sir. :taz:
  8. "This is how you turn the iPod on sir, then you toggle to videos, then....
  9. It's not that, I can see your point. The U.S. Americans.... defend the religious rights of non-citizens as well, and so forth. I am sure that peoples religous beliefs all around the world are somewhat compromised by their individual beliefs that are not congruant with the religous teaching. Baptist do not believe in drinking, yet they will throw their empties in the Catholic neighbors garbage. Then come Sunday the again will denounce drinking. I do not think this is just an issue of American Citizens, but the thread was about this country. I am not even at a Yellow Alert level. :lol:
  10. ????? What did I say about becoming or not being and American Citizen?
  11. Is arrogance giving every country our tax dollars as a relief effort only to know that it will never be paid back in money or deeds? Is it arrogant to keep peace keepers in certain areas of the world? Is it arrogant to provide food, clothing and medicine to those around the world, that are without, yet not make the same offer to those same folks at home? Why is arrogance such a bad thing? Confidence? Why are these things bad? What if our stand was that we would ONLY take care of ourselves? No support or intervention into other countries or other cultures. Every dime raised in the US went to CITIZENS, of the US. If someone were to attack uys on our soil, we turn their country or place of origin into a Wal-Mart parking lot and go home. No sticking around, no rebuilding, no military shows of strength. Go in Flatten, leave. Bumper stickers on the planes would read,"Don't Mess with the US". If Europe wants to meet and discuss "global warming" or other issuses, Great. But anything that we choose to spend money on will be spent in the use. If you choose to enter this country as a non-citizen, you will be given 3 months to learn our language & secure employment. If not you are escorted back never to return. Is it arrogant to allow American citizens to lose everything while Illegal, non-citizens are working tax free? Is it arrogant for our schools to spend time money and talents to ensure that the kids of illegal aliens can learn and get an education at the expense of the legal parents and kids? Is it arrogant for every business and our government spend untold millions to ensure that every ATM, Menu, Road Signs, etc...., are written in every conceivable language so as not to inconvenience the illegal aliens in the United States? Throwing around arrogance is unjust in my mind. It would seem to me that in order to not be viewed as arrogant, we would have to give everything away and contradict no one. The United States....not so United anymore.
  12. St. Catherine? Small, but a college non the less. Maybe you could sell the B-Dub folks! Without a doubt, these are the best I have ever had. You have to plan. As AL says, you must order a minimum of 3 hours ahead. Well worth the trouble! I finally learned this whole multi-quote thing! :dancingpa :taz:
  13. Are the actions of "christians" determined by the inconsistant, interpretations found through-out the bible? Yes it says to turn the other cheek. The meek shall inheret the earth. I read, let other walk over you and your faith. It also talks about an eye for an eye? Turns people into salt. I read that there should be negative consequences for a negative action. As in most things today, if you do not see things the same as another, then the argument is that you are wrong. While I do think that we are a nation of believers, I think we are also a nation of selfish, its about me people. We rationalize we do not have to carry out the behaviors of the bible or the constitution. I don't believe that we act like christians,(believers), or patriots. Just my opionion, I will get off here so as not to offend any further.
  14. OOPPSS sorry, I will look later gotta go back to work.
  15. Looking a the top 10 this way points out why some teams are there and points out that some teams are just "WOW", teams. TEAM First Season (?* - Best I can Tell) Kansas 1898 Syracuse 1900 Kentucky 1903 Duke 1906 St. Johns 1908 North Carolina 1910 Louisville 1916 Western Kentucky 1919 UCLA 1920 UNLV 1960 (? - School did not open until 1957) Some of the teams in the top ten have been playing several years less than so above them, and below them. I found value in this, at least I found it interesting. Hopefully you will also.
  16. I think you could be spot on! UNLV UCONN - Womens 2009 INDIANA - 1976 TENNESSEE - 90's Triple UCLA should be up there with that dominance, I just tried to go back to what I recall seeing. UK has some great moments that should be in the discussion. UL to pretty good title runs with 80 & 86.
  17. Do the Ortons not buy inb to all the stuff behind the BCG firing? I would think that SR. would not put Danny through that type of stuff. I could see a few other places getting in his conversation, but I would not think it would be about BCG.
  18. Wow, this is interesting stuff. Great Thread! Dragonfire insightful stuff, Schue as well. Thanks
  19. My kids love it. They just tell me I need to order extra wet or some craziness. But of my 5 or 6 visits, trying to give the the benefit, I have not been pleased with flavor, or service. Sorry there is no B-DUB in bardstown, Something to work on!
  20. There are a couple in Louisville and I am not impressed. They don't give me a reason to not hit B-Dubs.
  21. It's got nothing to do with UNC? I thought they were playing OK?
  22. I tried to look back and see were I said anything about my rooting interest being superior to anyone elses. I could not find it. So I really do not know how that part gort started. I really don't even remember what this thread was supposed to be about. But at some point I stated that I did not envy the past as I was not a part of it. Then from there it was implied that I could not be serious about that. Most UK fans that I know, when asked why they are UK fans say, my grandpa was, my dad is, and I am. That looks inhereted to me. I never said that that was wrong. For me I chose my team because of me. Whats wrong with that? If I disagree with anything on here that is KY related folks come after it like shark bait. Why is it so wrong if I shoot back. I have never been one to turn the other cheek. My outlook is sad, so? Because I choose to down play the trumpeting of Cal, feelings get hurt and they come after me. Because I listened to UK fans tell Card fans to give Kragthorpe a chance, then fight to get rid of BCG, I find that hypocritic. Why is it negative to point that out? Becasue people talk about "all of the stuff" going on behind the scenes, yet get upset if you ask for proof or news reports outlining these indescretions. Why? Is it so hard to believe that if everything that has been stated on here as fact, was fact, that the "sports journalists" would be all over it? They are not going to hide the indescretions of the UK coach for the sake of the program. Those days are gone. So I ask for proof, seems to upset some. Why? I hated Tricky Rick when he was at UK, why? He was beating UL every year. I love having him here now. I loved the winning ways of Bobby Petrino, and I hate the losing ways of Krags. But I still support Krag and do not want him gone until he proves to me that he cannot handle it even with his recruits. UK folks did not want to give Brooks a chance and he is now a god to most. I have even said on here that I am ecited to have Cal at UK. With him, Tricky Rick at UL, and Crean at IU, it should bring the focus of college basketball back to the Bermuda Triangle of college basketball and get off Tobacco Road. So whatever emotions some are wearing on their sleeves, cannot effect me negatively, life is to short. Good Luck and God Bless! :popcorn::confused::eyeonyou::taz:
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