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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. I don't care what the religious beliefs of their Readin, Writin, and Rithmatic teachers are, as long as they stick to the curiculum and leave their beliefs at home. I do care what the beliefs of their Sunday School teacher is, but don't necessarily care if they can read, write or add. There are plenty of Protestants in the Catholic systems.
  2. I have just read the Ms. Calif. stuff. I do not see what she said so wrong. I will retract my above statemnet as Ignorance. She is certainly being beat up over her Political Incorrectness. She has the right to believe as she believes, I will contend that the pagent people who are appaulled by her comments, are secretly and subconciously in agreement with her, but their own PC virtues would not allow them to get into this debate on any other side than where they currently are. But also, people also have the right to respond in a manner that is more condusive to their beliefs as well. (See Dixie Chicks). She should not be stripped of anything, (or she won't be allowed to coach cheerleading), because her beliefs do not run in line with Perez Hilton. Let a sleeping dog sleep. :taz:
  3. I just looked at MJ site. The only thing that I saw that I would wear is the Turtle Bay's. They do not offer any pair that even remotely compare to the M-Frames. I will be hard pressed now to try these as I was not as impressed with what my options were after your selling these that you like. They are just not me.
  4. P.S. - They ARE over-priced......But I love them!
  5. I have had a pair of Oakly Thumps for around 5 years. They are polarized and hold like 60 songs. Great fit, Great vision, Great Entertainment. I would not trade them for anything. I also have a pair of Half Jackets that I love. They are polarized and just clear as a bell. I drive in them. I only paid $75 dollars for them off ebay, I have had them for 2 years so we are down to 37.50 for them. I keep several pair of $5 -$10 sunglasses in my vehicle if something comes up that may put my Oaks in danger, just switch out. Most of my cheap o's are scratched and don't shield well from the sun, and I have had them for a couple of years. I love the fit of my Oaks vs the Cheaps. I will look at the MJ and probably try them as well. I just don't see how anyone can compare the quality of Oaks vs much else. :walk:
  6. Red Robin would not cook my burger MR. Outback says they will but their MR is closer to M. I was in a local type steakhouse out of town last week that would not go lower than Medium. They all blamed the Health department standards. Just like Cracker Barrel will not do eggs Sunny side up. I appreciate all of these safety standards as I will be saving money that will allow me to cook out more. I will not spend my money where I cannot get my food the way I like it. So I will not be eating out as much! :taz:
  7. For me this is a legal issue, not a PC issue. This is based on Constitutional freedoms being neglected and therefore is an issue for the court systems. If you KNOW BEFORE you are hired into a private business that they have these guidelines then all bets are off. It would be like trying to sue Hooters for making you wear the uniform. I do not see the Dixie Chicks situation as relevant in this discussion. Private citizens and businesses that disagreed with these people, decided to no longer support them. Nothing PC about it. At least I don't see it that way. There is nothing that seems to be Politically InCorrect about bashing or calling an elected official names. As a matter of fact, for the last 8 years it was all the rage! When people start using what are considered to be derogatory terms to describe other people, then you get into the world of political correctness. Miss California steps on both sides as she used her status to promote her views, but then chose the wrong subject and words. If you use the word retarded, you will get a lot of flack for your insensitivity and lack of PC. I still think that we are debating to completely different issues, that does play in some grey areas where you may get a little blendage.
  8. Has anyone noticed that it is getting harder to get a rare or even medium rare steak out? Several places that I visited in the last couple of weeks have had disclaimers that meat will be cooked to medium or higher. Due to Health concerns! Let me worry about my helath. I'll sign a waiver. WT.....
  9. The parents got their 15 minutes of fame, the daughter will continue to get the spotlight. Here is where it goes, they will claim that they can no longer live there or go to that school because of the hate mail. News organizations will pick up the story and it will be circus time all over again because this one little girl was picked on for exposing her cheer coach to be the hussy everyone thought she was. Who found the pictures? Another teacher with a subscription? How about one of the schools adminsistrators with a PB Subscription? Better yet, this girls dad was leafing through the pages of the PB stash in the back corner of his garage, and saw them. Yea!? It is a moral issue, period. From a secular standpoint, there is nothing wrong with it. As we are no longer a Christian Nation, where is the problem? LRWC - You are right, (wow that hurt), in saying that you will never change peoples minds on here. Likewise, no one change chage yours. My thoughts about different things have changed once I had more information or was given factual information, but NEVER have I changed my thought process because someone told me to.
  10. What I read through out this thread seems like we are talking more about Political views and issues and not about Political Correctness. PC is more about certain words used to describe a person or group of people or customs or religions or intelligence levels, etc... Am I wrong?,(Usually) But it looks like apples and oranges.
  11. AMEN!:thumb: LRCW - I am sure, just as most go over my head, but I keep on Keepin on, and don't really care.:dancingpa
  12. Back about 8 years ago, I quit MD cold. I went for 4 months drinking tea and water before I could stomach a Diet Dew. No I only drink a couple of those a day where I was at 10 to 12 regulars a day before quitting. I never got headaches. Wives Tale.
  13. Why wouldn't I? They had every right to run down their President. I disagree with them and the platform that they chose. Just as I disagree with "O" apologizing for being an American. Just as I disagree with Flag burning. How would you react if someone, not in the political world, an entertainer, said the same thing about Big O? Honestly...... But the real question of PC comes not in whether you bad mouth your elected officials, but all of the other worries, Black vs African American, White vs Caucasion, Red Neck vs Appalachian American, Fat vs Obese vs Heavy, Dumb vs slow to catch on, this goes on and on. When I think of political correctness, I don't think of what the Dixie Chicks saidas much as I think of what Jimmy the Greek said. One is a political statement, one is considered a defaming, insensative remark. Start a thread about people using their celebrity status to push their political views on the nation, then we can address the Dixie Chicks, Bette and so forth.
  14. Or maybe she is a gold digging snake in the grass? We can "maybe" and "rumor has it" all day long, bottom line is that the only people that know the truth, are not talking or typing.
  15. A friend of mine will order any cut of meat to well done. I have ried to get him to understand that if he is going to do this, dont' buy the most expensive cuts. The flavor is cooked out and he is left with sauce. He could order chopped steak and have the same flavor sensation as a ribeye. He keeps wasting his money. What say ye, we agreed on something?!?
  16. NO SAUCE. Unless you serve me a Shoe Leather, (Well Done), piece of meat. If cooked to the right pinkness with the right seasonings, all you should need is a fork and an appetite. By the by, bread soaking blood for desert,:thumb:
  17. :laugh: Would not have bothered me at all. This is representative that people are over sensitive. I am a balding old fat guy. I could care less what you call me. Call me FAT! Call me BALDY! Call me OLD! That hurts me how? Get over yourselves America! While people do not go to jail or get fined for Political Incorrectness, they do lose their jobs, censorhip keeps their jobs. Ask Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, Jimmy the Greek if PC is like censorship. They may some interesting views.
  18. So does this rule out the Point Shaving allegations that were so conclusive due to sources or is that something completely different that we will hear about later. People have affairs everyday, while I do not nor do I condone them, I do not villify the others, why should this man be villified? Does every person that has an affair get fired from their job? Why are some calling for him to be fired at the mere mention of impropriety, without conclusive facts? I applaud WDRB for it restraint in withholding the speculative, and sensational from its brodcasts. I switched to WDRB over a year ago becasue they were not like the other stations, especially WHAS, Speculation and Sensationalism central. As far a LRP goes, why does it there have to be some dark secret to his taking a job at Florida? I would think that if all he ever did was coach with his dad, he would be no better than Pat Knight or Shawn Sutton. I would have encouraged him to get out from under my shadow and go make your own name. I fail to connect the conspiracy dots. But thats what these boards are for, even talk radio would not speculate to the degree we can here.
  19. NO Way. I could care less about the anchors opinions about a story. What makes them an authority on ANY subject? They went to school to study journalism? The are political science majors? I want news, not opinion. If I listen to Rush, I know what I am getting. I look at the news organizations as Rush like enterprises on TV. ESPN does the same thing when a star does something wrong. They speculate or bring in experts on what the star was thinking. I don't need all of that, just the facts. It drives me nuts.
  20. I do not want it both ways. I want my news to be factual, without someones opinion. Bottom Line. I do not watch more than one story a day as I cannot handle ANY of the organizations propaganda. I don't want it. I wnat the who, what and where. When they getting in to the speculative "why" they all lose me. Give me the why from the principals mouth, not them or their experts that are not even there.
  21. Here is the thing, you must look at all networks as INFOTAINMENT. They are not news organizations. Once you understand that everyone is in business to make money, then you will watch these programs with a cautious eye. Misinformation runs amuck in the interest of being first. They can support any movement or anything that makes them money. Bottom Line! They are what we thought they were!
  22. I still wonder how ALL of this bad stuff goes on, and the "sports journalists" do not report it. The only daylight that I have heard about these allegations, are on message boards? What has really been proven or reported. If all is true then Cutler and his cronies, let us all down.
  23. Are ALL news organizations for profit organizations? They all do it in some form or fashion. Why should a news organization be able to "support" one candidate over another? That is them using their platform to sway the uninformed people to vote for "their guy". I do not believe that this is an exclusive issue with FOX, it is all of them.
  24. I put this on every form that I fill out. To Continue...so were my grandparents, great grand parents and great, great grandparents. Thats aboput as far back as I can go. But I am sure that makes me an AMERICAN! :thumb:
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