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Everything posted by FootballisKing

  1. THANK YOU FOR MY FREEDOM! :ylsuper:
  2. We can't get tax money out of the Illegals now. We are paying for their education and health care now. Didn't the two already merge? AMEN! :laugh: :thumb: ESPN OCHO DEPORTE?
  3. But who is setting themselves up to receive this option? Don't tell me they do not understand that what they are doing is wrong. They Know what they are doing, and they Know the risks. They chose this option, not anyone else.
  4. I understand your defenses, and maybe it is selfishness that I experience that does not want to lose the Football Playoffs, the moving of the X & T game. With the contacts and power that he posesses, I do not understand how he could not have worked something out to accomodate the Finals. Just Frustrating. I hope the university loses all kinds of revenue and recruits and realizes the importance of hosting this event.
  5. I think this is on Wednesday.
  6. Blow them out of the water! (Before they take any more boats).
  7. How about arming every crew member with more fire power than the pirates, when they try to board, start picking them off, one by one into Davey Jones Locker! :clap:
  8. I do not watch the news as I do not care about an anchors opinion or a stations beliefs. I want the news. Period. So I surf the net and read what I can that does not involve some journalists opinion based on their beliefs about a story. I look where I can find reports that do not sensationalize any aspect of the story. I feel like Joe Friday, "Just the Facts", please.
  9. Blow every Pirate ship out of the water every time they venture into the seas.
  10. I am certainly not trained by any stretch. I am saying that in my mind it means "x". When I read what your definition and thoughts are, to me says that this sounds a little like bullying and people make that out to be criminal? Honestly I agree with what you said, and it does make sense, I still think that it is a harsh word to use whne there is no factual data to support the term.
  11. I know you are right. It just felt good to say it and to dream it. Talk about the true, ONE SHINNING MOMENT! One can hope! :taz:
  12. I believe that Jesus Died and was arisen 3 days later. I believe that Jesus was born in a manager to Mary and Joseph.(Not necessarily on December 25th.) I believe that the Pilgrams and the Indians ate a meal of Thanksgiving together.(Not necessarily in the upper east in LATE November). Did people observe Ash wednesday after the first "Easter" celebration? I do not believe that anyone can accurately determine what time was and how it was related in biblical times. Did they have twelve months? Were they called the same thing as we call them? Was there 24 hours in a day? Were there 365 days in a year? Did 60 minutes denote an hour? Did 60 Seconds denote a minute? How does one know for sure without a doubt? I think the most important thing is what you believe in your heart and how you live your life. None of the secular parts of this religious, (Dare I say Christian), celebrations should not deter or defend this celebration. This celebration is about our belief in Christ. (Period)
  13. The term ABUSIVE bothers me. I think that is an irresponsible word to be throwing around here. Abusive, TO ME, denotes an air of criminality, and that was not the case. Are we talking abusive by YMCA standards or by young adults playing a game for a free education standards? Million Dollar industry standard?
  14. Leave the Navy Ship in those waters. Everytime a Pirate ship enters the water.... SINK IT! Show them that most of us bow to no men.
  15. Back to the topic at hand.... If we are not a Christian Nation, why did we celebrate Easter? I certainly did. I ate good too.
  16. Here is my problem, Tom J. gave in to the powers that be again and showed his lack of respect for High School Sports. Even Mitch B. had the Cats play the NIT game in the little gym so as not to displace the KY High School finals in Rupp. How much money did UK lose with that move? They did show that they value High School Sports.
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