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Owensboro Catholic to get new stadium


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A press conference today at 2:00 pm cst at Kentucky Weselyan College will announce that OCath has signed a deal to play games at the new KWC field starting next season. OCath has played there last season at Rash Stadium. According to the people at KWC 2000 seats will be added to the east side of the field to accomodate the great number of fans OCath brings to their games. I was told that the stadium will model the one used by Trinity or St X. I forget which Louisville school it was. A great day for KWC and for Owensboro Catholic. I will be attending the 2 o'clock presser to gain more info.

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The floor plans for this place are unbelievable. The stadium will be complete with skyboxes, weightrooms, training facilities, coaches offices, and many other luxuries. Approximately 1900 seats will be added to the already existing KWC field. The stadium will have a brick exterior that matches the rest of the buildings on KWC's campus. While I will miss Rash stadium this new place will be awesome. Supposed to be ready for Owensboro Catholic's first home game against Owensboro High School. Great day for OCHS.

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