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Kids Quitting

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I quit playing baseball when I was a kid. I can tell you then and now I still don't regret it. The few sports I played (baseball and basketball), I played because I had fun playing them. It got to a point when it stopped being fun. I had a Baseball Coach who never called me by the right name, he was not interested in trying to help get better and he just screamed. He never told you how do anything right, he just told you were doing it wrong. Loudly. I used to love playing baseball in the front yard, but I started to hate it.


My Dad sensed my frustration and wisely came in my room and told me I had his blessing to quit, not because I was a quitter but because this guy was obviously a whack job. The next day we went to practice and I handed in my uniform. And to this day i will never forget what the Coach said, "Andy (that's not my name- not even close) you stunk anyway. Now not only do you stink, but now you're a quitter. A stinky quitter." I was 8. And Dad of course had words with him, but that went nowhere. And complaints to Little League fell on deaf ears. The team was undefeated after all, surely there was nothing wrong! Please. It's not always about wins and losses. Especially with 8 year olds.


And people wonder why other than playing basketball for my Dad in Elementary school I never played organized sports again. Kids are kids. You can't always lay it at their feet. It's Coaches and Parents who have taken the fun out of sports. It's become too much about wins and losses and less about teamwork and a bunch of kids having a good time working together to accomplish a goal.


I watch my oldest son play Upwards Basketball and they have a blast. They are learning the fundamentals and there's no pressure on them, they just want them to have fun. That's what it's all about.


Anyway that's my two cents, although it's probably only worth a penny.


Great post

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I agree with just about everything that everyone has posted especially the part about how adults have taken the fun out of sports. I do have one question for everyone and it is in no way being smart but for those on this thread that have worked have you always worked the same job, or have you quit for say better pay, less stressful surroundings, or to be a stay at home mom or dad? If you answered yes to any of these does that make us quitters as well or just human? Also I do not agree with quitting something everytime you start it but I do feel as if sometimes there are circumstances that are out of our control that just walking away and quitting would be the best for all involved. Just my opinion

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I believe in the old saying "Winners never quit and quitters never win".


However, if a child is miserable and doesn't want to be on a team any longer, then maybe quitting is the best thing for the player and the team. One should keep in mind that quitting a team lets a lot of people down.

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I too sadly see a trend of young athletes quitting when things start to get hard. hopefully the trend seizes, but this is happening all over the united states. It seems not only with the sports, but with daily living, as a country we seem to be getting lazier and lazier.

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For everyone who thinks a kid should stick it out and most seem to feel that way, I agree with the principal of teaching a kid to finish what he or she starts. But, when things seem so bad for a kid that they would rather quit something that they are supposed to be enjoying and you make them stay at it, then what happens when you or others decide that they aren't putting 100% into the effort? Often that's a subjective thing and sometimes the perceived lack of effort amy be a bit beyond the kids control. I think every situation has it's own set of circumstances and parents and coaches have to realize that a kid for whatever reason, is choosing to quit doing something that is not a job, but an elected activity that is supposed to be fun.

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