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Paris 42 George Rogers Clark 41

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Good win for Paris. Still not sold yet on them. Need a win against a big school or against GRC with Igo.


Haven’t seen Strings yet. Not to bring up old discussions but I’m not sold yet. Her getting big stats versus the teams they play doesn’t impress. Who does she play for in summer? What college offers does she have? Has she picked a college yet?

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You know that I'm reppin the Ladyhounds...But I'm unsure why all the shade...If you produced stats about a player that I wasn't sold on I would be like man she's putting in that work...Bro she is playing basketball for Recreation she's not interested in playing ball in college...what's that say about the other girls that play for every team in the state to be seen and she's still better. Do you not go by stats...

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You know that I'm reppin the Ladyhounds...But I'm unsure why all the shade...If you produced stats about a player that I wasn't sold on I would be like man she's putting in that work...Bro she is playing basketball for Recreation she's not interested in playing ball in college...what's that say about the other girls that play for every team in the state to be seen and she's still better. Do you not go by stats...


No shade intended, just asking real questions and making what seems like solid points.


How can you not understand that high stat results vs low level teams does not qualify a player as a top player. I used this example before but no one in their right mind ever considered Whitney Creech the same level player as the top players in Kentucky her senior year. And her stat points literally demolished every player of all time in the entire state Kentucky. Can you not acknowledge that her stats are inflated in some regard because of the competition?

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So know your throwing shade on Creech...who is making noise out of KY in college? Creech made all tourney team as a soph at WKU...You seem to be intelligent but unwilling to get my point...I've said in every language known to man that she cares nothing about college ball but if she did you would be on here singing another tune...she plays ball from Oct til Mar and anyone with 2 eyes or 4 would say who is this? We play the heavy weight Bishop Brossart in the All A Tues...Would love to reserve you a court side seat.

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Yes stats may be inflated...were talking apples to oranges here...Creech was a household name because of all the points against subpar competition I'll give you that but the young lady knew how to play the game...Zoe plays to be playing and like I've stated over and over if she was serious about basketball she would go D1 easily....you can't teach length and athleticism you can only enhance it.

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Good win for Paris. Still not sold yet on them. Need a win against a big school or against GRC with Igo.


Haven’t seen Strings yet. Not to bring up old discussions but I’m not sold yet. Her getting big stats versus the teams they play doesn’t impress. Who does she play for in summer? What college offers does she have? Has she picked a college yet?


Why do you care so much about a person playing summer ball? What difference does it make if she plays summer ball or not ... she plays for Paris and could careless about playing summer ball but that doesn't make her that less of a player.


She plays other sports and she excels in the classroom and that's all that matters ... playing AAU basketball doesn't get everyone a college scholarship!

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