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Tom Price Health Sec. Confirmation

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Next up for confirmation in Trump's cabinet is Rep. Tom Price. I expect this to be another very contentious debate. Price has basically been accused of insider trading because he made money trading stocks affected by legislation he knew about because of his position in Congress. This is happened several times over the years and will be the point Democrats will use to question him.

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Does anyone have any concerns about our elected representatives using their position and information to profit personally in the stock market?


I thought Nancy Pelosi should have been punished when a few years ago it was revealed that her husband's company profited from information she was privy to as Speaker.

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What is your standard? How would you handle Pelosi and Price?


I'm against it but it is legal unless something has changed. I don't think most in congress want to go that route of questioning because it is much more common than you think . I think they should be held to the same standard under the law though and they aren't.


Nancy Pelosi and her husband garnered great wealth from this.

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If a financial professional or company insider did the same type of thing, they would go to jail. If there are not laws or ethic rules against this, they should be put in place.


I believe Congress members doing this is even worse because they are in a position to create laws to get wealthy off of to the detriment of the American public.

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My standard isn't germane as it will never happen. As long as there are politicians they will see benefits that you or I will never see. If not for Hillary Clinton's political status would she have commanded what she did as a speaker? I could say that I think Price should be disqualified or that Pelosi should be expelled from the House but it really doesn't matter does it? Until both sides decide to stop protecting their own over these issues then quite frankly it won't change so why even talk about it?


To be quite honest when I first heard the accusations about Price I yawned. Just like the incessant claims of racism they threw out during the Obama administration their constant claims of wrong doing about almost every Trump appointee have kind of taken on a "boy who cried wolf" air. They are so "righteously indignant" about everything surrounding the Trump administration that quite frankly I take every claim they make with a boulder of salt.

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My standard isn't germane as it will never happen. As long as there are politicians they will see benefits that you or I will never see. If not for Hillary Clinton's political status would she have commanded what she did as a speaker? I could say that I think Price should be disqualified or that Pelosi should be expelled from the House but it really doesn't matter does it? Until both sides decide to stop protecting their own over these issues then quite frankly it won't change so why even talk about it?


To be quite honest when I first heard the accusations about Price I yawned. Just like the incessant claims of racism they threw out during the Obama administration their constant claims of wrong doing about almost every Trump appointee have kind of taken on a "boy who cried wolf" air. They are so "righteously indignant" about everything surrounding the Trump administration that quite frankly I take every claim they make with a boulder of salt.


I think your standard is germane. I think we all should have a standard that we measure our politicians by. And what party they are in should not change a standard. We all speak up on here and in other places regularly and comment based on the standards that we hold.

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I think your standard is germane. I think we all should have a standard that we measure our politicians by. And what party they are in should not change a standard. We all speak up on here and in other places regularly and comment based on the standards that we hold.


But it does absolutely no good. "My" representative in the House does not represent my views at all and in fact is on the record saying that even if a majority of his constituents disagree with him he will still go with his conscience because he knows best. As long as that attitude prevails my standard doesn't matter.

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Does anyone have any concerns about our elected representatives using their position and information to profit personally in the stock market?

I have a problem with it, but e would have kick a vast majority of them out of congress.

Changes in Net Worth of U.S. Senators and Representatives (Personal Gain Index) - Ballotpedia

Public servant?


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I'm not a fan of this.


Can it be proven that he did this? If so, I don't think I could vote to confirm him.


I probably couldn't either but do the people that will actually vote hold that opinion or even more telling would those same people vote to sanction a member of their own party who did the same thing? The same Senators that will now vote against Price are the same ones that defended and supported Hillary Clinton when the pay for play allegations started surfacing against her? I would venture to guess that Mr. Price's most vocal critics in the Senate were probably also the most vocal defenders of Mrs. Clinton.

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