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Louisville Area Power Rankings 9-14-15


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1) Male High School (4-0, defeated Trinity 42-13) – It is said when you take a shot at the king, you better not miss. Well, Male did just that to former number one Trinity. Very impressive win for Male and they rightly take the number one spot. Next week Male takes on winless Seneca.


2) Trinity High School (3-1, defeated by Male 42-13) – After being smacked in the mouth like they did, some may have thought Trinity should have fallen further but with X losing also, Trinity will only fall to number 2. Next week Trinity will play PRP who had an impressive win over John Hardin.


3) St. Xavier High School (2-1, defeated by Central 20-17) – After X’s great win over Bowling Green last week, X took a dive by losing to Central who they have never lost to. Several question marks surround this X team. Next week X takes on Highlands.


4) St. Francis DeSales (4-0, Defeated Holy Cross 32-0) – Pretty much as expected. Next week DeSales takes on 6A Fern Creek who is a decent middle of the road 6A team


5) DuPont Manual High School (3-0, Idle) Not much to say other than next week Manual takes on Ballard.


6) Pleasure Ridge Park (4-0, Defeated John Hardin 42-13) Nice win for PRP, next week they take on a ticked off Trinity.


7) Central (2-2, Defeated St. X 20-17) Central seems to be having an issue with multiple personalities. Can't figure them out with losses to Manual and Knox but victories over CAL and St. X. Next week is Waggener, should be heavily favored.


8) Ballard (2-2 Defeated Western 29-14) Pretty easy win for Ballard, next week will be a challenge against Manual.


9) Elizabethtown (4-0, Defeated North Hardin 34-28) Welcome to the rankings Elizabethtown. You just now getting ranked is not due to you not deserving it, it is due to the author of this poll being not paying attention. Next week Etown takes on Bardstown.


10) Spencer County (4-0, Defeated Bullitt East 41-23) Spencer County just keeps winning granted against a pretty easy schedule. Next week’s game against Bullitt Central should be another win for Spencer but the following game against Collins should give an idea of how good Spencer County is.



Big Riser(s) – Will have to go to Central. Two nice wins in a row.


Big Dropper(s) – That would be Trinity. Had it not been for X’s loss and the decent sized gap between #3 and #4 , Trinity would have dropped further than one spot.

Game of the Week – Manual versus Ballard. Two perpetually solid Jefferson County programs face off.

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Bert, great job with this! Fern Creek is now in 5A and due to that fact get to side-step the bigger 6A Jefferson County teams. They are the dark horse pick in 5A IMO.


Opps, I knew that, dang it. That was a sleep deprived brain fart. My apologies.

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The margin of Trinity's loss to Male sure makes the big game against St. X look a lot more interested on Oct 2. I just might have to heading down to Louisville.


Curiouser and curiouser.


I still feel Trinity should win but Male proved that Trinity is very beatable. Granted, I thought last year Trinity would win the St. X regular season game. Oh well, they won when in counted in Bowling Green and there have been several Beatty state championships which had a kick in the groin during the regular season before getting things straight for the playoffs.

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