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A Few Useless Facts About the 2013 Gridiron Bowl Participants


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The following train wreck is in no way my fault. 35Bird dug up a thread from three years ago and forced me to update it for this year's group of "bowlers."


So here it is:


Scott County – Showing what a “Scott” can be without the burden of sharing the county with 14 other schools


Meade County – Now that all the Catholics have been raptured, planning to sneak into Bowling Green under the assumption that everyone thinks Meade County is in Tennessee.



Pulaski County – The Maroons are hoping the KHSAA officials get confused (As if that ever happens) and awards the state trophy to the wrong color.


Bowling Green – My friend PurpleHaze shared an interesting stat with me the other day. The Purples’ last home game marked only the third time in 57 years that the referees were late getting out to the field after indulging in Big Gulps at good ol’ Donaldson Stadium/Beard Field/Jenner Track/Greenbaum Concession Stand/Cromarty Restroom



Highlands – The Donald Trump of KY high school football. Everybody hates him…but they sure wouldn’t mind being in his place.


Collins – A little known fact about this school. It would never have been built had it not been for a generous contribution from Cris Collinsworth. Upon receiving the first installment, the board voted to begin the process of naming the school after him. Unfortunately, he neglected to pay off the second installment…so the process was halted immediately.



Belfry – Belfry decided to take one more crack at finally beating Central this year. The Pirates, being confident in last year’s game plan, are only making one minor adjustment – they’re switching out the opponent.


Wayne County – Wouldn’t it be cool if KY had a “Garth County” team too?


NCC – Newport Central Catholic: Defending the honor of Catholicism in KY….from other Catholics.


DeSales – Was originally known as “No, Not That St. Francis H.S.”


Side Note: The rumor that Bishop Foys and Archbishop Kurtz are going to compete in an exciting Gregorian chant-off at halftime is completely false.



Mayfield – I think these guys just show up in Bowling Green this time of year out of shear habit. Wait until they find out that Beechwood missed the bus.


Williamsburg – Is this like “Colonial Williamsburg?” Do they wear helmets or even knee pads? Is there any concern that they will show up at the field and start tilling the soil for next year’s crops? And who will teach them how to grow the maize? Guess they’ll just have to spend this first brutal winter huddled up at the concession stand, living on hot dogs and funnel cakes. And there will be much rejoicing!


Side Note: “Mayfield vs. Williamsburg” sounds like a matchup from an old Disney movie. So I predict that Kurt Russel’s Mayfield team will take a huge lead in the first half, until the refs discover that Coach Fred MacMurray is filling their footballs with flubber gas. Williamsburg will then come storming back in the second half on the strength of their invisible running back. But Mayfield will pull out the victory when their secret weapon, Rusty the Football Playing Mule kicks a 78-yard field with no time remaining.

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This one is 100 times better than the original which was pretty darn good too. You are like wine, you get better with age. I said wine, not whine, i know you birds fans confuse the two.
I've been known to put on a first class whiny and cheesy party. :cool:
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