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Supreme Court Set to Hear Challenge to Arizona’s Immigration Law

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We could very well be overrun with illegal white Canadians...no one would say a word, because no one blinks when a white person applies for social aid, takes a job flipping burgers, or anywhere. No one looks at them askance and makes assumptions of their "right" to be here. No one in Minnesota is clammoring to patrol the border.


My point is, you have no idea how many whites are here illegal...from any country. People from Russia...Hungary, Bosnia, Serbia...all among whites who, unless you actually converse with them, you'd never know they were immigrants...and you'd never know if they were illegal or legal.


Asian people? No one asks them if they're illegally here from China, Cambodia, Thailand.... Why is that?


You do realize that the northern border is pretty darn secure, it is much more difficult to come down out of Canada then it is to come up from Mexico?


We also don't have the issue of drugs and guns coming from Canada that we do from Mexico.

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Why don't you know? Does it ever cross your mind when you're walking past a white person?


So because there MAY be illegals that are white we're supposed to ignore all of them out of some sense of racial fairness?


Maybe, just maybe there wouldn't be such a quick jump to the Hispanic conclusion if there weren't so many "law abiding" Hispanics who ignore our laws by entering this country illegally. Does it make me a racist because I believe that by the very definition illegal immigrants are criminals?

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Seems like our great leader has told the Dept. of Homeland Security to ignore calls from Arizona over the Supreme Court decision. Is he allowed to tell an agency to ignore a states request for help, isn't that alienating a state, no wonder the Governor had a few words for him. Seems like he is trying to play dictator.

Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police - Washington Times

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Response from Arizona Gov. Brewer: Today, the Obama administration revoked the 287(g) agreement under the authority of which Arizona law enforcement officers have partnered with the federal government in the enforcement of immigration law.


Of course, it's no coincidence that this announcement comes immediately on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the constitutionality of the heart of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law: SB 1070. It’s worth noting that 68 law enforcement entities in 24 states have functioning 287(g) agreements with the federal government. But it appears the only agreements eliminated today were those in Arizona, the state that happens to be on the front lines of America’s fight against illegal immigration.


We are on our own, apparently.


I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The Obama administration has fought the people of Arizona at every turn – downplaying the threat that a porous border poses to our citizens, filing suit in order to block our State from protecting itself, unilaterally granting immunity to tens of thousands of illegal aliens living in our midst, and now this. Still, the disarmament of Arizona’s 287(g) agreements is a new low, even for this administration.


The President’s action should be of concern to all Americans. This fight is not over. President Obama may disregard Congress. He may target individual states like Arizona. He may generally act with impunity.


But he is not above judgment – and the American people will have theirs very soon.

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This administration, like the ones before it, has a limited capacity to deport. They have decided, quite properly, to use their enforcement discretion to target those that commit other crimes for their limited enforcement capacity. To me that makes perfect sense. It is an inconvenient truth for the Obama haters that this administration has deported more illegals, stepped up border enforcement and reduced the rate of illegal immigration.


It is true that more illegals have been deported in the last 3 years. But it seems to be inspite of this administration not because of it. The border states have become so over run with illegals, and they absolutely cannot afford to keep paying for them. All of them have stepped up their efforts to get rid of more and more illegals, and they have had to repeatedly fight with this administration to get them to do their job.

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Seems like our great leader has told the Dept. of Homeland Security to ignore calls from Arizona over the Supreme Court decision. Is he allowed to tell an agency to ignore a states request for help, isn't that alienating a state, no wonder the Governor had a few words for him. Seems like he is trying to play dictator.

Homeland Security suspends immigration agreements with Arizona police - Washington Times


Intentional failure to do the job you were elected to do.

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Liberals love the race card, it will be used a lot more before November, already in use saying racist attacks on Eric Holder. Then Zimmerman is racist, and white cop who arrest black professor was racist, everything is about race to liberals.

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Interesting by-product of the SCOTUS ruling.


It enforces that sanctuary cities and states are acting illegally. This is because the ruling indicates ONLY the federal government can act in this area.


Levin: SCOTUS Arizona decision clears way to sue sanctuary cites | The Daily Caller


“If this case stands for the point that only the federal government has power in the area of immigration, then let me suggest that sanctuary cities and sanctuary states are unconstitutional because they exist to defy federal immigration law,”


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It is true that more illegals have been deported in the last 3 years. But it seems to be inspite of this administration not because of it. The border states have become so over run with illegals, and they absolutely cannot afford to keep paying for them. All of them have stepped up their efforts to get rid of more and more illegals, and they have had to repeatedly fight with this administration to get them to do their job.


So if more have been deported in the last 3 years than in the years prior - And you say that is in spite of the current administration - Then what does that say about how much worse all the prior administrations (Dem or GOP) were? :idunno:

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