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Everything posted by barrel

  1. Poor sentence structure on part as I was using Hoover as an example of playing top programs and not a distance example. I also wouldn't call going from NO to Louisville going across the nation. I take fly by night to mean unreliable, or unscrupulous. JCC is none of those things. I completely get having pride in ones program. I agree the idea of putting together a game like this is just stupid. To just dismiss JCC as some random program that T would just have their way with is looking through some very green tinted glasses
  2. This thread has made me laugh. I don't think T is dodging anyone. Adding games like this is just not smart period. It is also pretty clear that some people on this thread are not very familiar with JCC. they are not a FL school but a school from LA. They are a small coed private school. I think 2A in their state and I also think sense they are private they have a multiplier to their enrollment but I'm not 100% on that. Comparing JCC's offense to X is not doing either team justic. JCC is one of the top split back veer teams in the country. If one wants to compare offenses then JCC and De lasalle in Concord CA is a much better comparison. JCC is not some fly by night program. They have taken their kids across the country many times to play top schools (Hoover as an example). They are one of the top programs in the country. I would love to see the two schools play because they are two great programs. I think it would be a great challenge for them both
  3. I really hope that's not the case. 3rd and short go play action and give yourself a chance
  4. I'm very happy to see the kid play. Great kid. I hope he gets to stay in most of the game.
  5. I completely agree. I was lucky enough by chance to meet Towles I guess his 8th grade or freshman year in HS. He ended up sitting beside me at some UK games back when I had season tickets. I followed his career and was very excited he was coming to UK. I just hope he gets a real chance to develope and be the player he is.
  6. Then we both went to WKU at the same time. Just by chance I've caught a number of WKU's game this year including the AL game. WKU was able to run the ball against AL. WKU looks and plays more like an SEC school then UK right now. I was saying they could beat UL and that it would be a closer game than some want to think. As far as UL being good against the run. UK could run against UL but just didn't run the ball that much. Missouri St isn't exactly going to churn up yards on the ground and once you get down by so much you almost have to throw to catach up. Point in case the NC game. They get behind and then have to throw to get back into it which means less yards on the ground.
  7. I don't know what Joker played in HS but at KY he was a reciever. I also don't see the whole running QB thing. Newton is not a running QB and not since the Curry option days can I think of UK having a running QB. It should be interesting now that Towles redshirt is going to be removed. I'm really hoping for him it works out.
  8. In theory it creates a slower track and increases the odds of a turnover. Honestly it is just one of the cliches of the game. As far as the best team I think everyone can agree it is between WKU and UL. I think no question WKU can beat UL. If WKU keeps their HC then the gap gets smaller. Keep in mind WKU has only been a D1 school for a few years. In the past 15 years they were fighting just to keep a football program. Maybe UL beats them a majority of the time but I don't think UL would want to play them. It would be much more dangerous game than UL would want
  9. Did Malzahn also say that he only ran power to the right and counter to the left? The flexbone is a great offense but I don't see PJ coming here. I also don't see Towles as a flexbone option qb. I can see him in malzahn's system
  10. The same can be said about the Louisville catholic league but they have very good coaching. Ryle has played 8th graders on the garish team at the same time they play 8th grade ball. That garish group is pretty dang good. How they compare to T and the like I have no idea.
  11. In theory two platooning should help. The idea is that even though that kid would not normally be a starter all he does is rep defense. Tackling is taught different then when many of us played. Going back to what chiefsmoke said tackling in large part is getting where you are suppose to be. It's also a mindset of getting you nose in there. Kids also do what they see which on the college and pro level is a bunch throwing the body in there and not wrapping.
  12. Is $$$ boosters and such? I like Franklin. I think some of the slight he brought on himself and some isn't fair. It's a shame some people won't let things go. It's a shame he'll more than likely will go and never be able to come home.
  13. That would be my question and thoughts. Franklin coming back to UK as the OC. I think one of the Stoops was the HC at one of the AZ schools and Dykes was his OC.
  14. WKU looked more like an SEC school. They honestly didn't look bad against AL. They shot themselves in the foot. I'm not saying they would of beat AL. They did give them the best game they've had so far.
  15. If by KY spread you mean Air Raid which went across this state like wild fire then you are wrong about T. T is a pro style offense. Beatty's roots are in the run and shoot and Coverdale has impacted football all across the country. Not only by what they run but how they teach it. Few schools install and teach their offense like T. Honestly most schools can install and teach like them if you research it. Heck ask Coverdale and he'll tell you just about anything you want to know. Two platoon football is more a matter of having the number of coaches. You might not be as talented but that comes from knowing how to split the talent. If all that kid does is work on that one position every day he is going to get better. He can be better than a kid with more talent but splits his time. As far as the question goes I think there is a number of things. Spring football, more 7 on 7, better weight programs and better educated coaches.
  16. Bellevue? That is a long drive for him. He lives in Richmond and don't believe has any plans on moving
  17. He has sent two emails looking for coaches for grant co over the football listserv. I think that seals it
  18. Hit reply too soon. The defender being cut must be in the fbz and on the Los or within one yard when the ball is snapped. There is also the issue of offensive players going to block below the waist but if a defender puts his hands down to protect himself most often it won't get called due to the defender pushing down on the offensive player
  19. Mayfield, Lone Oak, LCA, Etown and Owensboro Catholic are all or until recently all were Air Raid/TFS schools. I'll agree it doesn't fit all schools, coaches or areas. It often does take a good 2 years or so to "get it" as a player.
  20. Those are the rumors. Now rumors are just that but if all the rumors going around are true then there could be a ton of new faces leading the different sports teams next year.
  21. The school had not unblocked hudle yet. So while waiting for hudle to be unblocked and for wifi they had to go some place else. He is gone and that part is a fact. He told the players last Friday. The boosters had nothing to do with it and they are very upset that it happened.
  22. Some things I know The boosters have very supportive of Coach Arvin. They have given him pretty much everything he has asked for. For a while the coaching staff had to go to McDonald's to use the wifi because they couldn't get it put in at the locker room. The players were starting to come around as far as what was expected.
  23. TheLastDon: If you are from Shelbyville then all you need to knwo is Collins = West Middle. Spencer doesn't have horses like Collins does. Collins unless we get crazy weather which prevents their offense from going
  24. A substitute has to leave in a reasonable time. Most of the time if someone comes into the huddle and they break the huddle and then someone runs off the field they will flag it. This is in part to prevent the 1 guy in 2 guys out trick plays. Now the kickoff thing you'll never get it called. Just like you aren't going to get a call about a defender running off the field once he gets so close to the sideline. There are a ton of rule differences between Fed (what KY plays by) and NCAA and NFL. You hear the whole "they can't touch a wr past 5 yds" thing. Try getting a clear statement about what is a horsecollar in HS football. 4 weeks in a row and we got 4 different answers. Blocking below the waist is different also. Honestly I wish we would just go to what TX and Mass play by which is a modified NCAA rule set.
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