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Everything posted by GusMcRae

  1. If Gore is such a proponent for saving the planet then why does he not practice what he preaches? Di Caprio(sp) practices what he preaches...lives in a modest home (comparitevly speaking) drives a hybrid, uses public transportation, and fly's commercial. Gore on the other hand...(we all know the facts) Also, this is something that people completely try to ignore...Gore's family trust still owns a zinc mine in TN. As a matter of fact the mine was re-opened last year. Zinc mining is one of the dirtiest forms of mining. (acid leaching) I for one...do not mind for people to have certain beliefs...but if your going to spout them off please be willing to do something about it yourself. And I do not want to hear about Gore buying some bogus carbon credits to offset his Gulfstreams CO2 ouput.
  2. Then there havent been to many backhands...as wins have been few and far between.
  3. I have a bulldog...and I can guarantee there is no better chick magnet. I have been with him and around other dogs (Golden retrievers, yorkies, etc) and he ALWAYS gets the most attention (especially from women).
  4. I'll buy it...but not crazy about it. I want to see if Vera has lost much since his layoff. Also, on the Evans/Bisbing fight...word is Ortiz backed out of the fight. I read that insiders said if he lost that fight with Evans his big paydays and any chance of resigning with UFC would be over. He only has one fight left on his UFC contract so he wants it to either be a solid W or up against one of the top names. I have heard he backed out for injury...but there are contradicting stories that say he isnt injured.
  5. I would have to go with YF Dad who is also the COACH...
  6. That is the numbers during that stretch...show me a QB with better numbers facing that competition!
  7. Did he not play against those same schools last year...when all he did was have one of the best TD to INT ratios in the nation.
  8. Its pretty sad that a program like PLD has come to this...
  9. I will be there for that one...should have came Friday.
  10. No...I am going to make it over there in the next couple of weeks though.
  11. If KY goes 10-2 and Woodson keeps pace he wins...If KY goes 9-3 but he has OUTSTANDING numbers he wins...average #'s he's out. If KY goes 8-4 he DOES NOT win.
  12. I picked LCA by 10...but thought that Corbin could wear LCA down late with numbers and size. Seemed to be the case. I like my crow with salt n pepper and a litte spicy mustard on the side please.
  13. Play Calling? I dont think I heard anyone complaining last year about play calling. Here's the facts...Marty is gonna run the football. And then he is gonna run it some more. And when your tired of that...guess what? He is gonna run it some more. You dont have to like it...but it has proven to be effective. He put MC in the Regional Champ even before the merger. Marty's offenses may not be exciting to watch for the casual fan...but it is effective. And there is no way you can lose as many seniors as MC did last year and expect there not to be any hiccups. MC will be fine!
  14. It'll be...the talent is down...dont have the facilities...dont have the support...have to share practice time...yadda yadda yadda. I was at the game and it was painful to watch. And I did not feel the game was as close as the score. To see them put the ball on the ground that many times reminded me of watching my nephews little league team. I have been to 5 PLD games the last two seasons (am not a graduate or anything-just a FB fan) and can honestly say I dont believe I will watch another. I shouldve went and watched the fireworks show on Reynolds Rd.
  15. I picked two upsets before the season...UL and UT. 1 down and 1 to go!
  16. Boy was I wrong...I thought LCA would win it...but in a close one. Was Yeagle on the sidelines?
  17. Compared to Corbin? I think you could maybe make the case against Scott Co. but they also lost to a much smaller school in Corbin. I watched PLD play 3 times last year and they looked AWFUL! Looks like things havent changed much this year.
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