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Everything posted by GusMcRae

  1. If UM would of beaten OSU we wouldnt be discussing this....
  2. I am with ya LBBC...considered myself more moderate...lol:thumb:
  3. Love the Irish...BUT...to much speed on D for LSU. And ND defense is terrible so LSU will put some points up. LSU by couple or 3 tds.
  4. I am by NO MEANS a Florida fan. But I just want someone to answere me this...Everybody keeps saying that UM should have been in the NC...WHY? What exactly makes everyone think that UM is better than UF? Simple question...facts would be preferred.
  5. So the they were able to fix it this year by letting FL jump UM...but werent able to fix it with Auburn...humm:rolleyes:
  6. Was watching that segment on ESPN and they said that Meyer didnt have a vote anyway....
  7. A perfectly executed Chuck Norris Roundhouse kick is the preferred form of execution in 9 states....its a fact...you can look it up!
  8. Jeep...answer me this...where are you getting the I was gloating? I said there was an angle and you went off on a tyrade about MC fans...
  9. Hey Hogtown....I heard Ford got hurt today...what happened? Status?
  10. I agree... I also didnt understand why Russell went away from the run in the 4th...they moved the ball very well with the run. Mercer never stopped the counter xx the whole 1st half....But didnt run it in the 2nd.
  11. Mercer Faithful? Gloating? I dont live in Mercer... Harrodsburg...or even close. I have no affiliation. I thought Russell played one heck of a game. Clark is a gamer. Thought without the turnovers Russell could have one the game. Regardless...Frazier had an angle.
  12. No way....I have watched a ton of teams this year and the ONLY team that I felt was as fast or faster the MC was Male. This includes....Trinity, X, PRP, Dunbar, LCath, Franklin, LCA, and several others. You could say a lot of things about MC...but I highly doubt RH is faster. But I guess we'll find out Friday.
  13. Like I posted earlier...it shouldnt have mattered with the missed kicks. KY should have been setting up for the winning FG.
  14. You have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. The fieldhouse was in the works long before the merger. It was part of them trying to lure a great coach. They had already bought the building before Jaggers was ever hired. I talked with a few coaches who were interested in the job for THAT reason. The merger did not come up until this year when HHS's super decided to retire. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE!!!!
  15. For the record...I do not live in Harrodsburg or have anything to do with MC. But I do know the situation very well... And to answer your question...all of the above. Donations, bonds, etc. Also, the field house was built for all of Mercers sports. It houses the weight rooms, track, girls and boys locker rooms and surface. It also houses the training room. I have had the pleasure of seeing it and it is special.
  16. Actually...Jaggers said if he knew they were going to merge they would have made the fieldhouse bigger.
  17. I would disagree...I think UK lost their chances with a missed FG and missed extra point. And the FG wasnt a long one....should have been made. With those points KY wouldnt have had to worry about that at the end of the game and could have just kicked a FG for the win.
  18. It is the new sport turf...the same surface Mercer has in their indoor.
  19. LOL...is this like the west coast offense or something. I have always tried to figure out what kind of football this is...
  20. I have a question for the Russell fans...this is the MC/OC game thread. Many of the posts on this thread are from Russell fans. So I went over and checked the Russell/Belfry game thread and there were 0 out of 81 posts by a MC fan. This seems funny to me. Seems to me that Russell is much more obsessed with MC than MC is with RH. What gives?
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