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Everything posted by GusMcRae

  1. So how much should they pay JS? Should they pay more than you?
  2. One thing that drives me nuts about the dems...is they will give NO credit to Bush for the economy. They want to talk about how great the economy was under Clinton when it all reality it was white hot with over-valued tech stocks that blew up. Our unemployment is at a RECORD low...but yet the dems will say its all McD's jobs. Give me a break. You can argue Iraq and maybe a few other things you dont agree with but give credit where credit is due.
  3. Detroit averages about 35 murders a month....as does St. Louis and N. Orleans...Should we pull out of there too? For the record...my brother...WHO VOLUNTEERED!!!...is serving his 3rd TOD and he isnt complaining about the war...as a matter of fact he stands firmly behind his President. He had the opportunity to get out after both of his first two tours...knew he would have to go back for a third and did.
  4. Yeah...because things are SOOOOOOOOOOO bad...i mean the market is crashing, unemployment is at a record high....i dont think things can get much worse:rolleyes:
  5. What do you mean...did Walker get hurt again?
  6. Actually, I think it was 8...5 ints, 2 fumbles, and a blocked punt for a TD.
  7. Dunbar BETTER win this one...Their is NEVER a reason for a school the calibar of PLD to go OFER!!!! NEVER!
  8. They are 0-9....OFER!!!!! A down year is 5-5, 4-6, 3-7, or even 2-8! Not 0-9. It's been said...Great coaches find a way to win with lessor talent!
  9. Because Hillary knows that the ONLY way she would get elected.
  10. another: ACTUALLY… In plain english, the 22nd doesn’t disqualify him from being president again, it just says he can’t be ELECTED president again, meaning that not only does the 12th not apply, but in theory, a person could be president over and over again, as long as he keeps getting himself elected VP and then has the president die.
  11. Here is some of the language from the article: The answer is: He can. The 12th Amendment states that anybody who is eligible for the presidency under Article II of the Constitution (a natural-born citizen age 35 or older) is eligible for the vice presidency. Clinton is a natural-born citizen over 35, so he qualifies. The putative roadblock to a Clinton vice presidency--the 22nd Amendment--doesn't apply. This hastily worded and passed amendment, designed to block another multi-multi-term presidency such as FDR's, only bars the election of a president to more than two terms in that office. It doesn't prevent a two-term president from running for the vice presidency. The 25th Amendment affords Clinton another route to the vice presidency: In the event the vice presidency is vacated, the president appoints a new veep, subject to confirmation by Congress. (This is how Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockefeller became vice president.) Nothing in the Constitution would prevent Vice President Clinton from becoming president via succession. Finally, another scenario could return Clinton to the White House without a pit stop at the vice presidency. If both the presidency and the vice presidency were vacated and Bill Clinton were the speaker of the House, he would become president under the 1948 presidential succession act. (Next in line, the president pro tempore of the Senate and then the cabinet officers in the order specified by the act.)
  12. To the Clinton-Clinton ticket: There was an article in the Wall St. Journal a few days back talking about this very thing. As in turns out Clinton lawyers are getting interpretation of this from different legal scholars. The concensus is...it depends on how you interpret the wording. The majority of the scholars, judges, etc polled was that it states he cant be "elected" President. But there is nothing that says he could not secede to the office. I will try to find the article and post it. But it looks as if the Clintons are trying to see if it is viable.
  13. Either JM or Billary...you can guarntee the GOP with get behind McCain.
  14. LSU was one game...Look at what the offense has done the rest of the year...Once again...IT HAS BEEN THE ONLY BRIGHT SPOT!
  15. Dems will take over the house...which in turn will cause Hal Rogers to run for govenor...causing Ernie Fletcher to pull out of the race in Jan. and Hal will become the next Gov of KY. Republicans will hold the Senate...BECAUSE...it is going to come down deadlocked and the swing vote is going to come from Indy Conn Sen Joe L. With his disgust for the dem party he will throw the balance of power to the GOP. Next Year... Hillary and Obama will be the leading Dem candidates for President. Billary (Yes Bill and Hillary) will do their patented character assasination on Obama finding dirt and vaulting Hillary to the nomination. John McCain will easily win the Republican nomination sitting back watching Clinton and Obama rip each other apart. McCain will easily beat Billary in the general election. Just one mans thoughts.....
  16. No doubt about it? Thats pretty confident in a team who has took a yearly beating since Rains came to LCA...And who got beat by a YOUNG LCA team in THEIR house! Legit...not Ligit!:thumb:
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