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Everything posted by pigman

  1. Play a JV schedule in 11 man football until your numbers increase.
  2. If he weren't the head coach he wouldn't owe anyone an apology but his family. Only problem is he is the head coach and has a very high profile job. He certainly owed his employers an apology. Does he not hold his players to a higher standard than the average student, then he also should be held to that standard. I don't feel sorry for him at all, his family is a different story. I have all the sympathy in the world for them. Just another person that has all he could ever want not being satisfied and screwing up several peoples lives.
  3. Seems they just proved their point even more about Palin being clueless.
  4. So now everyone knows Rick is telling the truth. I think I've said this before, but I know someone that worked very closely with Rick when he was at UK. a They said if his lips are moving he's lying and that's from someone that likes him. So take his word for what it's worth.
  5. SInce I got the 50" plasma would rather watch at home. Foods better and cheaper, don't have to have a designated driver and my recliner is pretty comfy. Had UK FB season tickets, loved the tailgating, but hated the parking and driving hassles. Plus I can ask obnoxious people to leave my house.
  6. " Can someone find us a good coach?"
  7. Just giving a reason why costs are so high. My total bill to the dentist would be less than $200 and I did the majority of the work.
  8. ^ I'm sure for the most part it was related to their overhead. I worked with one dentist, and we had set up a little place to make dentures. He would tell his patients I can make you a set out of my office where I have to pay an office staff and it's going to cost you $1,600 or you can to my other place where my lab tech works and get exactly the same thing for $400. 90% chose to come to the place where I worked.
  9. The mark up is the biggest problem. I was a dental lab tech for 20 some years and at one time serviced most of the dentist in my hometown. I would charge them all the same for a set of dentures using the same materials. You could go to one and pay $2,000 for a set or go to a different and pay $1,000 and be getting exactly the same thing. I made more dentures in a year than most dentist make in a lifetime, therefore having more skill in that area. Now if legal I could make you that exact set of dentures for $750, but you must go through a dentist according to Ky state law.
  10. ^ I wanted him two years ago and am glad he's here now. Have you ever actually met the man?
  11. Well he's playing in a conference with mediocre defenses, so I don't think I would anoint him just yet.
  12. Dwight Perry would've never been on the team in the first place if he weren't Bobby Perry's cousin. That's a great reason to keep a player. I understand him being a senior, but he understands what being a walk on is.
  13. They're supposed to be shorts not lose fitting capri pants.
  14. NCAA needs to mandate no shorts below the knees.
  15. Rainier than it's been in awhile, but you have to figure this time the last several summers we've been going through moderate to severe droughts.
  16. I agree with you Hatz on Sparky. It takes a great manager to keep all those egos in check.
  17. Dean Smith does not belong in front of Bobby Knight.
  18. Bless you and your family Bill. Prayers from Frankfort.
  19. After alot of thought my favorite team of all time would have to be the Oklahoma team of the early 70's that Greg Pruitt was the star of. Talking about running the wishbone to perfection that sure was a fun team to watch.
  20. I only have two, Bear Bryant and Bo Jackson.
  21. Did he bet or cheat while he played? If it comes, is he being inducted as a player or a manager? I have no problem seperating his managing career from his playing career.
  22. All you have to do is run a league and you will find some amazing things parents and coaches will do to try and get the upper hand.
  23. LBBC I must also agree with you on help from home. It's not passing the buck it's a reality. While I worked for FIS for 15 years I drove a bus for 14 of those. When they started the no child left behind program I would sometimes drive the bus for them. They went to one of the housing projects and rented one of the houses. They set it up to teach young children. We would go to peoples door with the bus pick up the mother and child take them to the facility, and most time feed them breakfast. I know you won't be surprised because you see it, but it amazed me how lazy people were that they wouldn't take advantage of a program that would improve their childs and their lives. While I've never been a teacher I have coached. If everyone is not on the same page and you're not getting reenforcement from home it makes the job 10X's more difficult.
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