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Everything posted by pigman

  1. Why? To sit on the bench? I appreciate his effort on the floor, but why would he ?
  2. I was thinking if he comes back he could possibly be the 4th player selected from his own team. Hadn't really thought of that way, but if he comes back and shows no real improvement he could go behind Wall, Patterson, and Cousins.
  3. If Cal had stayed at Memphis we wouldn't be.
  4. Didn't say he was happy, just that he handled it well.
  5. When I was growing up MNF actually meant something. For along time it was the only time football was on other than Saturdays and Sundays. As much as I love football being able to watch a game almost every night takes something away from it.
  6. Mondays are good tv add in Rules of Engagement and I'm good till bedtime.
  7. We all just need to get ready for the hate. The butt kickings are coming, so the hate for UK will grow.
  8. I thought Pilgrims dad handled it very well in the paper. Hope none of these kids have to sit out a year.
  9. ^ Give one example of a 72 year old woman attacking a police officer. No I have no idea what it's like to be in law enforcement, but I can promise you with no training at all I could've handled it better than this guy. I'm not really defending this lady, she should've complied, but to taser her is a little over the line. What if she had died from a heart attack after being tasered?
  10. An 88 year old with a history. I really don't understand how most of you are ok with this. While it was after she was out of the truck am I the only one that heard say give it to me and I'll sign it. The whole incident would've ended there.
  11. ^ Yes and then she said give me the thing and I'll sign it. I still think the push wasn't needed all he needed to do was step beside her the push escalated everything. I realize old people can be dangerous too, but I still don't agree with the way he handled it.
  12. Twice her size and had to use a taser. That first push looked a little uncalled for, wouldn't want to be him.
  13. I would hope the kid has parents, or there is an elgibility issue.
  14. GT was he projected to go higher than Meeks?
  15. Hope you enjoy Your day.
  16. Exactly who's questioning? Neither of the last two came from the NCAA who said these kids were qualified to play. Of course they said Rose was qualified as well. Sounds to me like they need some more people working at the clearinghouse. If the people in charge tell you something is ok what are you supposed to do. Now if Dozier was denied entry to Gergia while Harrick was there that really doesn't come as a surprise. Nothing personal Wireman just a little misleading.
  17. ^ I agree Wireman is Mark Storying us with that thread title.
  18. I think Jodie's a little worried about his playing time going down and his stats following. Coach Cal explained in his press conference the NBA looks at how productive you are while in the game. As Cal said his minutes may go down, but his productivity would probably go up because he would have to force less shots. In other words if you play 37 minutes and average say 20 points and 5 rebounds one year, and the next year you average 30 minutes a game and have the same averages your productivity actually went up and that's what the NBA looks at. Oh yeah while a little off subject I got to meet Demarcus Cousins yesterday one word of warning don't shake hands with him he almost broke mine.
  19. Thanks to Jay. I was listening to espn on the way home yesterday and the guy filling in for Tirico and Van Pelt was going on a rant about Calipari. Basically if this and if that. Well wait until everythings been investgated and then make comments. Mark Story's article about this hire giving Todd a black eye was way off base as far as I'm concerned. The Camby thing was 13 years ago and I firmly believe if the NCAA could've proved anything against Cal they would have. If Rose is innocent he should sue the NCAA for defamation of character. If they had suspicions they should've never made him eligible in the first place. Now this Dorsey stuff is coming up from a source well if the source is so sure about it give us a name. I'm with Jay innocent until proven guilty. Heck, I grew up in a family of 5 and my parents were fairly strict, and I did thing they will never know.
  20. Listen to the Music-Doobie Brothers Hello It's Me -Todd Rudgren Sexual Healing- Marvin Gay
  21. We did the Burger King in Frankfort several years ago, and when we got home the order was correct, but one of the Whoppers had a bite taken out of it. Took it back and got our money back. It was years before my wife would eat there again.
  22. Wasn't on BGP then and can't think of any reason why someone would've blasted her for defending her dad. Much worse was being said about RB back then. I was reading in another thread where someone was talking about Mitch not telling Todd about Rich's history of NCAA problems when it was what one. Talking about taking things out of context.
  23. These days six million isn't pocket change to anyone other than an Exxon exec. I sat in a room when UK fired 11 workers no notice, nothing. I agree fighting battles on two fronts doesn't look good but if it can save you 3 or 4 million I say fight the fight.
  24. ^ You act like six million is pocket change. The man deserves nothing. Wouldn't sign a contract that was presented to him six different times. He was paid for his time here that's all he deserves.
  25. ^ Better act now. I went and got a new work ID yesterday and some fat guys picture was on it.
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