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Everything posted by pigman

  1. You'll learn tru b. That's why I don't make statements like that, you can think it just don't post it. My own words don't taste very good. Glad someone brought up the scrimmage from a couple of years ago when the results were opposite and LCA ended up in the state championship. Not saying FHS will, but that's why you have scrimmages.
  2. Didn't think I was stretching much, accidentally bumped into reaches for a gun, knocked down who knows what happens. RTS I'm pretty sure a responsible gun owner and know many, but that doesn't mean everyone else is.
  3. Hey retired when did they move Bellpoint to South Frankfort?
  4. Memphis and UK are two completely different situations. Cal had to take chances at Memphis he won't have to here.
  5. A guy I used to coach with had a saying posted in his office that read There's two sports in Texas, football and spring football.
  6. Man you pro gun guys amaze me. I'm not anti gun either, but you guys standing up for this guy rockmom bumped into amazes me. What if she accidently knocked him down, I suppose he has the right to blow her away.
  7. I had two guys try to break in on my wife when I was in the Air Force. My brother in law drove me home and I pulled his shotgun from behind the seat and walked around the apartment complex with it on my shoulder. Heard comments did you see that crazy guy walking around with a gun on his shoulder. People that shouldn't have been hanging around scoping things out suddenly dissapeared and we had no more problems. I would say I scared and intimated people which is exactly what I was after. This was in the 70's. I understand this guys right to protest, but the gun is a little overboard. Heck we're on here debating exactly what he was protesting. Carry a sign.
  8. ^ Reggie Bush loaned them the money.
  9. Our spring game at FHS that used to be admission.
  10. Any gun in that setting would bother me. Heck I'm friends with a guy that carries a gun and he makes me nervous. Stable people crack sometimes and if they just happen to have a gun could be bad news.
  11. If the guy wasn't carrying a gun no fear on my part. You walk up to me with that on your shoulder at any event other than hunting, although I don't know what you would hunt with it or a target range I'm gonna be a little scared. I grew up hunting and fishing, so I've been around plenty of guns. Whether or not he's doing it for intimidation only he would know, but it's intimidating to me, so that's my reality.
  12. If you listened to coach Cal's presser where he talked about rpi and sos he probably understands it better than most. I agree most of this years schedule was probably already in place.
  13. Just guessing here, but a kid that's 3 or 4 years older physically and was a stud QB in high school probably could come and compete. Now if he had just sat around for that time maybe, but I think he competed at a fairly high level of athletics.
  14. Jim I would have to agree here. My crew takes care of the theatre here and I just asked my crew leader was everyone that worked over there gay. For the most part they are.
  15. Seems like a nice setup for Mercer. Play everything but varsity football games at H-Burgs old field.
  16. Maybe if this was redgrasspreps you might have as many crazy UL fans.
  17. ^ I agree and he probably made more money than I will in my lifetime.
  18. She could've said if my husband wasn't such a bad word Al wouldn't have had to distance himself and probably would've won the election.
  19. The whole truth will probably never come out, but people continuing to defend Pitino is beyond me.
  20. Proof positive that dark beer makes you happier and fatter.
  21. I guess we assume when you said fan you meant someone with a little knowledge. There's dummys everywhere I guess.
  22. Games are at Leathers feild on Holmes street.
  23. They're not much of a fan if they don't know the difference in UK and UL.
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