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Everything posted by pigman

  1. ^ You're right as not as many football field are crowned like the used to be. I guess because a lot of fields double as soccer fields. I guess it must have been 03 when it seemed like it rained every Friday.
  2. The light bulb thing reminds me of a story when the iron curtain came down. Before that happened light bulbs were government issued and lasted for years. They started complaining after buying commercial bulbs and they burned outs so much quicker.
  3. I have seen UK screwed so many times I can't remember, and it's usually against schools with big bowl games on the line. Lorenzens year they should've beat Tennessee comes to mind. UT had the ball 4th down throw a long pass to the endzone incomplete. The players turn to return to the field and a pass interference flag magically appears. If these guys are consistently bad they need to be suspended.
  4. Didn't see anything on the billboard attacking his character.
  5. Posted this in the Auburn thread but everyones done with it. I asked Tony Nealy when the last time UK went penalty and turnover free in a game. Penalty free 1991 and he couldn't remember when UK had done both.
  6. That's why I was wondering how you can judge what throws Newton can and can't make.
  7. I realize Beechwood is Beechwood and saying they've played the toughest schedule in 1a is just that. Last year they beat Dixie 29-6 and lost this year 47-7. They beat Holy Cross 28-7 away and won in ot at home this year 36-35 and scrimmaged Highlands last year. Beechwoods always good, but these numbers suggest not as good as in the past.
  8. So you're saying Newton can't make all the throws. I remember Stafford as being very inconsistent his freshman year.
  9. ^ Coming from a woman you should listen, because face it none of us males really understand women.
  10. In barely 3 quarters of play it's a bit early for me to form an opinion.
  11. I just asked Tony Nealy when the last time UK played a turnover penalty free game. He said penalty free was 1991 and he couldn't ever remember both in the same game. As I said very impressive win.
  12. I think your district plays ours. They would both have first round games at home then the second place team will probably be at Frankfort for the second round. Then I think your district will host the regional championship. I could be wrong, but don't think I am.
  13. The thirty days in your system is for someone that smokes regularly. We had someone tested we were sure was high and when it came back negative we said no way. The fellow at the hospital that did the test said if you don't do it on a regualr basis it's like most other drugs and out of your system in 3 days.
  14. As has been stated several times he wasn't brought in to rebuild anything, but to improve and expand what was there.
  15. Will they pay a football coach more than Pitino?
  16. Can someone tell me where Bellevues field is ?
  17. I voted 5-1 although I think 4-2 is more likely. If they play like the Auburn game anythings possible, but to play penalty and turnover free is a tough thing to do. When is tha last time UK did that?
  18. 4 points and 2 rebounds and he's their strongest and most athletic. Could be a long year for the Cowboys.
  19. If they weren't at someone elses event I wouldn't worry too much.
  20. I read the article didn't bother me at all. I could hear one of our fans saying it looks like Tubby ball.
  21. Comparing Lindley to Hartline is not the way to do it.
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