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Everything posted by Incognito

  1. Mother always called lettuce with bacon grease "wilted lettuce." She used the leaf lettuce as opposed to the head of lettuce. The meal Cville described is my all time fave. (the beach and margarita sounds great too!)
  2. Just received this pm from OldRambler and he asked me to pass it along: "The surgeon said that he was able to repair the small perfortion/hole in the stomach and thought that she would do o.k." He said that it was really scary until the dr.s' figured out exactly what was happening, but he feels better about things now. He and his wife are dear friends of mine. Please continue to pray for a full and speedy recovery.
  3. Thanks for the update, Cville. Prayers from our household going up for OldRamblers house right now!
  4. Brooke Wilson, point guard for Raceland, also played on this team with Kayla. I am not sure of the other two girls' names, but I do believe they were from Ironton.
  5. Isn't his daughter a teacher at Russell? Or maybe it is the middle school, but I know she is in the Russell system.
  6. Peyton is a great kid and a stand out athlete. He'll continue to be successful at any college that is fortunate to recruit him.
  7. Exactly. We can make all the rules we want. Enforcing them is the tricky part. We hold a parent meeting at the beginning of the year, and each parent signs up for a game or two to work concessions. This list is then posted inside the concession stand for future referrel. We state at that time that if you can't keep your concessions date, it is their responsibility to simply arrange to switch with someone or to have another friend or relative cover for you. The varsity works jv games and vice versa. This has worked pretty well over the years, but I have seen times where parents ended up working when their kid is playing. Usually myself and a few other parents volunteer to work for them at this point. I don't mind at all to work as long as I can watch my kids play. This was the purpose of building Raceland's new gym with the concession windows facing the court. This works well when spectators sit at the tables instead of standing behind them, which puts them directly infront of the concession stand windows. It helps too, during very crowded games to have a few extra parents help during the half time rush.
  8. I am so tickled to hear how well RK is doing! My prayers will continue tho for a speedy and complete recovery!
  9. I am so thrilled she'll be coming home today, but she'll miss my e-card. I sent it after noon on Friday and got a message saying it wouldn't be delivered until Monday. At least when she reads this she'll know she has one out there in e-card land somewhere!
  10. oh, what wonderful news! God is so good! We love you RebelK! Thanks Birdsfan for the updates.
  11. I am so relieved to read these updates. I was out of town all day yesterday, not anywhere near a computer to check, but RK, you were definitely on my heart and mind, and in my prayers! I will continue to keep you and your family right at the top of my prayer list. Thanks BF for all the updates!
  12. what a beautiful and eloquent prayer! A big "Amen" to that one!
  13. oh how I hate to hear this! Prayers for RK for a full and speedy recovery and for her family.
  14. My dad left me a .25 Raven pistol when he passed away and hubby has a glock 19. He also has several guns he hunts with.
  15. I totally agree! I've known Mike for many years. When he coaches, the kids not only learn the sport but many, many life lessons also. He teaches and coaches with nothing but optimism, kindness and patience. My son played basketball for him. Mike's coaching became a family activity for him. You would always see his wife, his kids and even some cousins and in-laws there supporting Mike's teams.
  16. I just read this thread. Thank God the girls are all ok.
  17. Who says one must tithe to a church? Why not a person in need, a widow, an elderly couple that needs medication or utilities? Does tithing mean just money? Can't it include service such as landscaping at the church, teaching Sunday School, chaperoning the youth, sitting with lonely elderly people? There are many way to give to the "church", meaning God's people, not the church on the corner down the street. I have a problem giving to a church that doesn't allow input on how that money is spent. They want bigger, newer buildings, parsonages for the pastor, vans for group transportation, it never ends. How does all this better the kingdom of God?
  18. The Brewery has the best wings I've ever eaten. Ofcourse, it may have been the brew that made me think that! The Old Mill and the Apple Barn are both wonderful restaurants. We also drove throught Cade's Cove and we really enjoyed the log cabins, the churchs and the cemetaries. Lots of history.
  19. OR, you are probably right there in the realistic sense. It is just too late to back-pedal on that issue now. Here is something I've wondered about: Who do our troops say they support? In this time of war, who do they see as the top choice for the next commander-in-chief? As a civilian, there is no clear cut candidate. I'd be interested in hearing from some of the servicemen, active or otherwise, out there in BGP land.
  20. I agree. Obama is a day late and a dollar short.
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