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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. To answer the question, UConn wouldn't be in any trouble just because Ollie left. The guys not exactly an iconic name. Good coach, sure. The first guy you think of when you think of UConn, not even close. UConn's biggest hurdle is their conference standing. They can't stay put for long without the program losing some ground it would take away to gain back. As for Ollie himself, he is likely NBA bound at some point (provided his success at UConn is maintained). But, OKC isn't necessarily the place guys would want to flock to right now. Likely to lose Durant, and could lose Westbrook as well. And it is OKC. Unimaginable to me that they have a major pro franchise. Nothing there, and in the middle of nowhere.
  2. On the bolded, it's not me. Why is this personal? I clearly stated in the bolded you quoted (did you actually read it though) that in the "state's" eyes this was skirting the rule. Has zero to do with me. Just how I perceive the "state" looked at what was happening and led to their next action.
  3. I'll answer graph by graph again. I'm not the state (KHSAA) you'd have to ask them if you think they are hamstringing football. I don't think they are, but that's another discussion. As far as I know ALL activity in any sport is only banned during the dead period. Why pick on basketball more than any other sport? Again, I'm not the state, so I can't answer for the KHSAA. But, I kind of assumed all schools with football did have trainers on site every day. My guess is if that's not the case, the KHSAA isn't going to mandate it because that would open them up to liability. On the last part of this graph, again I don't get the "feel good changes" you are talking about. On the last graph, I don't know. I'm not the state.
  4. Again, I don't see why basketball is even brought up in the thread, but it seems to keep being mentioned. I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. You do get July, that's not ridiculous. It's a fact.
  5. Don't watch it for the suspense, it's not that kind of show. It's all about character development and learning to like/dislike characters. More like reading a book than just watching a show. Hope this helps. I know you requested a no-spoiler thread, but I gotta give you a big one. The series ends with "Don't Stop Believin," playing and the whole world decides the song is cool for the next 10 years. As a fellow A's fan, I just thought I should give you a heads up (Journey is from Oakland after all). Of course, if you didn't already know this spoiler you were living someplace more like San Mars than San Antonio.
  6. I'll address your points one at a time, since you did a good job breaking them down for me. 1. I'm not sure what you are disagreeing with. Let me clearly state this again. The state banned competition against other schools in June (figuring that would end 7 on 7). Some schools (in the state's eye) skirted the rule by making 7 on 7 an inter squad thing when the state wanted it to go away. So they took away one of the toys you need to keep playing 7 on 7. 2. Of all the issues football is dealing with right now, that's your question? I'd prefer to keep the topic on football and the thread starting quote, but to answer your question: I think basketball is not allowed to scrimmage other schools after the dead period. I think this started the same year football had to quit 7 on 7 against other schools in June. But, you already knew that. 3. I'm not sure how to respond to this. I see the state taking helmets away in June as a lot of things, but a feel good thing is not one. Further, I'm not sure how the state removing protective gear from kids could be viewed as any kind of response at all to the NFL poor track record on concussions. Seems the complete 180 to me. Unless of course their goal was to make sure there was no getting around the 7 on 7 rule this time. (see my first post, and point one in this post).
  7. Clyde, Great read. It's spot on, and I enjoy actually hearing/reading what those that have lived through it have to say. Unfortunately, I think it will mostly go ignored while many of these guys listen to the wrong people and fall into the exact situations PPat is warning them of. I applaud him for taking the time to actually articulate his thoughts on a subject he knows and understands. All you can do is explain it for everyone. If they choose to ignore it, that's on them. I've learned this much, people hear what they want. People read even less if they don't like it. That's a shame because reading opens your mind to ideas, and someone told me once (though I still struggle with it at times) that God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen.
  8. "near riot" is what I think it was called. I was there as well. In my recollection it wasn't about moshing, more about crowd control and the push of people trying to get in without tickets. One fence came down, then another.
  9. On the bolded, it was from the TV show CHIPS. Seven Mary and the number were the officers radio call signs.
  10. I'd say on first blush, here's your winner. Good post. Makes sense. It appears the state banned 7 on 7's a few years ago, but coaches may have skirted the spirit of the rule by continuing to have them within their own team. State didn't like that, so they decided they'd take away helmets and really put the onus on coaches. Not saying I favor the logic, but it looks like the state is saying, "we said stop it and you didn't. So now, we are saying it in all caps bold." An analogy, albeit not to be taken literally, from the state's point of view: You've got a couple people playing with fire, and the state asks them to stop and grounds them. They keep doing it, only at home. State then takes away their fire extinguishers. I understand that 7 on 7's are not playing with fire in terms of a disaster waiting to happen, unless of course it is without helmets. Point is the state asked them to stop, they didn't, state took away a huge safety net. Again, not saying I agree with the logic, but the state appears to really be telling the coaches no impact in June. As for the rest of Ru's thread starter. Interesting comments for sure.
  11. Off topic, but just for kicks: Without using google, does anyone A) remember Seven Mary Three? and B) know where the band's name originated?
  12. A few that I had to look up or I'd have no chance with: Pearl Jam: Yellow Ledbetter and Given to Fly Stone Temple Pilots: Still Remains and Trippin on a Hole... Nirvana: No one ever actually knew what the hell the lyrics to Smells Like Teen Spirit were until Google came along. Seven Mary Three: Cumbersome. Smashing Pumpkins: Take your pick. I guess it was a 90's thing. Others: Boston: More than a Feeling. Part of the chorus came across as "My tic-tacs gone but the radio's on, eh ya." Fleetwood Mac: Tusk. Good bass. What the heck are they saying? I hear Tusk. Mister Mister: Broken Wings. Great song, but I still don't know if I know the lyrics. Heard it the other day and thought, I need to google these lyrics.
  13. Sandman


    3rd mowing of the year today for my lawn. Of course both my neighbors are still stuck on mow one, so there's that. This time of year you basically have to mow around the rainfall, or you're gonna be in it deep.
  14. There's your winner. For the name of the location. Good fast food mexican place back in the day.
  15. Dude, if you're in on the joke you play along. You don't jump to the punch-line. It's all about timing.
  16. Bayless is a goof, good word. Smith is worse, or at least just as bad. Perhaps the most unwatchable show on the ESPN networks, and that is saying something. I've never heard two guys spout more pointless drivel about meaningless topics than these two. Can't believe the show is still on honestly. I'm sure on cue, someone will chime in with how much they like the show.
  17. The Finch name does ring a bell. I think I've heard a little about him. If this is the same person I heard about, I thought he enrolled at CCH the first of the month. No?
  18. Big fan of what? Baseball, outdoors, art??? Are kids involved? Again, can make a difference. Chicago is slightly further away, but probably your best bet to find something for anyone (unless you want to camp I would guess). Indy, Columbus, Louisville, Nashville, and even Cleveland are 4 or less hours away. All have plenty to offer as they are all big cities. Both Kentucky and Ohio offer plenty in the way of state parks within the vicinity as well. And there is the Smokies in the 5 hour range. If I had to stay in the 2-3 hour range, for my money I'd likely head to either Louisville or Columbus. I know there would be plenty of options for about anything I wanted at either place.
  19. Gotcha, and thanks for the visual proof. I already knew ASU's rep though. Solid as that rep is UA, UCLA, and USC will be able to meet them tan line to tan line though.
  20. Movie I Like that other people likely don't know exists: Fresh Horses. I like it but it is no hidden gem. Shot in Cincinnati with a couple big stars at the time. Perhaps Ben Stiller's first movie now that I think about it. Slasher themed movies seem to be taking a bit of a beating, so I'll throw in the Scream series, the first I Know What You Did Last Summer, and Halloween I, II and IV.
  21. Dumb and Dumber six times over. But, any Jim Carey movie would make my list. Any Will Ferrell movie as well. Come to think of it, you could toss Ben Stiller right in there with them. he's been in a few movies (Something About Mary) I like. But, he's been in a lot of really bad movies. Never got the obsession with A Christmas Story, nor do I understand how people enjoy watching Christmas Vacation (love the first Vacation though).
  22. Had Abuelo's again last night. Really like this place. Food is better slightly better than other places mentioned, and it is a bit more expensive as well. Great sauces, great service (which can be hit and miss at Mexican places in my experience). Rio Grande is good, but less enchilada sauce options. A new place just opened in Florence. I've only been there once, but it's a small chain and I had been in one in Louisville before. Can't remember the name. Big portions, good chips and salsa, overall pretty good and pretty cheap.
  23. Last bag of Grippo's BBQ I purchased at Kroger's tasted the same as always. Plenty of BBQ, plenty of heat.
  24. Solid hire for ASU. Certainly a step up, but who can believe Sendek lasted as long as he did? Maybe a sign of what basketball means to ASU? I think ASU is going a tough place to win consistently unless you go the JUCO route heavily. I just don't see where you can recruit. And with that tough recruiting situation, you have to play in a decent conference. Arizona will always be good, Utah is going to stay pretty good, and Oregon has everything in place to be good every year. So you are left battling UCLA, USC, Stanford, Washington, et al. for fifth place every year. Unless of course you can come up with some JUCO's and win big one time and hit the road.
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