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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. The criminal portion of the punishment against the McNick freshman football players who were expelled from school earlier this school-year for hazing came to a conclusion Friday. The judge in the case was satisfied the boys had met his requirements (anti-bullying classes) and dismissed the charges. Mother of the victim was in court and spoke that her sons issues were continuing as a result of the incident.
  2. Reminds me a bit of something that happened at McNicholas HS earlier this school year. Freshman football players involved in what was called "hazing" at the time. Different, yet similarly disgusting choices made by the kids involved toward the victim. If memory serves, perps weren't only kicked off the team, but kicked out of school. Deters was considering criminal charges, but if anything was filed criminally it was at the juvenile level. Without further comparing the situations, I thought at the time the action by those involved at McNick gave a pretty good model for others to follow.
  3. I don't think so. I think UK fans decided a long time ago they liked Cal, and UK fans are nothing if not loyal. Cal can recruit. And, he can get the recruits to buy into the team before me package. That makes him better than a lot of coaches. We agree on his in-game coaching. So, like I said, you get what you get. I'm sure BBN will turn up the heat on Cal a little next year, only because Duke won another one this year. But, at the end of the day BBN sticks with Cal until he decides to move on.
  4. On the first bolded, it does happen. Just wanted to clarify there was no rule against it. Happens a lot more in football, but does happen in basketball. X guys are loyal and have been for 100 years, so I do get the gist of what you are saying. On the second bolded, I agree. Just makes NKU look slow on the uptake as a result. Not the best picture for them to paint right now in the community.
  5. Few more takes: Lots of chatter about the three shot-clock violations. They were the result of three air balls, correct. UK took shots on each possession, just terrible shots. There is a difference. McDonald's All-Americans taking a good shot, probably hit the rim every single time. Not a fan of the Harrison's, but they've done some good things. To be clear, crazy to blame them for the stretch run tonight. Someone made the 1-4 calls and said "go be a hero" because that's apparently good offense. Same someone called out a top 3 draft pick a couple times this year for playing "hero ball". I miss the logic. As for blaming Cal for the loss, when you get paid $X millions to coach basketball, and your team performs that poorly down the stretch, well.... Not sure how many chances (including offensive rebounds) UK had up four. But, if they take a good shot on even one of them, I really like their chances to go ahead and win the game. Instead they had three NBA players stand and watch two Euro-pro's over dribble into an unmake-able shot. Not the coach's fault though. Gotta mention, the shot that started the whole chain of events was a terrible three taken by one of the Harrison's (you get what you get). That shot is on him, not what followed offensively, and I thought at the time "you don't want that". UK rebounded though and from there I assumed Towns, Lyles, WCS, and maybe even Booker would be given chances to score.
  6. Good get. I thought there were three UK players standing right next to where the ball landed in bounds, you could audibly hear one of them say "let it go" as the ball bounced. Why not just grab it. It was right there. Grab the ball that's right next to you, and the shot clock no-call never happens. Mentality some of the players have though. Drives me nuts.
  7. admittedly I haven't read a single post in the thread yet, so I may be jumping into a discussion that's already been beat to death, but a few quick takes. I said in the Notre Dame thread, you get what you get with the Harrison's. Good and bad. Lack of any semblance of offense killed UK down the stretch. You get paid $5 million a year to run low 1-4, that's a good gig if you can get it. Cal has 5 NBA guys on the floor and kept putting the ball in the two worst prospects hands and said "go make a play," That's the best we can come up with? How come "hero ball" was such a bad thing for Towns at times this year (Cal's words) and tonight he begged the Harrison's to play "hero ball." I don't get it. Numerous chances with a 4 point lead, and air balls and forced shots were all they could get. You get what you get with Cal as well. In game coaching is a weakness, it cost them tonight. I'll say 15 coaches win the national title with UK this year, they may not have entered tonight unbeaten, but that many would have won the title with what UK has. And for those who follow recruiting like it is the be-all-and-end-all. UK had 9 McD's all-americans tonight, Wisconsin had 0. So there's that. Vent finished. I'll now go back and read the other posts.
  8. As mentioned in my first post.
  9. On the quoted, it's been two-plus weeks, which is a long time in the college world. ...As for everything else, I agree with several comments about the search committee thing. Bad idea. Sounds as though NKU is going to end up with who they hoped for though. Couple questions though. Why would they fire Bezold if they know there's a chance they won't even be able to talk to their "target" for a couple weeks? Why not wait until they can talk? Why couldn't they talk to the X assistant? Didn't one of the Ohio St. coordinators coach in the national championship football game this year after taking a job at another school? How'd that school gain permission to talk to this guy? What's the difference in the two situations? I'll start unwrapping my Snickers now, I may be waiting awhile.
  10. On the bolded, ya gotta be kidding. It's been a weapon for a billion years. Victoria's Secret built an empire on it.
  11. Kellogg requested to go to the studio. I don't remember why, or if he even gave a reason. But, it was his call.
  12. Not sure of all the details, but I think there is a package that's actually called "basic" that is less than 70 channels. It includes channels 1-28 maybe, in the TWC area. The package I'm guessing you have is the next tier and includes ESPN, the Turner channels. Basically everything up to like channel 72. The first package is considerably cheaper than the second but includes mostly over the air channels.
  13. My point was simple, he didn't double his salary. It costs a lot more to live in NY than Richmond. Thus, if he did it for a slight pay increase, it wasn't worth it. That's what my post said. If he did it for other reasons, well what do I care. Of course no one is going to make six figures, relocate from central Kentucky and go live in the Bronx anyway. So I'm not sure whatever number you used is even relevant.
  14. Tend to agree with GT on this one. The job has been open for a long time now by college standards. AD should have a list, be prepared (especially since the university executed the opening) and go make a hire. It's not the university was caught by surprise by the opening. Making NKU look like a mom and pop organization when it comes to athletics. Which is what most people look at them as already.
  15. I've heard similar thoughts coming from other corners. Certainly food for thought. That said, I have no idea who Sherwin is, so for him to make a blanket statement like the game is poorly coached is ludicrous. He kind of lost me after that, so I didn't even bother to read the link provided. Guy obviously thinks he knows a lot more than he does.
  16. To try to shed some light on your two part question, once a kid plays a varsity sport, I think the same rules apply for every transfer. i.e. no such thing as a "no red tape" move. Not positive on this, but that's my take. And I know, it's the KHSAA, so go easy on the "same rules" and "no red tape" stuff in my post. Just trying to help Hoops5 out. On the bolded, you can't go to school one place and play sports for a different school just because your school doesn't offer it. I hear people mention this from time to time, not a rule. Think of the confusion it could cause in the St. Henry hallways on football Friday's as kids walk around in their CovCath, Cooper, Conner and Ryle jersey's. That would be interesting...
  17. Noll was class of '99. Wilson was class of '00. Doug Jones did not play basketball his senior year because of a knee injury. Feagan from Ryle was mentioned in a couple posts. Very good player (not better than Doellman though). He was class of '02, the year Ryle won the region. Very good kid and great guy from the few times I've interacted with him.
  18. ND had and NBA guard running the show. Wisconsin does not. Even when ND took Grant off the point, UK didn't pressure the other ball handlers very well. Likely for fear of the back cuts. Ball pressure will bother Wisconsin if UK chooses to extend. That's their Achilles IMO.
  19. Over penetration on a drive and hoping to be bailed out by a foul call. Turned into a live ball turnover (or at least a terrible possession when UK was fighting just to stay in the game). On both possessions, I really thought they had a chance to get Townes the ball before the turnover. Again, I like UK and the Harrison's have made some great plays. But, I worry about "hero" plays from one or both in game. Most UK folks could take them at this point, given what they've done the last two years. I'd prefer them to just throw the easy pass once in a while when it's still the easy pass. Very good game to watch. Played badly at time by both teams. UK was mostly very good down the stretch, partially thanks to the Harrison's making big shots. ND played well at times. The last several minutes had to be hard to watch if you are a ND fan though.
  20. That's him. Good player. Underrated for what he brought to the 03 team.
  21. This, 100 percent. I have zero idea if coaching at Fordham is a better gig than coaching at EKU. I can promise you this though, it costs a lot, lot, more to live in one part of the country than the other. If he did it for a pay raise, it wasn't enough.
  22. How so? He did a bad job with UCLA. But, wasn't St. John's in terrible shape when he took over and he got them to the tournament this year? Seems he moved the program in a better direction. I never watch them, so I don't know. Did he or did he not improve the program?
  23. Fair enough. And let's be clear, I wasn't calling you out on an internet machine. I was simply asking a question. If you don't choose to answer, that's up to you. I could look it up, but I thought these numbers may be more readily at your disposal. I just asked what I thought were engaging questions to add to the discussion. On the bolded, I'm a moron half the time. So, I don't know what Texas averages at home, how old their building is. et al. I was honestly just asking. Your take on Texas is right in many ways. And, well founded. My take is different. There's a lot of competition for Texas' best players. Lot's of schools in state, and the big boys will take their share as well. They've seemingly never won very big, so I guess you are saying they were undercoached during Lemmons, Penders and Barnes, That's a long time of underachieving. I will say, the CBS guys were discussing the job earlier and mentioned Marshall, Smart and potentially NBA guys, Seemed to think it was a good job, but certainly not a jewel.
  24. I like UK, I really do. Almost always root for them. That said, my takes on this one: Ya gotta love UK fans. In the update thread and in this thread, people are actually questioning why no T on a dunk? How about don't give up the dunk, and it won't matter. Love that kind of stuff. I did like the Hoyle reference someone made though. Good get. My response would be, who the heck was guarding the Hoyle looking kid that gave up that drive? ND played good, not great. Down the stretch they were hard to watch. Team was defined by shooting the 3 well, and they did not tonight. They exploited some UK weaknesses, but did so out of the base of their offense. Same thing they did to Wichita. . On the points in the paint thing. Not like ND posted them and had their way. Offensive rebounds, and catches high into drives were the deal. With Wisconsin looming, that worries me. Big guys that can bounce it are trouble, Harrison's 3 seemed big at the time, but was negated on Grant's 3. Irrelevant from then on, Grant's 3 put the game back in reset. You get what you get with the Harrison's. A big three, big foul shots. Two big turnovers down the stretch as well. Not sure if it was Webber or Elmore, but one of them mentioned "hero" plays after the live ball Harrison turnover late. I fear a hero play by one or both late as much as I think they will hit a shot. Huge plays by UK and Cal. Starts a different lineup in the second half. Two set plays to Towns, one for a bucket one for a kick out three. Without those 5 points to start the half, UK is sunk with the ND run that followed. I don't get ND not doubling down on Towns at some point the in the second half. I get it cost you a three (see above), but don't you have to stop getting beat at two feet? Grant for ND is really good. UK couldn't turn him over, and had to work like heck just to contain him. Defense was much better the last several minutes thanks to the Cal offense/defense subs and the fact that WCS ended up on Grant a lot of those possessions. Every high school team in Ky. will now go to offense/defense subs next year. Brey should have done the same. On the somewhat debated last play. WCS did a great job running with/funneling Grant to the dead baseline. If he hadn't done such a good job, an NBA guard gets a better look from a better angle or gets to see more of the floor to throw one pass to another shooter. Nobody dribbles to the dead corner of the court to shoot a step back three because they want to. Nice job WCS. Grant did appear to get shake WCS though. Fortunately, Harrison and another defender both came to contest. Nice job by both following the ball late in the play. Nice thing for UK, the guy was being funneled to the dead corner of the court. Otherwise, three guys guarding/chasing the ball could be a bad thing.
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