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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. First of all, thanks for the info. Good stuff. On the first graph, didn't UK fans travel well back then? Seems a new (at the time) school like UAB would have a hard time turning a game in Tuscaloosa into a home game over BBN. And, to be clear, UK was ranked second in the country behind DePaul, correct? I don't think they were a two seed in their region. Two seed overall? In 82, how did you come up with UK as a 6 seed losing to an 11? The field of 64 with full seeding began in 85. I can't believe UK was only a six seed in their region in 82. Maybe ranked sixth?
  2. Just a few quick takes: Purcell has only Purcell to blame. Responsibility for understanding the OHSAA rules and ensuring eligibility via those rules falls strictly on the administrators of the students they supervise. Based on the report LA provided, this is at best a he said, she said. In the end, it doesn't matter what DCR (Depaul Cristo Rey) did or didn't do. Once the kid transferred, he's no longer their responsibility. Again, blame falls on PM. The rule is clear. If you have rules, you must follow them. I thought the PM coach came across as at best unprofessional, and at worst a whiny nosed kid, with his remarks. Next time, we'll leave our starters in. Really? That's the best you can come up with? How about something about abiding by the rules of the OHSAA,and respecting their decision? Once the OHSAA is informed of a potential violation, it's their responsibility to investigate, and then act accordingly. When postseason rolls around, schools better have all their i's dotted, and t's crossed. AD's across Cincinnati should know this after Colerain, circa 1995. DCR and PM are ions apart athletically. I'm not sure what circumstances led a kid to play in only one game at DCR, and then end up on the PM post-season roster. Doesn't pass the smell test. I'd wonder more about this part.
  3. This certainly makes the most sense as to why such an announcement was made. Timing certainly seems odd, but your logic soundly explains it. Never a fan of the guy. He certainly built the program and the brand (and the dome was built on his watch), but you gotta wonder how many other rules he broke while doing so. And while he did build the program, they've done less with more quite a few times over the years, including a few "what the ..." exits in the NCAA tournament.
  4. Honestly if UK loses, I think it will have to go down as one of the biggest upsets in the program's history, given the nature of how the year has gone and how the rest of the field looks. I know they certainly could lose, but if it happens it will be a MAJOR upset. Biggest ones I remember off the top of my head are NCAA losses in back-to-backs seasons to UAB and East Tennessee St. back in the early 80's. Both came in the very early rounds of what was then a 40 or 48 team tournament. Not sure how the seeding went back then, but UK was a top 4 team in the nation entering the tournament each year if I remember correctly. Both losses came in round one or two. Huge upsets, both. That said, I UK loss this year, would not be near the biggest disappointment in the program's history. It would be an upset, but it's still been a GREAT season already. A loss doesn't take that away. Biggest disappointment for me, the end of the Sutton era, the NCAA sanctions, and that whole train wreck. Kentucky basketball became totally irrelevant (almost non-exsistent).
  5. Thanks for politely correcting me on the UD Arena/Hara Arena mistake. My bad, was thinking about a high school game at Hara when I typed my post. As soon as the NCAA broadcast started tonight and they showed UD Arena I thought to myself, "wow, I'm going to get pounded on BGP for calling the place Hara." lol. UD Arena is a great place to watch a game, great atmosphere. I don't remember Hara being the dump you guys mention, but that was a LONG time ago. Maybe it got worse, or maybe I was to dumb to notice at the time.
  6. Can't comment on the first four, though I imagine it's a good atmosphere and will be really good with UD playing this year. That said, I highly recommend a trip to Hara Arena (no way it's still called that) for a college basketball game though. Awesome atmosphere. UD fans are great fans, loud and they take college basketball seriously. It's not just a pass time to them. Nobody wants to play them there.
  7. Thanks. I knew it was pretty bad and ugly. Didn't care enough to really follow it at the time though. Fair to say he either totally lost control of the players, or just didn't care.
  8. Very similar, right down to the same conference. Good analogy. St. John's never fell to the depths that DePaul did for a time, and they've maintained enough connections in NYC to keep somewhat of a pipeline. But, the analogy is right on.
  9. I've heard people say O'Charlie's has good pie, but I've never tied it myself. Frisch's has good pie as restaurants go. Here in NKY., the Colonial Cottage also has a good pie selection (some better than others) as well.
  10. On the bolded, no point even trying, because you've obviously already made up your mind. Just natural cycles. Sure, that's a school of thought. I'm not sure how global warming is a political money grab. That's an opinion, not a fact. There have been some political money grabs to take advantage of a situation certainly, I don't see this as qualifying. Again, global warming doesn't mean we are all going to melt. It means severe changes are happening to the polar caps, and the jet streams worldwide. This has, and will continue to shift our weather on the side of extreme events. I have no problem with you dismissing what I'm saying. We will just disagree. But, I did have a problem with your assumption my original post was politically based. Couldn't be further from the truth.
  11. Hawkeye Archie Bunker Alex P. Keaton Woody Boyd Sam Malone Along with icons already mentioned. big MASH fan, so I'd add Potter, Honeycutt, and Winchester to the list as well. Frank Furillo Mick Belker Norm Buntz Andy Sipowicz Bobby Simone Diane Russell From my two favorite cop shows. Female characters: Laura Ingles-Wilder Mary Richards Murphy Brown Carla Diane Chambers Diane Russell Plenty I've missed on this list, I know
  12. I'd say Kyle Lee Watson from "Above the Rim," but Shep was clearly better than him in his prime. Herman Munster was pretty unstoppable in his one go-round with basketball.
  13. It was a good job for a long time, I think it still has the same potential. You have to win Chicago though, which DePaul did for years. Still in a power conference with plenty of TV exposure. All the negatives about facilities etc., have been around forever. Howland's name sounds as good as anyone's. I really don't remember what happened at UCLA, but he went to three straight final fours.
  14. With the way Arizona rolled in the Pac 12 title game tonight, they may very well slide into a 1 seed. If I had guess at this second, I'd say: UK villanova Arizona Wisconsin (with a win tomorrow) or Duke The 2's are likely: Duke (or Wisconsin) Gonzaga Virginia Kansas
  15. As far as UC's movement on offense, I'm a much bigger fan of good spacing rather than just movement for movement's sake. That said, this just in, UC is tough to watch offensively. Nothing new here. On the last play, Johnson did try to run at Boatwright, but after getting hung up on the screen, it was just too late. He has to get over the ball screen there if they were going to "jump" Boatwright, and I don't know if they were trying to or not. He may have lunged at him late just because he saw how much space Boatwright had gotten on the step back. Big time player made a big time shot. Hard for me to blame UC as much as credit UConn on the last play. UConn gets another win today and now play for the conference title. Playing on your home floor in a conference tournament is a good thing. At least it didn't cost UC a bid, it likely did cost Tulsa.
  16. I get why everyone is big on Villanova (national guys). But I don't trust them in the least. They've had better teams that have made stunning exits in the last 10 years. No way I expect these guys to move far (thus, they'll probably screw me again this year by making a great run). Arizona is good, I'd put them in right behind UK as teams with the best chance to win it. Sean Miller scares me though. Duke is good. They could win it. I think Wisconsin is capable as well. Scary matchup for a lot of teams. Michigan St. might beat them tomorrow though. Not sure anyone wants to play Michigan St. next weekend either. and lastly, Iowa St. is a team I'd watch. they can score, and to beat UK you have to score.
  17. This is correct. Schools receive no cut of the gate, and receive no cut of any tickets that are sold at their school (i.e. student tickets). Additionally, each member of the pep band must have a ticket (typically a expense the school incurs). 12 rooms are provided from the day of your first game until the morning after you lose. So, if a team chooses to stay after losing on Friday, Saturday's lodging would not be reimbursed by the KHSAA. Meal money provided by the KHSAA doesn't begin to cover the cost of feeding a traveling party. It's not close. So, it costs schools money to play in the state tournament, but as others have mentioned it's one of those good problems to have. And, as Mustang pointed out, typcially the share(s) received from the regional tournament would cover the costs.
  18. You have no clue what my politics might be. My statement was based on the weather changes posted earlier in the thread. But, upon further review, I guess you nailed it. It's just dumb luck that the weather has changed so much in the last 50 years.
  19. UC falls into a tough bracket having to play UCONN on their home court in their first game, but Tulsa has to play them there tomorrow. UConn counting by three's for a period in the second half was remarkable. I'm not sure how UC stayed in the game during this frame, given their offensive struggles at times. An AAC game that sure looked a lot more like an old fashioned Big East game than the Big East segments I watched tonight. When UC tied the game, I looked at the time, and knew Boatwright would win this one in regulation.
  20. The difference between a one and a two seed is minimal IMO. Granted if everything stays chalk, you play a three instead of a four in the round of 16, but by then but by then everyone is typically "hot" so whoever you play is good. That said, I think the 1's will be: UK, UVA, Villanova, Wisconsin (provided the last two win tomorrow). 2's would then be: Duke, Arizona, Gonzaga, and Kansas. I'd rather play some of the 1's listed than some of the 2's.
  21. Congrats to those who got tics, I didn't even know they were on sale. Great show I'm sure. I've never seen him live, but my girlfriend and a bunch of her friends joined Clyde, and 18,000 others, back in 85 at the Purple Rain gig. Special X-Mas gift amongst them all. I didn't care much at the time, kind of wish I'd been included now.
  22. Not making a political statement here, but no surprise to me. This is what global warming does. Side note: Whenever we have a stretch of cold weather in say, February, I love hearing someone proclaim, "yeah global warming, right." To a bunch of laughs. What did they think we were all going to do, melt?
  23. I watched it and liked it for the most part. had some obvious flaws, though they were minor enough not to affect the plot. Typical network TV type stuff. Seems to me given the premise of the show, it would work best as a 8 week or so mini-series. Maybe it could stay entertaining for an entire season, but beyond that, not sure where they go.
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