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The Double Deuce

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Everything posted by The Double Deuce

  1. Has anyone seen this yet? I'm hearing reviews all over the map, so wanted some from BGP'ers to compare it to. Apparently the one thing that most people are taking umbrage with are the fact that they paid no attention at all to timelines and chronological order.
  2. Pat is a great guy, a tireless worker, and a baseball purist. I don't know why he is choosing to retire now, but I'm thrilled if he is able to go out on his terms. He was a really good player at CovCath, but an even better leader of young men for the Raiders. Wish he and his family all of the best!!!
  3. The "too close to the TV will ruin your eyes" for sure. I heard it 1,038 times as a kid. Swimming without sitting out 30 minutes will cause horrible cramping. I guess I still believe it because I tell my kids the same thing! :bunny:
  4. I paid $2.89 this morning, and I only noticed because of this thread. So thanks for that, I guess.
  5. I'm not suggesting anything. I asked if those 3 were going to be involved because I know zero about how SHDHS is going to hire this. You then asked if they were parents so I explained to you who they were. I'm not trying to suggest anything.
  6. Not sure what it is at the station I frequent, at this time.
  7. Todd Smart has been on staff there for a while, Scott Millay has also been on staff and around the program for many years. Both bleed for the Cru and know the women's game. Sean McElheney played overseas, has coached at the youth level successfully, and coached many of the girls who will be in the Cru program over the next many years. I know Maureen Kaiser and Mr. Otte are well versed on all 3 of them, not that I'm suggesting that will ultimately mean anything.
  8. Does Todd Smart have a shot at this? What about Scott Millay? Sean McElheney?
  9. Those two and a great class coming in certainly gives Coach Mack a lot to deal with. Could be a heck of a year at the Yum!
  10. Kudos to you, most people would have stolen this and run with it on a message board. I happen to see this over the weekend, but wouldn't have said a word -- but very cool that you did!
  11. As much as I'd love to see the Birds win, this feels like Beechwood's year, and I think the Tigers get it done tonight.
  12. Nick Saban is paid to worry about what's good for Alabama. What's good for the sport isn't in his job description, and I don't blame him one second for not giving a plugged nickel for what "fans want to see" him do. They have earned the right to be reluctant to play people, and until his way isn't working, why change? I mean no disrespect by this, but I'm fairly certain your opinion of their scheduling being a bad look for them probably means less than zero to anyone associated with their program. You know what a good look for them is? Stacking rings and titles. Producing more 1st round draft picks, and changing generations of those kids' families in the process, than I can count.
  13. It is clearly hurting their ability to be ready for the SEC and the National Championship playoff. They aren't obligated to play anyone non-conference so fans can have better games early in the season. Their job is to get their kids ready for the SEC and the playoff, and to maximize their revenue streams -- I'd say they are coming up aces on both fronts.
  14. I brag on nearly ZERO of my cooking, but my baked beans are THE baked beans you want at your house / meal / cookout.
  15. I ate at Carlo & Johnny the other night, is that better?
  16. We all agree that taking on high-interest / credit card debt is a NIGHTMARE scenario. No doubt about it.
  17. So for a family with a HHI of $75,000, who are probably netting around $52,500, they have "a lot" of liquidity at about $42,000 (80% of their net pay)? I'm not disagreeing, per se, just wanting to get my arms around a lot of liquidity. So the family with a HHI of $125,000, they'd need about $70,000 in cash to feel solid. A 1%'er, which in KY starts at an annual pay of $255,000, they'd need about $145,000 liquid to feel good having little to no available credit. Again, not disagreeing as I think the "cash only" model is not the best way to maximize your financial situation (seems akin to money under a mattress to me, but again, to each their own), but just trying to figure out what someone would likely need in cash on hand to feel comfortable in that no-available-credit option. Thanks!
  18. Just for fun, can you quantify "a lot of liquidity"?
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