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The Double Deuce

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Everything posted by The Double Deuce

  1. Loved several of them, but the one that plopped me onto the couch regardless of the weather outside, was always "Speed Racer". I will add, however, the "Scooby Doo" episode with the Harlem Globetrotters remains my #1 favorite episode of any cartoon ever.
  2. Well, I actually meant the flex of "I was the best 12 year old pickle player on Maple Street", but your reason is good too! :lol2::lol2:
  3. Cleary the excitement for the upcoming season is palpable. :sssh:
  4. One of my favorites from when I was a kid: It is hotter than your neighbor's new bike. (I didn't grow up in the best of hoods). :bunny:
  5. Sauerkraut with smoked sausages and white potatoes. Lasagna would be another. Keep 'em both coming.
  6. Same. We had every team's plastic batting helmet, we kept stats for the entire summer, played in the same kid's yard (with a fence that gave us a home run wall, plus the chance for "This Week in Baseball" highlights jumping to pull back homers). We'd play it for hours when we didn't have enough for a baseball game at the park.
  7. Is this study using city limits for population purposes, or market? Cincinnati's city limits have 301,000, but it is a very small area around downtown, which also is where the largest concentration of murders occur (the neighborhoods alluded to by GetSlow). If you took the entire area, 2.1 million people, your number of murders wouldn't go up all that much from the 70 or so they used for their study, but the divisor would change greatly. Stuff like this can be very misleading.
  8. My two favorite arcade games (remember Tilt?) growing up were Galaga and Track and Field ( ).
  9. Explains why I couldn't find it in Florence. Sorry, the thread title, and then that post, I was (am?) thoroughly confused. :idunno: Thanks Neer.
  10. Sorry, I can't find the location in Florence on-line, where is Momma's exactly in Florence? Thanks.
  11. The season is fast-approaching, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on who should be favored, who may surprise, an intriguing storyline or two, and what are NKY's chances of having a team capable of making a run deep into the post-season. Should I assume Highlands and Ryle are the favorites? Will CovCath be back to where they were previously? Anyone coming out of the pack to challenge? St. Henry going to be a factor once again in the Region?
  12. For sure, this is it for me. We'd meet at 10:00 AM at the diamond, usually 10-12 guys, right field was an "out", and we'd play until dinner. One of the neighborhood moms would bring over sandwiches, chips, and cans of coke (can you imagine doing that now, an actual can of Coke?) around lunch time. The BEST memories.
  13. Tried it this weekend, just okay, doubtful we'll use them again -- too many other pizza options in the area, both major changes, and Gramma's / Papa Dino's.
  14. Not sure, it is in that area across from UDF on that access road at the intersection of Pleasant Valley / Gunpowder and 42.
  15. They have, en masse. However, again, they can't make nearly as much online revenue as they were making in print. So, ballpark, let's say that the Enquirer / Press / Recorders revenue is down 40% in the last 10 years. That means, as you well know, their expenses have to be down by the same. So they laid off all of Western Avenue when they moved their printing to Columbus, but that puts a huge cut in the newsroom as well. Plus, Gannett has made a zillion structural changes, but at the end of the day, where the Enquirer used to have an entire news room in KY and had Ryan Ernst (was terrific) covering KY prep sports, they just don't have the manpower for that any longer. Believe me, there are smart people at Gannett thinking about this stuff all day, if there was a better model, or if they thought they could do something different and get more revenue / better results, they'd do it today.
  16. I prefer brisket, UNLESS, it is a sandwich, then I prefer pulled pork.
  17. I'm sure this is a ME issue, but I've yet to try a homemade ice cream better than UDF or Graeter's. On the flip, homemade Brownies are AWESOME.
  18. Of course they do, but whereas they used to be getting $20,000 for a full-page, full-color ad (and several of them), they now are getting ad dollars based on $6-$12/CPM. The model isn't sustainable. There is too much competition on the internet, whereas the Paper used to be THE source for news and information, above even TV and Radio. Now...not so much.
  19. Too niche; if that was the right model, the Community Press and Recorder papers would have worked -- they were hyper-local. Even in a market with only 2.2 million adults like Greater Cincinnati, the more "local" you get, the less interesting you become to the majority of the market (outside of Pro and College sports, because at least you have 30% of the market that roots for each of the big 4 in Cincy [Reds, Bengals, UC and Xavier]).
  20. Always an appointment. I text my guy a couple of options each Monday and he confirms which one works best for his calendar.
  21. No offense to either gentlemen, I'm sure they do Yeomen's work, but it is 2019 and everything I want to know about High School Sports in Kentucky I get from this website and its posters. :thumb:
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