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Everything posted by jbird

  1. Doug Beaumont vs Highlands (scrimmage). He played both sides of the ball. It was downright criminal what he did to us on offense. I felt like he set a record for yards rushing in that scrimmage. There was a particular spin move he did that I remember to this day. We had 2 or 3 guys on him and he spun to the inside and took off for some more serious yards. Never seen Coach Weinrich so enraged during a game before. Best individual performance/athlete for me.
  2. Isn't Lucifer referenced to a falling star or morning star? Might fit with Astronomy.
  3. Off-Duty Cop Kills Home Intruder Who Posted Online Threats, Police Say Very sad story to read about.
  4. It's almost like listening to law enforcement lowers your chances of injury...
  5. Dallas Police Depart on Twitter: "Demonstration in #Dallas @ Belo Garden Park https://t.co/IUx5IaERSB" Found it.
  6. All I know is that 5 police officers are dead protecting civilians that were protesting police misconduct. I believe that speaks volumes of the character of the men and women of Dallas. I can't find the picture, but I saw two cops taking a pic with a protester that really stood out to me.
  7. It's gonna be a very interesting 24 hours coming up for the POTUS. All I know is that I wouldn't want to be him.
  8. Can anyone answer a question I have on this? Why was CP3 to the Lakers denied but not this? Wasn't Paul a free agent when he wanted to go to LA?
  9. I have no problem with questioning. Didn't the Orlando shooter's wife know about the attack? Getting information is different, but punishing a family for the crime seems mind bottling (Blades of Glory reference).
  10. I believe a better example as oppose to Brexit, would be the autonomous region of Catalonia leaving Spain.
  11. Texas is going nowhere. Even the republicans in the state senate turn that bogus crap down. I had the displeasure of meeting a few of those Texans wanting to leave the union, not the brightest bunch. I was born in Texas, lived there throughout my life, got family from Texas. Texas and the good ol' US of A are staying with each other, even if it means we drag the crybabies that want to leave the union.
  12. What the hell is it with Mexican fans and throwing trash?
  13. Visiting some family down in Colorado and went to IKEA for the first time to buy some kitchenware... let's just say I'm glad I'm single. 
  14. Doesn't every girl look like they're in middle school relative to you :sssh:. I kid I kid.
  15. Neil Degrasse Tyson said all it would take is for some leak of China wanting to build a base there and the US government would do it under a year.
  16. So their crime went up after the gun ban and confiscation for a few years. I am curious as to what is leading the crime to go downward. Does it take time for the ban to settle or is it an increase of police. I also heard that Australians have as many guns now as they did before the port arthur massacre.
  17. I agree, but I have learn to never trust this show. I'll be uneasy on Sunday.
  18. I agree, but the whole focus on one weapon when handguns are have been used in more homicides isn't a good tactic either. Especially, when the AR15 wasn't used.
  19. You think they the have the stones to kill Jon Snow?
  20. A problem with some on the left is actually understanding what an "AR15 Type" weapon actually is. An AR15 is semiautomatic. It's not an assault weapon. According to the ATF that would be a fully automatic weapon. It helps to know the terms Hellcats. I say this because I want things to get done just like you. There are those that shut these conversations down, especially in congress because they use the "you don't even know what classifies as an assault weapon" defense.
  21. @Science Friction, is your goal to get the controversial thread shutdown as well? This is baiting.
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