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Everything posted by jbird

  1. Muslim Views on Morality | Pew Research Center 77 countries where homosexuality is illegal | 76 CRIMES
  2. That geography matters. Growing up In a secular state certainly helps as oppose to the Middle East and Africa.
  3. Are we talking the terror watch list or the no fly list? Are they the same?
  4. I'm not sure about you getslow, but I honestly think that the messi v. Ronaldo debate is dead. Ronaldo can't even tie with some grace.
  5. Mexico, I recommend a documentary called cartel land.
  6. I never count out the Italians, especially when they're underdogs. I think internationally Italy and Serie A club wise play the most tactical football. Also, lukaku is a guy that needs space and the Italians aren't the type to give it you.
  7. You can never prevent 100% of everything. However, you can take measures with proper screening. Also, you are getting away from my point with "Using this logic". The logic i'm using is we need is being careful with who we let in. Nothing more and nothing less. I'm not saying search their kids. If someone wants to immigrate to the United States, where they come from matters. The answer hellcats to questioning those that immigrate here can't also be with what about us? Like I said we have problems to deal with here so why bring more in? As to James Holmes, upgrading the health care and educating the populace on hand guns would help. Holmes avoided certain places because he knew they were packing. Dylan Roof is a hateful person. Teaching your family about love instead of hate is all I can come up with. This is nothing personnel Hellcats, I enjoy our back and forth debate but the whole "but we do this too" argument gets old very quick. I don't make excuses for those that commit crimes that are christian or whatever background, I will not for those that wish to come here and hate our way of life. If lowering the amount of people that come from the middle east into the United States is for the better, than so be it. We got enough problems on our own.
  8. It's relevant because who we bring in does affect us. The man was a product of an immigrant father who foster anti-gay and american sentiments. This same man committed the largest shooting massacre in american history.
  9. Let me put it this way hellcats, we deal with enough in the states. Why would I want to bring in more religious trouble? It's not displaced aggression, it's not wanting to deal with people who are giving passes with how they behave. Tougher screening would help. You want tougher gun laws, I want tougher screening on those that come from regions that hates america.
  10. That was not the question at hand. you said this: OG, Which mass shooter would have been stopped by tougher immigration? So far we are dealing with our own who are being influenced by outside hate groups or mental instability. My point was maybe we should question why are we brining people in that don't agree with our way of life.
  11. 100% relevant. However, an amendment is a change to the constitution. I will never be dumb enough (I hope) to say that the US government can't change a change or can't be considered. The only additional amendment to the constitution that I can see is adding term limits to congress.
  12. He immigrated here Hellcats. Look at Europe and the insane amount they brought in. A good amount of them have no respect for the laws or women and homosexuals and the governments over there have done nothing. Another point I want to make is that we need stop making excuses for people that have no respect for our secular way of life. We don't give the christians excuses, so why would we let muslims? I'm not saying ban all muslims or don't bring in people from other regions, however we should be careful of who we allow to come in. This man didn't assimilate and his hateful religious views rubbed off on his son. So the problem with your logic is bringing up christianity. The christians have lost. Gays can marry and it is not illegal to be gay. The man's father came from a region who despised homosexuals. If you want us to change our guns laws, it is not so different than asking to be careful with those we bring in.
  13. The orlando shooter's father was from Afghanistan. He hated homosexuals and was anti-american. I think that was who was talking about.
  14. Not going to happen, at least not in out lifetime. A government that gives weapons to cartel hitmen and terrorist is no position to tell it's citizens about whether or not they can carry guns. I would rather keep the 2nd amendment and work on things that can lower the violence. I prefer that than living in a nanny state like the UK, where a politician actually had to pass a bill so people can have options to protect themselves inside their own home.
  15. The majority of massacres are committed by handguns. The only thing that is disturbing is thinking that taking this weapon away would make a difference for those who wish to commit violence.
  16. Easy, I need to protect myself, I chose the AR over the handgun.
  17. It is still better than nothing. I would rather have women who arm themselves to have been well educated and trained.
  18. Or just a veteran that properly knows how to hand the rifle or just prefers it over the handgun.
  19. In fairness, UKMF, a decent chunk of people have been found to be put on their for no reason. To take a constitutional right away from someone randomly doesn't sit well with people. The no fly list also needs to be upgraded bad.
  20. But it's not going happen Hellcats. They will just add more laws to look good and not fully support it.
  21. I would also like to add that I wouldn't mind a better education provided for those who want to purchase guns. Long instructions and classes. Especially on storing guns away.
  22. Some is for protection, some for sport.
  23. Then better training would need to be implemented. That article states that most of the injuries come from suicides and accidental shootings.
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