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Everything posted by jbird

  1. @LIPTON BASH Do you have any links?
  2. It's as if the President is capable of multitasking and keeping a schedule.
  3. Fantastic read so far. How Mr.Sides was able to mesh the chapters in the beginning of the book together to lead into MLK's death is brilliant. Almost done with this book.
  4. I guess a question that needs to be asked is what is political correctness exactly? Like others have said good manners are just good manners, but is that pc? Is it called politcal correctness for a reason? Is it just a way to say that political figures should act in a certain way?
  5. Who was asking for his college records?
  6. One could make the argument that the left-wingers are just as focused to look past it or make excuses for it.
  7. Not sarcasm, being dead serious. Just type "Russians Clinton" on google. Apparently the kremlin were able to get 20,000 of her e-mails. Other sites post it as well. ANDREW NAPOLITANO: Hillary Clinton's email scandal is a perfect legal storm - Washington Times
  8. Word on the digital streets is that the Russians hacked her e-mails.
  9. What does this do? I understand flags on state capitols. To what extent Sci Fri? Remove the statues and take them to a museum or battlefield? Are we going to dig up confederate bodies like last year and place them somewhere else? I ask this because at what point does it all become whitewashing history?
  10. You laugh Rockmom, but no idea, no matter how crazy it is is out of reach in this election.
  11. Oh, trust me @rockmom I know. I have always touted our system and charitable work as superior to other nations. We do something others don't. We actually INTEGRATE them. We actually have a waiting process to allow for proper screening. You are 100% correct. If others knew about how the US goes through the process of screening refugees, more people would come around.
  12. Curse you Mtn Ref!!! Now that song won't leave my head for the next 12-24 hours!
  13. This is something I can get behind. A proper screening and integrating the refugees into society. Help them assimilate and such. Much better handling than those imbeciles over in Europe.
  14. No, I didn't ignore the rest at all. Trust me, I might not be the brightest, but I can read. At least I think I can. I just highlighted this one because it stood out to me. Haven't heard many call for land mines and claymores along the border, in fact, you're the only one in my lifetime. I have heard of people wanting drone usage. Most of what you highlighted I have said.
  15. You essentially want a DMZ via North and South Korea?
  16. Actually they do. They help make the country they left better.
  17. There is more than just amnesty possibilities. I believe most on here know that the box em' up and ship them home method is not economically feasible and has legal factors as well. There are better solutions than enabling illegal behavior via amnesty. Added security measures across the border, reforming or getting rid of NAFTA, legalizing drugs, punish companies, etc. If not, no one should be shocked with more border militia, hatred towards immigrants, SB 1070 bills, and raids separating families.
  18. You can post all the native american memes you want. Only people who appeal to emotion care about that. My biggest concern is that those on the left are not offering solutions, especially with border security. This will only lead to the those on the right of the political spectrum having their plans implemented. I have seen those in person, it's not fun to watch.
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