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Everything posted by jbird

  1. I don't see why not. Us and Isreal are the ones with the nukes, not them. Isn't a good part of the deal is that if they don't hold up their end the deal is off? Also doesn't nuclaer power generate energy such as electricty? I have no problem with them having that.
  2. What about us? I always thought it was because we backed Iraq in the Iraq-Iran war and the 1953 Iranian coup d'état.
  3. How so? http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2015/sep/08/politifact-sheet-6-things-know-about-iran-nuclear-/ Isn't this a good thing? Being able to inspect and scale back their program?
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/03/31/world/middleeast/simple-guide-nuclear-talks-iran-us.html?_r=0 I've been looking over this deal for weeks now. Explain to me how it gives them a nuke, shouldn't it scale the iranians back?
  5. Yeah, with dudes like this ... or her... http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/ann-coulter-president-trump-proof-god-hasnt-given-america-yet
  6. Congrats to Cooper! You represented your school and community very well in the win tonight! You took it to my birds and taught them the valuable lesson that respect has to be earned each season and cannot be automatically given because of past seasons. To any cooper fans on here, Congrats!
  7. Hell, No! I proudly tell people that I went to Highlands and take great pride in my school's accomplishments in both academics and athletics. I refuse to make excuses and from the sounds of it, Cooper is taking it to us. They came prepared.
  8. I thought it would be a decent idea to have a little fun with each other. Any skits or pictures that make fun of political figures are welcomed. Personally I'm not a fan of Andy Dick, but I loved this skit...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_RSQSYgGB4
  9. This thread reminds me of this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQ7qjlEM4mo
  10. He is highlighting the biggest reason the states seceded. Slavery wasn't just a significant reason, it was the main reason. Something that a lot of confederate sympathizers shy away from. Uncomfortable truths tend to make people come up with other reasons.
  11. Easy because I can. Are you seriously gonna get bent out of shape on a word that is on a forum that is talking about black churches getting burned?
  12. Laugh? No. Disagree? Yes. Because I would like to see if morgan freeman would apply that philosophy to these incidents.
  13. Yes, I did. I actually watch the news. Also as one person said this isn't court so innocence until proven guilty. But this isn't a court, this the court of my public opinion and I will continue to say this is racially motivated.
  14. If that's the case why keep making up excuses? It's not that hard to connect the dots. 4 black churches across multiple states got attacked.
  15. This happened in a span of a few days in multiple states. Actually, to keep avoiding the race issue is what upsets the black community.
  16. Oh, I will. Continue making excuses though.
  17. Right.. because a pastor correcting me about calling his church black negates a sick person attacking churches because they are associated with black people.
  18. Why does this bother you so much? If black churches throughout the south are being set on fire, why shouldn't I be able to connect the dots and call it racism.
  19. Yes , I do because if that were the case the big news networks would be covering this a lot more. I'm not gonna sit here and say christianity had nothing to do with it but it takes a big backseat to race. I just laugh at your notion that to "end" racism is to stop talking about it.
  20. Yes, if someone is attacking these specific churches because they are predominantly black, then it needs to be labeled "black". Instead of running away from the subject, we can acknowledge that some things are done because of race. Unlike certain news networks that were calling the Charleston shooting an attack on christians and refused to say because they were black. Food for thought.
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