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Everything posted by jbird

  1. Of course, someone's deity should dictate how others live.
  2. It pertains to what you said believe it or not. No, this is a person laughing at the silly idea that a decision made in a country where there is separation of church and state, decided to allow gay people to marry across the nation and some how this is gonna lead to the bible being pushed further and further away in a country that claims 7/10 people identify themselves as christians. People who are religious are gonna stay religious regardless of a supreme court case.
  3. Please, as if this following sunday people will stop coming to your church.
  4. Don't think we have to worry about this, since it was in 2014 and in the UK. However, I could see how some gay couples could make this the next issue and if that's the case, I will support the church.
  5. I have been reading social media. It is either "YAY for gay rights" or "What has happened to morals in my country?" The only people I see being called homophobes or worse are those that are pathetic and throwing hateful words towards gays. There is a mass difference in disagreeing with a decision versus spewing hate and then crying about being attacked by the gay "mob". The most outlandish comments I have seen have come from christian conservatives asking their state governor to secede from the union or to have a mob overthrow the supreme court.
  6. That's a bingo! I will always support the separation of church and state.
  7. Like the right to own people as property...
  8. PP92, I went to lex-18's face book page last night... :no:. Quite saddening.
  9. No, but it gives me more of an idea that this isn't a one time occurrence when it comes to this particular police department. I also heard that this PD has cost the city a decent fine in court costs when it comes to police overstepping their bounds. Overall I believe that this wasn't an accident.
  10. There is a history of brutality in Baltimore called rough riding. In my opinion, this was intentional. Freddie Gray, Rough Rides, and the Challenges of Improving Police Culture - The Atlantic
  11. Because they haven't been discriminated in America like black people have from the moment blacks arrived on shore to today. Also, I would bet Native tribes would also want a say as well. I'm sure other racial groups have a voice. It's with other problems that racial group identifies with like hispanics and immigration.
  12. That percentage I don't know. Enough to become a problem that needs to be checked.
  13. When one race has been discriminated more than others, it affects them in a negative manner more than others. When it become evident that there is racial disparity in wealth, education, jobs, prison sentences, it is a skin problem. The problem lies whether the system, corporate or government, wants to admit how big a factor the racial discrimination plays.
  14. Good for you. It does play a factor for black people. Once again, not the end all be all excuse, but if one has a bigger hole to climb out of, it makes it more difficult.
  15. Blacks have talked about key problems such as the police force and prisons. The problems are that the prisons and court systems and police don't wanna admit they have a problem with racial discrimination.
  16. I would rather be poor and white, than poor and black. I didn't grew up in the best of places either, but I have no problems assuming that I am better off than most black people in the inner city.
  17. And what excuse is that? That it wasn't a white cop that did the accused crime? I certainly can. Especially with all white cops dragging him to the van.
  18. You grew up like poor black people? Or are you one those white guys that didn't have everything handed to them so you think where you are from doesn't factor in?
  19. Where are the sources they are getting it from? I just looked it up and at most they said half. Other sources said 43 percent.
  20. Once, again look at their history of mayors. Only recently have they been black. Also I could point that the majority of the south are red states and are also amongst the poorest and least educated in the country. Also please show where they have a majority black police force. I would love to see that article. Also skin is part of it especially with redlining. Also, lipton bash I hope you turned off your alert system showing that you received a reply. I still remember the sound on my phone from your reply waking me up in 1:30 in the morning. I remember...
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