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Everything posted by jbird

  1. I agree hellbird. However, I try to put myself in others shoes. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to grow up in that city or be black in that city. I think police brutality plays a significant part of this problem. I couldn't imagine myself rioting. However, I can see how hallow it rings for the people of Baltimore to be told to calm down by a police department that has history of brutality and has racked up quite a bill of paying off court suits because of that brutality.
  2. It comes off as you saying look at this, their mayor is black, so racist discrimination is off the table. Thats why I said that, because it portrays the perception that Baltimore always had black leadership when that is hardly the case.
  3. Do some research Hellbird. Look at how many black mayors there have been in Baltimore's history. Another weak excuse coming from you.
  4. "Did you read what I said? I said EVERYONE take responsibility no matter if you are black or white. Crucify me because I said 2 centuries when it was only 1 1/2 ...shoot me. You our want to address police brutality then address it. Police brutality does t always have to equate to racism. That was my other point. I pointed out the majority of the police force and the leaders were all black. Keep it about police brutality or how about that and holding the criminals partly responsive for what happened too? Wow what a concept." You did not say everyone, I did. Stop back pedaling. You were talking only about the black community. When I said everyone, I meant everyone. You on the other hand want to keep playing the I'm tired of getting blamed card. Keep talking Hellbird, I want to know what else you never mentioned in this thread but somehow you did.
  5. As Riots Follow Freddie Gray's Death in Baltimore, Calls for Calm Ring Hollow - The Atlantic
  6. Gee, I don't know hellbird? Maybe because slavery didn't happen as far back as you try to make it out be. I know this is hard to understand, but the people that discriminated against blacks during and after slavery were white. Now, once again, the many forms of discrimination that black have faced throughout time in America plays a significant factor. Everything leads up to something. To think that something that happens in the past doesn't affect the future is silly. How about this, instead asking one group of people taking responsibility, how about everyone takes responsibility like rockmom said. Prisons being a big business in America play a big part in racial disparity and discrimination as well. There is still systematic discrimination against blacks that people don't want to address. Also, you didn't consider the fact that the baltimore has a history of brutality problems with the police. That too needs to be addressed.
  7. Alright thanks for the heads up GGC. I just think that even though there are a lot of out of wedlock births, that particular statistic doesn't show how involved the fathers are in the lives of their kids. Luckily, the CDC came out with that study last year.
  8. You're the one that mentioned the racist acts that happened "centuries" ago. Just thought I point out the stupidity of that statement.
  9. Hellbird, this is the dumbest statement that has been made in this entire thread so far. Slavery ended over 150 years ago. That is not centuries. Also, racial discrimination didn't just end after slavery ended. There were many forms of racial discrimination, including red lining which plays a huge part of why cities are segregated the way they are today. It is true that this shouldn't be an excuse, but if you think that the racial discrimination that black people have faced doesn't play a significant factor, then it is incredibly clear that you have zero clue about what are talking about.
  10. Where are you getting this from? I'm honestly curious about that. Especially when the CDC came out with a study that shows that black fathers spend more time with their kids. Statistics can be tricky. Just because one study shows that many black kids are living with only their mom doesn't mean their fathers are not involved with in their lives. 5 Lies We Should Stop Telling About Black Fatherhood
  11. I think you forgot his first name... the part that says Barack. You're grasping for straws Ref. What does his middle name have to do with anything? By the way, he attended a public school. I assume you are talking about the time he spent a few years in Indonesia? Then he went back to Hawaii. Then he attended Columbia and freaking Harvard.
  12. I do my part by letting my siblings who are currently in high school know that bullying is never ok. I remember a story my brother told me about how he messed with this kid and I immediately put him in his place. I told him he was very lucky that him and I were not in school at the same time or else he would be looking up at me from the floor. I also warn them of social media and how that affects kids at home.
  13. Probably because they have been talking to you and know your love for Highlands...
  14. I'm not arguing for the sake of it MTN Ref, but is this illegal? Like how that Schock guy resigned due to using taxpayer money to live the lavish life.
  15. Dramatic much? This is gonna be forgotten after monday night. It boils down to this, white people can't get away with saying that word and black people can. Is it a double-standard? Yes. Is it a big deal no. Besides, harrison and his buddies have made the university millions. He isn't known for stealing crab legs, he was never accused of rape, he never got on top of a table shouting nasty things,and he never shot a air soft gun at fellow students. Him of all people saying the n-word is down the totem pole in terms of "disgracing" the university.
  16. You still don't get an apology. Harrison apologized to the one person he needed to say sorry to. A black kid saying that word after his emotions running high is not a story.
  17. That fan base was too busy acting like a fool in Lexington last night. I think they can manage without an apology.
  18. :laugh: Right ... all those drones strikes under his administration ... he didn't want to hurt their feelings.
  19. Micro-chipped? I doubt it. Heavy surveillance via drones. Quite possible.
  20. If that's the case MTN REF, than you should have no problem with a kid reciting the pledge of allegiance in arabic on international foreign language week saying the word allah instead of god.
  21. When you want your religion to be the only one expressed and shared in public yes.
  22. Hate to break to you MTN REF, but your religion doesn't take precedent over others in America. All religion is to be treated equally in the US. I see no difference between you and anyone else wanting their religion being top dog. Also, maybe some people on here have no problem with allah replacing god is because it was national foreign language week, showcasing that there are americans that possess a language other than english showing respect to the pledge of allegiance.
  23. So how are you any better than anyone else trying to exclude any other religion but their own?
  24. I guess you missed this part. The district said the school’s foreign language department arranged to have the pledge recited in different languages for National Foreign Language Week, which was last week. Andrew Zink, the senior class president, usually gives the morning announcements and recites the pledge. He said he allowed an Arabic-speaking student to handle the pledge duties Wednesday. “The intention was to promote the fact that those who speak a language other than English still pledge to salute this great country,” the district said in its statement. “Had it been done in Spanish first or Japanese first, we wouldn’t be having this conversation today,” Principal Aaron Hopmayer told Young. They also didn't have to say allah. Just like how I didn't say god when singing the pledge.
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