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Everything posted by dpeevh

  1. The way he treats the caller is worse than anything on votto. Marry is a first class you know what but at same time I don't want a homer, I can listen to Bengals game for that. Votto is obviously not a favorite of Marty but as I said in my earlier post, there's nothing personal in his tirade. Simply thinks he's overpaid, a bad contract for a small market team and without saying it, may not think much of him in clubhouse either.
  2. Start at season one and end after 7. After that they forgot it was supposed to be comedy. Basically when Klinger quit dressing up, it was done. First 5 seasons are some of the best on tv though. I always liked the role played by Christopher. He could be funny but yet somehow he made you feel like he really was a priest. RIP.
  3. It will change in two weeks but right now it's Gallows Pole and Your time is gonna come. So many to choose from though.
  4. Marty has enough clout to say what he said, knows the fans would go nuts for being fired. He didn't attack him personally. He said a small market team can't do 10 year contracts and that if an offer came along they should listen. I don't recall him saying Joey was overpaid or knocking him as a player, only that the reds shouldn't have tied up so much into one player. He did say that they would take a step back if traded but if they can lose 94 with him, they can lose 94 without him and free up a lot of cash.
  5. Congrats to Max Halpin (CCH) on a great 4 years and some really good mention by the broadcasting team on his leadership. Awesome way to go out. He's a good kid and has a great dad. Hope he at least gets some tryouts at next level.
  6. Connie Briton. She was on Spin City while Michael J Fox was on the show. She looked good then and has gotten better looking. That show, while he was on it, was way underrated. Very funny.
  7. Watching the news right now and it makes me sick. To those protesting, grow up and do a better job in 4 years. Your candidate lost, accept it. No wonder the snowflakes are the way they are. The adults are showing them how it's done. I'm protested out. Going to log off now if no one protests.
  8. When I was younger I worked with a guy who had spent some time locked up. We were talking about a guy who was arrested and convicted of sexual abuse of a minor. He told me the guy would would be dead within 72 hours. He was wrong. It took 120. "Hung himself".
  9. Sorry but you don't become a dad at 73. What a joke. Grow up, you have a little time left Mick.
  10. That's funny. If the Bengals ever win the Super Bowl I'm getting lost for a month!! Hope it's soon though. Morning afters are getting harder to deal with.
  11. I think Fisher has earned the criticism. Blew my mind that they extended his contract.
  12. Count three "we's"in that post. Times have changed for Cubs fans for sure. Good for you.
  13. For those who don't pay attention like myself and don't feel like looking it up, what is the beef between Fisher and Dickerson?
  14. I was with you so I'll eat my crow as well.
  15. Another stupid post to add to your growing list. Congrats. While watching that race I was thinking that JJ was the only one of the 4 who couldn't win the race, seemed to have a top ten car at best. I should have known better. I personally feel Dale was better than Petty but Jimmie may be best of all time. It makes me wonder how many Gordon would have won if Evernham would have stayed his crew chief. Knauss isn't the best.
  16. You pull value away from this site so you should know. I've asked before, ever anything positive?
  17. This may sound stupid but now that they are out of it, except in Marvin's eyes I guess, I really want to see Fish and Ced play full time to see what they have in them. I know Ced has struggled but he's basically a rookie. If they like them as tackles for next year, sign Whit and move him inside. When he was at guard a few years back, the run game took off and at 34, his years outside are coming to an end.
  18. Game was great. M dominated first three quarters but OS found way to win. Refs were not good. Michigan will look at this game on film and wonder how they lost. That was a defensive whipping for a large majority of game. Like it or not Meyer finds a way to win these games. It can't always be luck
  19. I was on my honeymoon in Key West at a bar when a local bought us a round of draft beer. Out of corner of my eye I saw him put something in our drinks. When he passed them to us, I asked him to have a drink of all of them first. He sipped it. My wife never saw what he did. When I told him to drink whole thing, he wouldn't. She was mad at first until I told her what I saw. Told the bouncer and guy was gone in 30 seconds. Saw him 2 or 3 nights later at different bar. Let's just say I enjoyed that run in thoroughly. It happens and I'm glad I don't have a daughter to worry about. I have a very good idea of what that idiots intentions were that night with my wife. Lowest of the low
  20. im not sure what either of these two is doing in WWE in future. If Lesnar has destroyed rest of roster and then gets beat handily by Goldberg, what good is that unless Goldberg is coming back permanently?
  21. I meant to ask in previous post if Cena was in Survivor Series which I thought was last Sunday. Had dates wrong. I see by the above post that he is not involved. Career winding down or trying to push new talent? Odd to have a major pay per view and not have a healthy Cena involved. I just hope the Mascot or whatever his name is on Smackdown has no major story line in this. Seems like they are trying to find the next DB. Any chance Reigns turns on Seth or vice versa?
  22. Not sure what the issue is. I'd actually be more upset if he voted for her than if he didn't vote for anyone. He obviously has little in common with her politically and probably Trump just scared the heck out of him, right or wrong. Just voting to vote is wrong. if you don't know the issues or like the policies of the candidates, I see nothing wrong with abstaining on a certain issue or race.
  23. Those were some great answers, thank you. CCH does have a probable D1 qb and a very quick and scat like rb. They have a bigger set of wr's but not super fast. Line is big and a few play both ways. The D is good, not great and has only average speed. They have a bunch of guys though that really love to play, led by Butler who is being looked at by some very nice D 1 schools. Coaching is imo much better than it has been previously and he definitely has them moving in right direction. Others who follow Colonels a little more may disagree with some of this or know better but my 2 cents. Good luck to Purples and thanks for the insight.
  24. Which former presidents didn't vote? I know W didn't vote Trump but he voted on other issues. Maybe he voted for Johnson or maybe he just didn't like anyone running. I heard he definitely voted though. Any other president just not vote?
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