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Everything posted by Devil4Life33

  1. I did, just didn't comment on it. You talk about ratings, but that is not the only way to make money. When the Yankees and Socks go on the road to these bottom dwellers, it may not net great tv ratings, but I am sure they fill the seats.
  2. Actually, it has everything to do with revenue and viewers, competetive balance was only mentioned as a potential negative, not the main question at hand. When asked if it is good for the league one can not help but to think solely about $$$ because if we were running the league that is all that would matter. I'm sure league execs and owners would much rather make money hand over fist than have a competetive league.
  3. The NBA was at it's best when there was little parody. It does nothing for the regular season to have 8 teams in the west win around the same number of games (where is the upset when every team is evenly matched?). When you have the few "super" teams, not only does it get the buzz going about them, it also affords more opportunities to root for the underdog. People either like the dominant team or the guy with no chance. I think it would be great for the league to have the 5 or so "super" teams because eventually a Little guy is going to knock one of them off and make for an even better story.
  4. What's the JV coach's name from last year? He seems like he would be a good hire IMO. He seems to really get the respect of the kids and also very knowledgable about the game. I don't think he works in the school system though and don't know if that would be a sticking point.
  5. Amen! Love Oswalt (except when he pitches against the Reds), but why add to payroll AND add the extra pressure of HAVING to make the playoffs this year. If they trade for Oswalt, expectations get much greater than they are right now. I say let these kids continue to grow together, looks to be working for them now and if it aint broke...
  6. Never seen Momento but have always heard good things about it. As far as the other 2, those are both really good movies, but I had to watch something funny after Gone Baby Gone just to get the ending out of my head.
  7. Not that I think Noah would be a deciding factor in his decision to go or not go to Chicago, but it does get me thinking about comraderie... It seems that for the most part, this Cleveland team got along great and had a great time playing basketball. Will this be the same story for Lebron on his next team? And if so, will that help or hurt him in his quest to win a championship? I wonder if there extreme playfullness this year hurt them in terms of toughness because they were obviously softer than the Celtics. Or does any of this have nothing to do with winning?
  8. One can run but can't throw, the other can throw, but can't move his large body around. Can we have a hyrid of the 2? With O'Sullivans head of course...
  9. :thumb::thumb: Very true! They were both extremely fun to watch and root for, but I have to give Shelby Valley the nod for winning the All-A twice and State Title this year.
  10. I really think both of the troubled Joneses that the Bengals signed this off-season will have trouble making the roster. I understood the Matt Jones signing because he is a physical specimen and the Bengals love big receivers, but PacMan doesn't make a lot of sense simply because he's no good. All of the good things that he had going for him out of college weren't there when the Cowboys tried to revive him and I just can't see him being worth a spot after this much time off of football. Totally different situation from Ced because he was doomed in Chicago from the 1st day of his holdout. He needed to be brought down a level and forced to earn his living and that has worked out nicely. And I have nothing bad to say about Tank Johnson, he is many years removed from his issues and seems to be a very likable guy. Not to mention he can push the inside of the pocket back with the best of them. PacMan has had more chances than Chris Henry ever did and he has far less talent IMO and has committed far worse acts. I hope that he gets cut pretty quickly.
  11. Although I love the Led Zeppelin original of "No Quarter", the version by Tool is absolutely amazing.
  12. I think you are right, they played along with Kenny Boynton and won a championship that year if I remember correctly.
  13. Burton's remake is actually the real story from the book, almost word for word. I do agree that the original was better, though. It would be hard for anyone to fill Gene Wilder's shoes IMO.
  14. I feel the same way...My wife and I couldn't even sit through the 2nd one. It was more about being grotesque than being horrifying. Another so-called "horror" movie remake that is absolutely terrible is "The Fog." I've never seen the original, but the remake may be the worst movie I have ever seen.
  15. Wow! Congrats to Boonie! G'Town definitely got a hard working, do whatever it takes kind of player. Best of luck to him.
  16. I think they are playing them at the best possible time. Look at last year when it took a couple lucky bounces and a bad decision on a kick off return for the Pats to beat the Bills game one, in their own house, on the first Monday night of the season. I know Brady isn't coming off a major injury this year, but they will have a lot of new pieces in place on both sides of the ball. I like that they get them early rather than later.
  17. I would rather see them trade for an established TE than draft one in 1st round...I think the much bigger need is DB, safeties are getting real old and CB depth is paper thin and I would say that a DB could contribute sooner than a TE could.
  18. I wouldn't say JUST, but they have the most responsibility of any postision on the team therefore making their actions magnified and more meaningful.
  19. I never said he shouldn't play in the NFL because his talent is undeniable, but if he is the leader of your team what does that say about your organization? That you don't value things like morals, ethics, self control? The QB has to be the one to personify the qualities you waant your team to known for and i see no redeamable qualities in Ben...and i guess it's retarded to expect our leaders and role models to be good people? Color me retarded then I am a Bengals fan but I would say the same about Palmer if it were him in this situation. IMO QB is the position that you cannot afford to have character issues PERIOD...
  20. Fair enough. I can't disagree with this, I just choose to see him from the distilled down side I guess.
  21. At the end of the day, no matter what the actual truth is I will never feel sorry for Ben. He put himself in the situation he is in now and that is not debatable. With his stature, I am sure there are numerous sober women willing to throw themselves at him, so why then pick the obviously too drunk chick? Because he was a drunken idiot.... I don't care what Ben's side of the story is, he's a scum bag that makes extremely poor decisions. I'm sure when he actually gets to tell his side of the story he will paint himself as the victim. There is no place for people like him as the leader of a professional sports team, if he hasn't grown up by now I wouldn't expect it to happen anytime soon
  22. Not real sure of how Eloy Vargas plays, but I would say he would be a nice get for interior depth. I just can't see Cal filling out his roster without at least 1 or 2 JUCO guys. I wouldn't count on Jones or Leslie coming to UK at this point from everything I've read.
  23. Must've missed his thoughts. Didn't post in this thread, but I haven't read everything. what did he say?
  24. Since no one can pin anything illegal, or really even immoral... can someone at least come up with an example of a kid that he has helped that didn't become successful? Or maybe a kid that he has helped that has done something bad, committed a crime or something? I don't blame anyone for being a little wary of what it is he exactly does, but I have seen zero evidence to make me think ill of him. I can think of plenty of kids that have had all of the talent in the world and lost everything because of bad decisions. If someone comes up with evidence that he has actually hurt a kid's chances of going to the league or gave him advise that led to ruining a kid's life then I might change my tune. Until then I don't see any reason for someone have anything bad to say about him. These kids need role models and good people to look up to. Maybe everyone who feels like he's doing good are naive or maybe it's that there actually are some good people out there. In the sports age when you hear more about athletes committing crimes, DUI's, rapes, and cheating on their spouses than you do their athletic performance, maybe we have been conditioned to think the worst of everyone????? I think I'd rather be naive and commend him for helping kids achieve their dreams, if that's what he gets paid for then he deserves it. Just my $.02 :idunno:
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